Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1152: Fortune-18 "Big Dolphins"

The first thousand and fifty-two chapters of the main text-18 "big dolphins"

Yes, in Li Ruihong's eyes, the sky is not an airplane, but a dolphin flying in the sky. On the slender nose is a black cockpit porthole, and above it is a round and huge forehead, slightly slightly Protruding forward, then smoothly backward, it runs through the entire fuselage in a streamlined posture until the tail of the fuselage contracts gently, and finally blends perfectly with the vertical tail.

That's all, the key is that the aircraft's painting is also very playful. Under the huge forehead, a pair of smart eyes are sprayed, matched with the dolphin fins on the fuselage and the dolphins with the parallel horizontal tail on both sides. At the tail, coupled with the cockpit portholes that look like sunglasses, a big dolphin that comes alive, swimming in the sky with a smile, is suddenly presented to people.


Li Ruihong looked at the plane slowly descending, and wanted to say what kind of plane it was, why he had never seen it before, but for most of the day, it came out because there was no such thing.

I can only look at the approaching airplane, with a dazed and shocked look.


Similar expressions not only appeared on Li Ruihong who was not far from the airstrip. At this moment, the leaders and cadres of the various troops in the airstrip at the depths also looked dull.

There is no way. Many army leaders and cadres are well-informed and have never seen such a cute and endlessly weird airplane. For a time, they were amazed and talked about.

"If I hadn't seen this with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed that such a heavy bulldozer, excavator, and pile driver could be transported to this abandoned airstrip for many years." I don't know how long it took. A man was ordered to come to help. The leader of the troops loading and unloading the materials couldn't help but sigh.

As soon as the words came out, another local garrison leader also nodded: "Who said no? This airstrip built in the 1960s has been abandoned for many years. The runway is only 3,000 meters long and lacks ground support facilities. It’s difficult for China’s large aircraft to take off and land here. Can this weird aircraft manage it?"

“It’s the second best thing to do it. The key is that this kind of aircraft has already been used in the relevant departments. I don’t know if you have found it. The aircraft on the previous flight and the on-site ground personnel were expertly criticized. We all It’s a person who has taken a soldier. Is it the same thing that a recruit’s right foot is the same as a veteran’s right foot?

So, there may be a lot of internal information we don't know. If it weren't for this flood crisis, it is estimated that this thing could only surprise the hostile forces during the military struggle along the southeast coast. "A thin-faced senior guard cadre suddenly interjected, saying it was mysterious.

The people around nodded their heads after hearing this, and felt that the senior cadres of the guards made a very reasonable statement. One of the cadres of the heavy equipment was even more agreeable: "It's true, let alone other things, just use the 33-ton aircraft. Calculated by the load capacity, not only can a Type 63 amphibious tank and a Type 63 armored vehicle be mixed together; it can also carry two Type 90 wheeled infantry fighting vehicles; even Type 59 tanks and Type 86 infantry fighting vehicles. , The Type 83 152mm self-propelled howitzer is nothing to say. It can be said that more than 90% of our army’s equipment can be loaded on this aircraft."

As he said, the face of the cadre of the heavy equipment became more and more excited, and even the tone of his speech was a little trembling: "This is too important for us to deal with the front-line troops of the southeast coastal military struggle. We must know that landing operations are gnawing. Hard bones will inevitably lead to huge casualties. If they can fall from the sky, use the over-occupied airfield to split the heavy mechanized troops into the strong beachfront defense line along the coast and penetrate directly into the heart. Its effect is no less than that of the Germans bypassing the French Maginot line during World War II. "

Before he could say anything, the cadre of the reloading unit looked at his dark face to the officer next to him in an air force camouflage uniform, wearing sunglasses, and holding an open-to-ground intercom, his expression hesitated, and finally he couldn't help asking. "Captain Xue, I don’t know if your troops have tried this kind of final assembly delivery after they are equipped with this kind of aircraft? If not, our troops are willing to cooperate and will be available on call."

Xue Weidong, the commander of the "Golden Helmet" unit, who was urgently transferred by the head of the headquarters to command and dispatch the front-line airport in the disaster area, could not help but smile when he heard the words of the army comrades: "I want to use the aircraft in the sky to transport the 18th, the air car 2 , Nicknamed the "big dolphins" to strengthen our troops, but unfortunately, I don’t even dare to touch them in normal times."

"Your ‘Golden Helmet’ unit is the trump card of the Air Force. It’s the first class in the unit, even you dare not touch it?" The cadre of the reloaded unit was a little puzzled, not just his other cadres also looked suspicious.

And the equipment that Xue Weidong's "golden helmet" dare not touch? Could it be that the 18th is not an airplane with wings?

Xue Weidong shook his head, also feeling helpless: "Who makes this aircraft belong to the Second Artillery Corps, and who dares to touch things in that place?"

As soon as these words came out, one of them was dumbfounded.

No one thought that Yun-18 "Big Dolphin" had such a big background, and it was actually the special equipment of that unit. It's no wonder that these cadres who have been in the army for more than ten or twenty years have not even seen it. However, if it was something of that army, it would not be surprising. Even the name of the army was confusing to be inadequate for outsiders, so let alone their equipment.

In fact it is true.

It stands to reason that the Second Artillery Force should have a special liking for aerospace products. It cannot be said that there is no interest in aviation products, but it will definitely not be very strong. At least it will not customize any special aircraft.

The problem is that in order to solve the transportation problem of large-scale missile bodies and fuel storage tanks produced by Ascendas Group a few years ago, it used the retired IL-18 of the Air Force as a model and replaced it with a more powerful turboprop engine and a large number of advanced composite materials. , To create four Yun-16 "aircraft" special transport aircraft.

Since then, all the long-range missile components produced by the Ascendas Aerospace Manufacturing Plant located in the southern foot of the Qinling Mountains have been transported by -16~www.wuxiaspot.com~, which is not only more efficient, but also more stable.

The increase in product production efficiency also promoted the acceleration of the renewal of the equipment of the Second Artillery Force.

In normal times, this kind of promotion doesn't feel much. After all, the troops at the time were limited in funding, and the funds used for equipment updates were not right. Maintaining a reasonable space and passing by.

However, a major event completely shattered such a passable mentality. As the most deterrent service in the southeast coastal military struggle, the Second Artillery’s mission is not only to wash the ground, but also to implement strategies against foreign hostile forces. deterrence.

With the level of equipment at the time of a major event, it is difficult for the Second Artillery to complete these two rather heavy tasks at the same time.

Therefore, updating equipment and comprehensively enhancing combat effectiveness has become an extremely urgent practical need for the Second Artillery.

If you want to update equipment, you must increase production capacity. If you want to increase production capacity, you must maximize the efficiency. So the leaders of the Second Artillery Corps suddenly discovered that the Yun-16 special transport aircraft is really fragrant, but unfortunately there are only four. Obviously, it can't meet the actual needs, increase, must increase!

So together with the headquarters, the Ascendas Group placed a purchase order for six Yun-16s to the manufacturer of Yun-16.

The Ascendas Group, which received the order, was not only unhappy, but was embarrassed. There was no way. The basic model of the modified version of Yun-16, Il-18 has been eliminated by the Air Force, and there is no original model suitable for modification. do?

There is really no way. Ascendas Group simply took out Yun-17, and based on this, made a brand-new plan, the so-called Sky Car 2, Yun-18, "Big Dolphin"!

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