Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1172: Issues left over from history

Lin Guanghua nodded, the helpless expression on his face even worse.

It's quite magical to speak of this. Ascendas Group is such a large enterprise, so far there is no formal production license. In other words, the entire Ascendas Group's aerospace products are in a gray area.

But even so, Ascendas Group has become a powerful domestic industrial manufacturing group relying on aerospace research, production and manufacturing.

What's even more paradoxical is that when you go to the headquarters and go to the place, you have never troubled Ascendas with this matter.

The parties are as if this matter doesn't exist, they know each other, but they don't mention it tacitly.

It's like a couple living in a gang. The male lead outside, the female lead inside. They don’t avoid suspicion of exercising in bed at night. In fact, both parties have a wife in their hometown, a wife, and a husband, a husband. It is not legal in itself, let alone take legal The marriage certificate is issued, but it does not prevent others from living like normal couples.

Strange, magical, helpless but reasonable.

No way, who made Ascendas Group suffer from congenital deficiencies from the 23rd branch.

Although the 23rd branch at that time was affiliated to the Yonghong factory, it was actually a local enterprise dominated by Huancheng. The Yonghong factory was nothing more than technical guidance, not to mention the production license of aviation products, even if it could produce Even a screw burns incense.

So at that time, Zhuang Jianye, Lin Guanghua and others were kicked to the 23rd branch, and even eating was a problem. Where else could they get a license for the production of aviation and aerospace products? Not that capable.

Later, under the leadership of Zhuang Jianye and others, Ascendas Group accumulated a certain amount of capital by selling ice cream, producing refrigeration equipment accessories, and producing electric fans, and began to transform and develop aviation products, and then aimed at drones, and began to make breakthroughs.

However, all the drones at that time were controlled by the military and belonged to the category of sensitive technologies. Not to mention the fledgling small factories like Ascendas Group, even those large factories under the Ministry of Aviation Industry wanted to produce and sell drones in a legitimate way. It's all difficult.

But at that time Ascendas Group wanted to expand its aviation product line, and Huancheng wanted to increase fiscal revenue and expand local employment. What should it do?

Living people can't let the urine be suffocated, right?

Therefore, under the leadership of the local leaders of Huancheng City at that time, the UAV products of Ascendas Group bypassed the restrictions of the troops, linked to the sports industry, and declared, approved and produced in the name of aerodynamic model.

So far, all types of drones produced by Ascendas Group fly all over the sky. With small bombs, they can perform precision strikes on fixed targets. However, all drones are sold domestically or large. The scale is used for export, and the category still says aerodynamic models.

UAVs are like this, and fixed-wing aircraft are even more paradoxical.

Ascendas Group has been leading the way in transport aircraft and civilian passenger aircraft since Yun-6. However, if these products are carefully investigated, none of them belong to Ascendas Group.

For example, take Yun6, the pioneering fixed-wing aircraft of Ascendas Group. Its official name is Yun-5 Modified, and its affiliated unit is an aircraft design unit under the Ministry of Aviation Industry at that time.

Although this unit was poorly managed and was actually merged by Ascendas Group, the design unit still exists semi-independently as a public institution due to incomplete laws and regulations and certain factors from the Ministry of Aviation Industry.

There are also Yun 15 and Yun 17, which have made Ascendas Group's reputation. They are also affiliated with this design unit, and they have been approved in the name of Yun 5 major reforms and Yun 5 deep reforms.

In other words, the series of transport aircraft launched by Ascendas Group are all improved versions of Yun-5.

As for the TRJ-500 regional airliner that made Ascendas Group's prominence in the field of international civil aviation, this design unit also applied for an improved version of the civil aviation industry. Based on this, it cooperated with Embraer to derive the ERJ-140 regional airliner and A series of follow-up things.

Even today’s Yun-18NB, which has a takeoff weight of 125 tons, is also the latest improved version of Yun-5.

Even if Zhuang Jianye and others feel that it is a bit nonsense to declare a medium and large transport aircraft with a maximum take-off weight of 125 tons and a deadweight of 38 tons with a small body such as the transport 5.

But there is no way at all, because Ascendas Group only has a qualification license such as a Yun 5 that can be used.

As for the Ascendas Group, there is no way to make the final decision. After all, the design unit has always been semi-independent. If the Ascendas Group had not **** with various interests, it would have been solo.

As for the trainers and light fighters, I used another classic old model of the design unit, Chujiao 6, the routines are the same as the omnipotent Yun 5, and Chujiao 6 can almost be invisible when opened. The degree of confrontation with the next-generation combat aircraft.

As for aerospace products, not to mention, all sports product accessories, even the words in aerospace are not available, so that Ascendas Group has formed a monopoly on satellite cooling equipment in the world, and today’s export directory still says The automatic radiator of the athletes makes all the people confused.

The magic is so high, are the people in the headquarters, ministries, and superiors all blind?

Of course not blind~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Not only are they not blind, but their eyes are sharp and sharp.

But so bright, how can Ascendas Group rely on giving Yun 5 and Junior Education 6 all the green lights?

The reason is simple. The benefits brought by Ascendas Group are large enough and the returns given are sufficient.

Other than that, if the ministries and commissions are stuck in the approval process, they don't need to be present by the Ascendas Group. The leaders of several localities where the Ascendas Group is located can enter Beijing collectively, blocking the door of the ministries and commissions to talk.

If the old model of Ascendas Group is not improved and cannot be put into production, will the ministry solve the employment problem of 30,000 to 40,000? How many millions of profits and taxes do you give to the ministries every year? The local economic development driven by this has stagnated. Is your ministry helping to pull it?

A few hard-core issues were piled up in front of the ministries and commissions, and then they went to the finance department to ask for the transfer of funds for next year. The lions opened their mouths and looked like they would end up begging for eggs next year. May I ask who can stand this?

Just don't see your heart and your heart is not upset. After a batch of things, you have to do something with Ascendas Group. Anyway, don't bother their ministries.

In this way, it has been maintained until now.

Of course, the Zhong Ascendas Group is not without its efforts to obtain aerospace product license qualifications, but it has encountered an inexplicable resistance.

Think about it and know that this is a ghost made by friends and businessmen in the aviation and aerospace fields.

The fact is indeed the case. With the continuous development of Ascendas Group in the aviation and sky field, the level of technology is getting higher and higher. May I ask those big manufacturers who are not abrupt?

Without production license qualifications, apart from using the two old models of Yunyun 5 and Chujiao 6 to deceive themselves and make improvements, Ascendas Group has the only way to go on research and development cooperation with major manufacturers in aviation and aerospace.

Relying on the ability of Ascendas Group's entire industry chain to improve its own level, who would not like to do such a good thing?

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