Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1261: Don't I know to keep a low profile?

The head of the headquarters on the other end of the phone heard the words, and his gloomy face finally showed a slight smile. When he was about to ask a few words about this question, the red phone on the table rang suddenly, and the head of the headquarters was immediately taken aback. He suddenly changed his words: "That's it, there's still something on my side, I'll call you when I have time!"

The head of the headquarters has said this, what else can Zhuang Jianye say, he can only say "OK", put down the phone after the other party hung up, and then turned his head and shouted: "Wife~~~"

But no one responded, and then I remembered that Ning Xiaohui had gone to Lao Zhang’s family to cook for the whole family. She was so passionate that she was completely silent, so Zhuang Jianye yawned, that kind of inexplicable I was so tired that I couldn’t drive away. If nothing else, I should turn off the two mobile phones. The landline at home should be unplugged from the phone line. Then I went back to the house, climbed into the bed, covered the quilt, and started to fall asleep.

How did the head of the headquarters know that Zhuang Jianye has been formally cut off from the world, and even if he knew it, he didn't have the thought to deal with it, because at this moment, he was holding a red phone and received a notice from the military leader asking him to attend an emergency meeting at the upper level.

The head of the headquarters did not dare to neglect, so he quickly put down the phone, put two pens and a notebook in his briefcase, and called his confidential secretary to hurried to the meeting place.

When the head of the headquarters came to the meeting place, this emergency meeting attended by several big leaders had been going on for some time. At this time, a senior researcher from a mechanical research institute was speaking in the meeting place.

When the chief of the military saw the head of the headquarters coming over, he quickly motioned with his eyes to sit next to him. The chief of the headquarters carefully touched it from the corner. As soon as his **** touched the chair, he heard the chief of the military whisper, "You want to With this preparation, the waves this time are not small!"

If this is someone else, they might have been confused, but the head of the headquarters could not help but be surprised when he heard the words. He even pulled out a nonchalant smile: "This is not what I expected, I have already said everything. I will bear it myself!"

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"Look at your stinky temper, where things have not gotten far, what are you anxious about?" Hearing this, the military leader glared, "I'm calling for you today, just to let you listen carefully, don't have a few days later. The person was holding the matter and said, "You kid didn't have any preparations, and you thought it would be done by removing the black hat and military uniform? Now things are not simple at all..."

Speaking of the military leaders, after the reception ceremony, especially the news that a large country outside the region wielded the XXX bill, the reaction of all parties in the country was briefly stated.

The original approval to use the TNB-19B aircraft wearing the FB-2000 vest to carry out the plan to go to Belgrade to pick up the trapped Chinese was not someone else, but the head of the headquarters.

The reason is also very simple. In the face of the adverse effects of major overseas incidents on the country, we must always take some actions to boost the morale of the domestic people, but at the same time we must not jump into the traps that have been preset by foreign countries.

After some trade-offs, using the TNB-19B aircraft in the FB-2000 is obviously the most appropriate at this stage.

Of course, the head of the headquarters hadn't considered the follow-up impact of this, but he felt that people had already buckled the **** basin on his head. Even if he didn't buckle it back, couldn't he still use a stick to warn the other party not to be foolish?

How can there be such a reason!

Therefore, when reporting to his superiors, the head of the headquarters has made it clear that if there is any accident, he will take all the responsibilities and just push the plan into effect.

What I didn't expect was that the domestic situation was just getting better because of FB-2000, and the XXX Act was smashed down. In an instant, the domestic manufacturing industry, especially the high-end manufacturing industry, was directly blown up.

As a result, many industry insiders, experts and scholars publicly criticized the use of FB-2000 to implement the Belgrade operation is too much.

It is still necessary to keep a low profile, at least not be able to teach others what to do, the result? The one who couldn't hold back his breath directly blocked his high-end manufacturing industry.

Because of this, this so-called emergency meeting is not so much a meeting, as it is an accusation meeting for collective appeals by relevant industries and experts and scholars, or a criticism meeting for specific executors.

After the head of the headquarters heard what the military leader said, his brows couldn't help but frowned. When he wanted to ask about the specific situation carefully, the military leader glanced at the senior researcher who was eloquently speaking: "Let’s listen first. Listen to what they say, they are more specific than mine."

Hearing this, the head of the headquarters looked at the gray-haired and somewhat blessed senior researcher. At this time, the senior researcher had just said a long paragraph, some of his mouth was dry, and he reached out and took a sip from the teacup on the table. He moistened his throat, then picked up the speech he prepared again, scanned his eyes and continued to speak: "I just talked about materials and metallurgy. Now I will talk about the process that has the greatest impact on us this time. This time the XXX Act has the most impact on us. The direct impact is that the domestic forging industry, especially the high-end precision forgings, is almost completely sealed."

Speaking of the senior researcher putting down the speech in his hand, and then reached out to take off the reading glasses on the bridge of his nose~www.wuxiaspot.com~ with a distressed look: "The leaders may not know the importance of such high-end precision forgings. Not to mention other things, just talk about our No. 10 project. According to the design requirements, the aircraft’s structural frame from 45 to 56 should be forged from a single piece of titanium alloy. In this way, it can meet the 100,000-hour airframe service life of the No. 10 project. .

But in fact, as far as I know, there is no similar process in our country. Therefore, a whole piece of titanium alloy forging can only be divided into five parts and forged separately, and then combined together by welding process. In this way, the No. 10 project Not to mention that the total structure of the test prototypes of the company is 300 kilograms more than the design requirements. The original 100,000 hours of the body’s service life has also been reduced to less than 40,000 hours today, which is more than half of the total..."

As he said, the senior researcher couldn't help sighing: “Originally, we have reached an agreement with the United States, Germany and France on the procurement of such large metal forgings. The engineering mass production model has laid a solid foundation, and as a result...flighting to FB-2000 is all disturbed..."

When the senior researcher talked about the excitement, he even cried. It can be seen that he was really blown up by the Belgrade action. After so many years, he can't bear it for a few more years.

After bringing in technology and equipment and fully digesting and assimilating it, your waist will be really hard. Isn't it enough to face the powers? Every child knows that it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, so why are the leaders at the top confused one by one?

So the senior researcher talked more and more fiercely, and the head of the headquarters listened more and more angry. In the end, he couldn't hold back and slammed the table: "I never fight unprepared battles, if there is no relevant technology. Back up, don’t I know to keep a low profile?"

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