Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1173: Make yourself the only one

The most typical ones are the current Chengchuang Group and Northwest Aviation Factory.

Berjaya Group is backed by the high-end aviation materials and engines of the Ascendas Group. Starting from the J-7, it can be said that it has been opened all the way, and now it has become the main contractor of the next generation of combat aircraft.

The Northwest Aviation Plant is also insignificant, and it can be described as an all-round cooperation with Ascendas Group in the fields of fighter bombers, large transport aircraft, long-range bombers, and civilian passenger aircraft.

FBB has been launched one after another; modernized models such as the improved H6 have become one of the few domestic aviation companies that can bring forth new ideas in recent years.

With these two jewels in front, other aviation manufacturing companies are naturally innocent, rushing to cooperate with Ascendas Group.

If outsiders see such a hot scene, they will think that Tengfei Group is a big girl who has no worries about marrying.

However, the fact is that you are not guilty of fighting for me, but Tengfei Group is not a big girl, at most it is a brothel oiran, noble sons, you are fighting for me not to stay together, but to sleep for a night and play. Play, take advantage of it.

Otherwise, when the Ascendas Group applied for the permit, did these guys really help? The result is not only not helping, but also various small actions behind the scenes.

Even if it was a successful group wearing a pair of trousers with the Ascendas Group, after hearing that the Ascendas Group wanted to get permission and leave them alone, the head of the family, Huang Feng, rushed to the capital to stop the incident.

As for the aerospace industry, not to mention, you can produce or develop, and I can’t see all the small troubles, but once it is scaled up, you will either divide the profit or share the technology, otherwise... yours Is the athlete's cooling system a woolen thing? Believe it or not to classify you as sensitive technology?

For this reason, Ascendas Group did not fail to fight the wits and courage with the aerospace side. In the end, it worked with the local authorities to put pressure upwards, plus 13.78% of the export profits of its aerospace products each year to solve this problem.

"So... Chiefs... We are really..."

When I left the design center in Building 6, Lin Guanghua was still introducing the matter on the way to the workshop. He just said that a greasy uncle who was nearly forty years old in Emotions could not help himself, tears in his eyes, and tolerated again. After all, Shinobu couldn't hold back, wow~~ cried out.

When the leaders and the leaders in the army saw this, they could only sigh silently, and then repeatedly comforted. Fortunately, Lin Guanghua held back in time, wiped two tears on his faces and continued: "Because of this, we must improve our own Efficiency also requires continuous innovation. Otherwise, we have no reputation at home and face fierce competition abroad. If we cannot make ourselves the only one, the consequence will be perish."

After a pause, Lin Guanghua stabilized his mind, and then continued: "Based on this reality, our group has always been tensed. That is inefficiency. Failure to innovate means destruction. If you don’t move forward today, there will be tomorrow. You may be caught up by your competitors, overtaken, and then overwhelmed by the torrent.

Therefore, we always ask ourselves to be vigilant in times of peace, establish a sense of crisis, and then force ourselves to continuously improve efficiency, and constantly carry out technological innovation and development, so that partners cannot easily abandon you, and the market will be more in love with efficiency and innovation. Let the competitors desperate in catching up, this is the core idea of ​​Ascendas Group and the source of development..."

Lin Guanghua was still talking, but the leader and the leader in the army exchanged glances inadvertently, and they both found something called a long-lost thing in each other's eyes.

Yes, it is really long-lost, long-lost familiarity.

Isn't the situation of the Ascendas Group what the leaders and military leaders experienced when they joined the revolution in their early years?

It's just that the revolutionary war years ended and the domestic construction period began. Especially after the reform and opening up, various ideological trends surged. The pursuit of materialism, freedom, and creation of the myth of wealth, let the original kind of development in the crisis, in the hardships The spirit of hard work was gradually worn away.

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Then came the increasingly impetuous society and the constantly involving reality.

As a result, many scholars, experts, and even leaders within the system are preaching that the practices of the Revolutionary War era are outdated. At that time, the thinking was pedantic. Since opening up the country, we must learn from the advanced and move closer to the West, so that everything can be solved.

But what?

What they see at Ascendas today is not the case. Ascendas has a management system in western developed countries, but more of it is its own independent innovation and continuous struggle, creating a new world in a seemingly impossible situation.

This is similar to how it was during the Revolutionary War.

Just when the leaders and the leaders in the military reached a tacit agreement on this issue, Lin Guanghua, who was relieved, also said about this issue: "Our group chairman, Comrade Zhuang Jianye, will send each of them to new employees when they enter the company for so many years. A Mao Xuan, in his words, read Mao Xuan and understand the art of struggle and the value of innovation, because it contains the experience summaries and principles of the best entrepreneurial team in Chinese history. The development of our enterprise is very compatible, and it is worthy of our serious study and thinking."

"Mao Xuan? One for each?"

The big leader was a little stunned when he heard the words. He didn't expect that Ascendas Group would actually use Mao Xuan as a guide book for the cadres and employees in the group to read and learn widely. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

You must know that this cannot be done within the system at this time.

However, Lin Guanghua nodded without hesitation, and immediately unfolded the notebook in his hand, and handed it to the big leader: "Don't say it is a new employee, I am an old guy who has been working for more than ten years, and I still need to write some tips on Mao selection every few days. ."

The big leader took a look at the notebook, isn't it? It was just an essay written on "A single spark can start a prairie fire".

The executive glanced twice, and then took a look at the notebooks of several other executives and employees accompanied by Ascendas Group. There were almost all such reading essays.

So after returning the notebooks of all employees, the big leader suddenly sighed: "We all think that how the Ascendas Group is profitable and how strong is a special case, or the result of a special period of the era, but today What I see is not the case. They have advanced ideological weapons, a sense of forge ahead in peacetime, and an innovative struggle that is not afraid of difficulties. This is so similar to the revolutionary war years. When we were able to establish a new China, how can we not do it now? A China taking off that has attracted worldwide attention?"

As he said, he looked around, then fixed his gaze on Lin Guanghua: "Comrade Guanghua, your Ascendas Group is really giving us a lively ideological education class today, how about? What are your next technical skills? Good thing, don’t use the broomstick itself. It’s not enough to form China to take off. You have to have a hard gun."

"This one……"

Lin Guanghua didn't expect that the big leader would say such a thing. In his excitement, the old face was quite embarrassed. He reached out and scratched his head, and said uneasily: "If this is the case, let's turn around. The workshop in front...er... ...Cannot reflect our strength..."

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