Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1260: Backup plan

This is the consistent urination of developed countries in Europe and the United States. When a bitch, you have to set up an archway, and you have to attribute everything to the system, not the technology.

It's like this time the measures aimed at China's take-off.

Once it is as they expected, by pulling the crotch of the aerospace system, the FB-2000 in the aviation field will be pulled into the ditch, the developed countries in Europe and the United States will promise not to admit that this is the result of their beating, because they only target the infringement of intellectual property rights. In the aerospace field, they didn’t even touch it in aviation, but they still pulled their hips.

Isn't this caused by not eating a brainless dish?

As for restricting China's acquisition of key production technologies and related equipment for high-performance large-size aircraft metal structure forgings, these developed countries will not say a word.

Because this restriction is the real killer to kill the FB-2000 project.

No way, who told me that so far, large metal structures on large aircraft can only meet their structural strength through forging processes?

To make such forgings, not only a complete metallurgical industry is required, but also tens of thousands of tons of forging equipment is needed to knead and forge the large blanks, so that the inner metal molecules are arranged more closely. Become a crystalline distribution.

Then it is precision forged with special molds, followed by a series of precision machining, heat treatment...

In addition, the reading app I am using recently, [\\mi\\mi\\read\\app\\\\] has a lot of sources, complete books, and fast updates!

After a series of procedures and craftsmanship, there are not 30 items but also 27 or 8 items, and each process belongs to the top of the industrial field.

Only those super-existences in developed countries who have accumulated more than a hundred years of industrial experience can play this set of processes, and the rest, including Russia, can be horribly stretched.

If this is not the case, the world's civil aviation sector will not be monopolized by Airbus and Boeing.

The large metal structural parts of the two giants are integrated from the beginning of casting, and the service life of the installation on the aircraft is naturally several times longer than that of the welding assembly.

Other countries simply do not have this capability, and can only be combined in sections by welding, which not only doubles the weight of the structure, but also greatly affects the strength of the structure.

In this way, the airline's choice is self-explanatory. Of course, it is a product that is more worry-free and effortless. After all, airlines are not shantangs, so there is no need to take risks to play with you.

Because of this, developed countries in Europe and the United States have restricted the equipment and technology related to the integral casting process of China's large-scale metal structure by taking advantage of aerospace infringement of intellectual property rights, and they are scheduled to give China's take-off in the large aircraft project in the aviation field. Set the ceiling.

It doesn’t matter if the technical performance is not as good as the large aircraft products of developed countries in Europe and America. If you want to make high-quality products of the same quality, hehe~~~ Sorry, no way...

If it were placed two years ago, Zhuang Jianye would have cursed his mother long ago. There is no difference between cutting off this set of things and cutting off children and grandchildren. The roots of descendants are gone, and China is taking off, but now...

"As long as Airbus and Boeing can increase our share of foundry, even if I want to make a difference, I can't do anything else. I don't want more. The two companies can give us an extra 1.2 billion US dollars in orders each year, and the remaining 2 million. The consulting fee in US dollars, I will immediately call your personal account in the Cayman Islands."

Hearing this, Liszt couldn't help smiling slightly. Zhuang Jianye's reply was not beyond his expectation, and he almost accepted all his conditions in the most useless way.

Thinking about where he was eating at Zhuang Jianye back then, and looking at Zhuang Jianye's helpless posture at this moment, Liszt can only say that China's take-off is making its own way.

Of course, Liszt can't say anything in his heart. After all, there is still a $2 million consulting fee that has not been received. How can I look down on the current Zhuang Jianye, and it is impossible to make a living with money?

Therefore, Liszt agreed very happily, and further increased the purchase volume of the two aviation giants to an annual increase of 1.5 billion US dollars.

In this way, after reaching a consensus, the two chatted for a few more words, and then they respectively hung up the phone.

How excited Liszt was to eat both ends again, and made a lot of money. After Zhuang Jianye put down the phone, he was neither angry nor scolded his mother, so he took a long breath and buried the whole person. On the sofa.

It's more like the hunter finally watching his prey get into the trap, relax, and adjust the mental midfield state, with a sense of fate in his comfort.

"You, I know the calculation man in one day, look at your hair, if you continue like this, it will become the Mediterranean!" At this moment, a pair of gentlemen had gently pressed Zhuang Jianye's head, and then skillfully found acupuncture points and mouth. Although Shang was complaining, the strength in his hand was quite right, and the comfortable Zhuang Jianye just wanted to hum.

No way, this technique is only available to his wife Ning Xiaohui, so Zhuang Jianye is no longer pretentious, and smiles wryly: "Don’t worry about it, what can you do if you stay on the other side of the ocean? It’s not the guy in your hand. I’m almost on fire. Besides, people give you orders to earn money and solve employment. Don’t do it in vain. The $2 million consulting fee is exchanged for an annual increase of $1.5 billion in OEM orders. Isn’t this sale worthwhile?"

"It's worth~~worth~~ everything you say is worth it, but my chairman Zhuangda, you promised that the weekend outing of my dear girl and my beloved son can be delayed for almost two months. When it comes to the second, the key is that you, as a father, have to drop another level in the hearts of the two children...So I remind you, don’t agree to anything that is unscripted, but the two children take your words seriously. of……"

"Ah~~I’m not busy~~~" Before Ning Xiaohui could finish talking~www.wuxiaspot.com~Zhuang Jianye took his wife's hand: "Ask softly: "Where are the two children?" "

"Go to Grandpa..."

"So..." Hearing this, Zhuang Jianye suddenly opened his eyes, he flicked up from the sofa, and hugged Ning Xiaohui: "I'll talk about the child's promise later, I will honor what I gave you first..."

"I said you...Oh...it's still broad daylight...Why are you...Don't be here...Go to the house...Oh..."

Ning Xiaohui didn't expect that Zhuang Jianye would be interested at this time, and he couldn't resist half-push half-and-half. As a result, the phone next to him kept ringing like a urging ghost before he could get on the base.

Zhuang Jianye almost didn't throw the charging phone directly down the window. He could see the number displayed on it, but he sighed helplessly, and complained to Ning Xiaohui: "I owe my hand, so what do I do for caller ID? ?"

"That's self-inflicted!" Ning Xiaohui chuckled, then sorted out his clothes, and dropped a sentence: "I went to Grandpa's side. If you have time to go there at night, you can do it yourself if you have time!"

After speaking, he took his bag and left the house. Zhuang Jianye took a few deep breaths and completely stabilized his emotions. Then he answered the call: "The head of the headquarters, it’s me~~ Oh, the stinky guy in my house just opened the neighbor’s window again. It broke... Uh, what's the matter, what do you think? Oh~~ Something about the XXX Act of a big country outside the region, well, I just heard about...

"Just know!" The head of the headquarters heard the words, paused, and then seriously asked: "I won't say much nonsense. In the restricted related technical fields, do you have a backup plan for China's take-off!"

Zhuang Jianye naturally had nothing to hide from the head of the headquarters, and immediately nodded: "Yes!"

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