Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1153: 4 Grand Canal

The first thousand and fifty-three chapters of the text

Tengfei products must be fine products.

The Air Car 2 program is no exception. Based on the original modular design of the Yun-17, Ascendas Group has added two extension cabins on the basis of the basic Yun-17, increasing the total length by 5 meters to 38.82 meters. It has a larger modification space.

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Based on this, Ascendas Group has gone through various optimizations, so that Yun 18 has a length of 22.3 meters and a width of 7.1 meters. A huge warehouse with a height of 6.8 meters and a total volume of 1076.6 cubic meters.

Don't underestimate this warehouse. The main transport aircraft used by the former Soviet Union and now Russia, the An-124 strategic transport aircraft, has a warehouse volume of 1,148 cubic meters.

It is only less than 100 cubic meters more than that of Yun 18, which shows how strong Yun 18 is in the transportation of large-size goods.

In fact, it is true. The existing equipment of the Second Artillery Corps, the equipment under development and even the pre-research equipment of the key large-scale equipment such as projectile bodies, fuel storage tanks, instrument compartments, loaders, etc., can almost be transported to 18. Easy to load.

Especially for the loading of the Dongfeng 5 improved large-size projectile shell, this kind of big guy with a diameter of 3.35 meters and a length of 20 meters, whether it is a train or a heavy truck, is difficult to transport, so that in the past, only Can be shipped in sections.

Even a special transport aircraft such as Yun-16 will not work, because the cargo warehouse of Yun-16 is only 20.56 meters long. Although the improved large-size projectile of Dongfeng 5 can be loaded into the cargo warehouse of Yun-16, there is no fixed cable. There is no way to load the mooring space, so it can only be cut and loaded according to the 18-meter specification.

Only in this way, the connection points during the final assembly will inevitably be much more, which not only affects the safety of the missile, but also increases the total amount of unnecessary structure.

The emergence of Yun 18 has solved this problem very well. The 20-meter-long guy can easily fit in, and it can also be shipped and flew away together with the internal fuel tank, control equipment, navigation equipment and other accessories.

After all, the maximum load capacity of Yun 18 reached 33 tons, which is 11 tons higher than the 22 tons of the previous generation of Yun 16. Therefore, it can carry more complete products when performing transportation tasks, thereby improving production efficiency.

The cargo load reached 33 tons. Yun 18 is naturally a heavyweight player, with an empty weight of 38 tons and a maximum take-off weight of 105 tons.

It has become the largest aircraft developed and produced by Ascendas Group so far.

If this was placed a few years ago, let alone reaching 100 tons, the threshold level of this large aircraft was more than 80 tons, and Ascendas Group would not dare to touch it.

There is no way, it is the key manufacturing equipment for many large aircraft. Ascendas Group has not said that it is also blank in the country, but there is no place to do it. It can only try to reduce the total structure as much as possible and rotate it below 80 tons. .

However, all of this, with a batch of professional equipment for large aircraft production provided by the Russian Tupolev Design Bureau, has completely solved the problem of Ascendas Group.

Although the original intention of the Russians was to jointly produce the Tu-204 passenger aircraft, and to take this opportunity to expand Russia’s market share in the field of civil aviation passenger aircraft, Russia’s plan was killed by aviation giants such as Boeing and Airbus. Polev has already delivered the key equipment. Although it is a pity that he can't co-produce the map-204, it gives Ascendas the opportunity to get the 100 tons, an index that was never even thought of.

Therefore, the aeronautical engineers of Ascendas Group, who used to care about it, have completely released themselves this time. If it is not for the Second Artillery Corps, there are restrictions, let alone 100-ton class, even 150-ton class can be saved for you.

No way, who made the Ascendas Group’s aero engine ready for this day.

wd—60ml—22 turbofan engine with large bypass ratio.

It used to be the main power of the domestically produced Tu-204 passenger aircraft. Although the Tu-204 project was still in the womb, the development of this large bypass turbofan engine with a maximum thrust of 12.5 tons has not stopped, and it has always been in Zhuang Jianye. Under the impetus, it has been gradually improved and has been put into production in small batches in recent years.

Therefore, the aerospace designers of Ascendas Group do not have the "power phobia" of other domestic counterparts. The wd-60ml-22 large bypass turbofan engine is there waiting for them to squeeze, ravage and claim it. .

Coupled with another major sector of Ascendas Group, high-end aviation materials are also open without restrictions. These aeronautical engineers should not be too happy.

Such a tossing, said to be modified on the basis of Yun-17, in fact, it is to build a new aircraft.

Therefore, Yun-17nb, which Zhuang Jianye personally named before, is useless. It can only cost one and becomes Yun18.

It took more than three years for the subsequent static tests on the ground, the whole machine structure test, the flight test, and the evaluation. During this period, twists and turns occurred, such as aircraft tremors at high altitudes and occasional lack of thrust when the engine took off at high altitudes.

Fortunately, Ascendas Group has solved them one by one, so that such an excellent special transport aircraft will be built in a short time.

Of course, excellent performance does not mean that Yun 18 has not been determined. It is almost the same as other products produced by Ascendas Group. The biggest disadvantage of Yun 18 is expensive.

The unit price of RMB 560 million directly sets the price record for domestically-made aircraft.

As a result, when the chiefs of the Second Artillery Corps received the final quotation, they almost didn't go crazy collectively. One was 560 million, and six was 3.36 billion yuan.

3.36 billion, how many missiles can you buy!

But in the end, the Second Artillery bought six of them. There is no way. Who makes the Yun 18 the only platform that can carry out the Dongfeng 5's improved full-scale segmented overall transportation.

Not only that, in order to increase the reliability of the missile and reduce the segment connection~www.wuxiaspot.com~The second artillery road-based mobile strategic missile Dongfeng 4x missile segment also needs to be transported by 18 to transport.

Even if land-based missiles are not used, the more demanding sea-based Julang 1 and Julang 2 also need to be transported 18 to better solve their own transportation problems.

Because of this, even if Yun 18 broke the price record of domestic aviation products and directly pushed the upper limit to the 500 million mark, but because of the huge role that Yun 18 will play in the future, the Second Artillery Corps will still spend a lot of money and buy out.

In this respect, the chiefs of the Second Artillery Artillery Corps are much more atmospheric than the chiefs of the headquarters.

Even if the Second Artillery Artillery Corps was bought, it was said that the Air Force always wanted to make a point. As a result, the head of the headquarters said: "This thing is not practical."

So the Ascendas Group’s idea of ​​expanding sales was completely cut off.

At that time, Zhuang Jianye, who went to the headquarters to promote sales, had exactly the same expressions as the cadres of the reloaded troops in the airstrip at this moment. They were surprised and at a loss. However, unlike Zhuang Jianye, the cadres of the reloaded troops were after all members of the army, listening After Xue Weidong’s comment on the impracticality of Yun 18, he was a little surprised and nodded unconsciously: “It’s true. If nothing else, the 33-ton load is a bit embarrassing. The Army’s Type 88 tanks are all important to the battle. 38 tons, at least 40 tons of carrying capacity is barely enough, so...well... we can nowadays have no such transport aircraft except for the few imported Il-76s."

"Who said no?"

When Xue Weidong heard the words, he pried the corner of his mouth slightly and asked meaningfully. As a result, when his words fell, the engine sounded in the sky, and immediately a four-engine Grand Canal with sky gray appeared in people’s sight. in.

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