Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1295: LYJ-2000 air defense missile

Because of this, the DZB-211 has been carried out extremely smoothly from the establishment of the project to the development, but because of product positioning, the domestic army does not have batch equipment.

   is only equipped with a small amount as a test model, intended to evaluate the real technical and tactical performance.

   As for the Blue Army...

   Equipping DZB-211 can only be said to be a helpless move, because under normal circumstances, the Blue Army Brigade will join a short-range missile launch battalion of the Second Artillery Corps.

   thus forming a precision strike capability against high-value targets at a depth of about 300 kilometers.

   After all, there is such a capability among the synthetic forces of a large foreign country, but the idea is good, but the domestic missile production capacity is insufficient, and even the demand for the Second Artillery Corps cannot be supplied. How can it take care of the newly formed Blue Army brigade.

   If it is one or two years, the Blue Army will grit their teeth and wait. The problem is that the manufacturer has made it clear that at least five years, if the Second Artillery Corps orders additional orders, it would be normal to wait seven or eight years.

How could the Blue Army Brigade be able to wait for such a long time, so I thought about finding a replacement to be responsible first. At this moment, the simplified DZB-211 from the DZB-221 air-launched ballistic missile was successfully finalized. This thing is not big or small, so it signed an order agreement with China Ascendas to purchase four launch vehicles, 16 DZB-211 long-range guided rockets, and finally support the shelf of this long-range fire strike battalion of the Blue Army brigade. Get up~www.wuxiaspot.com~Get red envelopes] Follow the public account~www.wuxiaspot.com~ draw up to 888 cash red envelopes!

  Of course, it is difficult to know these things based on Zheng Quanli's position. Even if he really knows, it is impossible for him to talk in front of so many foreign military observers at this time.

  Because of this, Zheng Quanli's topic is limited to DZB-211's superb penetration capability, low maintenance cost and efficient combat effectiveness.

   I heard the eyes of the observers, especially the observer from Belarus who drank three bottles of vodka with him, and finally opened the conversation, the old Slavic man kept asking questions.

   This scene looked terrified in Barlotov's eyes.

   It is important to know that the former Soviet republics, including Belarus, are like Russia. The old "Scud" and "Dot" short-range tactical missiles have reached their maximum years of service and urgently need to be updated.

   Therefore, Russia desperately resurrected the "Oka" missile and renamed Iskander is not entirely in response to the aggressiveness of the West. The swallowing of the big cake of the Soviet Union’s short-range missile updates from the former republics is also a reason that cannot be ignored.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Move in. In this regard, Russia has obvious advantages. After all, there are not many countries that can produce ballistic missiles in this world. With the unique attributes of the Soviet-style equipment, Russia firmly believes that they have eaten the fat of short-range missiles steadily.

Because of this, Russia’s asking price for the Iskander missile is very high. The low-profile version will cost $1.125 million. The price of a slightly higher grade will rise to more than $1.5 million. The Iskander missile launch battalion, with its numerous vehicles and equipment combined, has a total cost of more than 56 million U.S. dollars.

This price is not to say that the economy is not developed in developing countries, even the developed countries with solid foundations are not a small number. It is important to know that this type of missile weapons can be used repeatedly, so it is not that combat aircraft can be reused. Future ammunition replenishment is also not a decimal, and the price/performance ratio is not cost-effective.

   This is also the main reason why Iskander did not get an order in a few years after its launch in the middle of the year. The performance is good, but the price is prohibitive.

   But the Russians are not worried. Low cost performance means low cost performance. In today's world, there is no similar product to compete with them. So the price is not what they want?


Belarus, Kazakhstan, and other countries are ready to wait, then wait, anyway, their "scud" and "polka dot" are about to be scrapped. They are all brothers separated from the Soviet Union. How about that family does not know. , Russia has Iskander in his hands, so he can afford it.

   How could it be a DZB-211 long-range guided rocket popped up.

The price of 750,000 US dollars is enough. The entire guided rocket battalion has six launch vehicles, equipped with 12 DZB-211 long-range guided rockets, plus 24 spare bombs, and a series of support vehicles and equipment for a total of 3,400. Ten thousand U.S. dollars.

   Not only is the overall price cheaper than Iskander by more than 20 million US dollars, the key is that the ammunition base is also three times more than Iskander.

The Iskander combat battalion, which is also composed of six launch vehicles, has only six spare ammunitions. In comparison, the ammunition on the DZB-211 light launch vehicle has reached all the ammunition of the Iskander battalion. Not counting the other 24 long-range guided rockets.

   Under such circumstances, the sustained firepower of the DZB-211 far exceeds that of Iskander. If the maneuver penetration is included and the range exceeds 300 kilometers, the advantage that Iskander has built up by expending Russia's power will instantly disappear.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   What's more, in terms of operating habits, Chinese products are no worse than Russian ones. After all, China was also a student of the Soviet Union in those days, following many Soviet-era operations It is customary that there are no obstacles to the adaptation of the Soviet republics.

   With all these superimposed together, the choices of the observers are self-evident.

However, this change has a huge blow to Russia. You must know that the Russians hope that Iskander will become another pillar of arms exports, and the foreign exchange earned can support the further improvement and improvement of Russian long-range missiles. the study.

In other words, once the road to Iskander’s exit is blocked, it will not affect Russia’s conventional power, but also the nuclear power on which it depends for survival~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But even if you know that the consequences are serious, at this time But Barotov has nothing to do, he can't go up and leave his old face and say that DZB-211 is also their cooperation with China Takeoff, right?

  I’m really going to do this, the Belarusian and Kazakh guys will ask in the next second, can I give them two sets according to DZB-211?

  If the Russian manufacturer producing Iskander is headed by Barlotov, he would naturally nod without hesitation.

  The question is that Barotov is also a spokesperson, and he is still thousands of miles away from the position of his family. How do you ask him to answer? If you don't answer, that means no. If it is not allowed, countries such as Belarus and Kazakhstan will naturally continue to purchase DZB-211 in large quantities.

   This is an endless loop of no solution. What do you ask Barlotov to say?

However, just when Barotov was thinking about the internal and external effects of this matter with a few sadness, the observer from Kazakhstan suddenly asked in surprise: "Your 8*8 truck chassis is not only equipped with DZB-211, but also Anti-aircraft missiles?"

   Zheng Quanli nodded, and immediately pointed to a few large pieces of equipment covered by camouflage nets not far away: "Yes, everyone, that is our latest equipment LYJ-2000 air defense missile."

   Before Zheng Quanli's words were over, the officers and soldiers over there were allotted and removed the camouflage nets, revealing the large vehicle painted in desert camouflage inside.

   Barotov, who had recovered, also looked at it, his eyes straightened in the next second, and he wondered what kind of LYJ-2000 air defense missile was, it was clearly the Russian-made S-300!

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