Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1296: Not vertical launch

  Chapter 1268 is not a vertical launch

It’s not just Barotov’s view, one of the other foreign military observers counts as one, and the moment the camouflage net was unveiled, they all felt that the LYJ-2000 anti-aircraft missile in front of them was a replica of another S-300 anti-aircraft missile. .

  No, it should be the S-300 air defense missile.

   is also a quadruple missile launcher, the same 8*8 heavy-duty truck chassis, the same single-sided phased array radar...

  It can be said that there is no difference with the Russian-made S-300 air defense missile. This is not the S-300 air defense missile and what is it?

   "Everyone, do you see that the LYJ-2000 air defense missile looks like the Russian-made S-300 air defense missile?"

As a result, before Barotov and others could inquire, Zheng Quanli was the first to speak. Hearing what Zheng Quanli said, did a large number of foreign military observers nod their heads, while Barotov looked at Zheng Quanli with a bad face: "Hope. General Zheng can give me an explanation. When you purchased the S-300 series air defense missiles in your country, you signed an agreement on intellectual property rights. According to the annex to the agreement signed by the two parties in 1994..."

  Balotov’s words were loud and loud, and his freckled face was still filled with interesting and seemingly angry anger, as if he had really suffered something.

  A group of foreign military observers naturally nodded their heads. Anyway, the quarrel between the two sides had nothing to do with them. They naturally stood aside and watched a good show. Not to mention the recent bad economics, the old guy is almost crazy about money.

Each weapon contract is accompanied by a huge amount of intellectual property compensation agreement. Not to mention, some people in Russia even clamored for the collection of intellectual property rights for the huge amount of equipment sold in the Soviet era. The reason is that the purchasing country has copied these weapons for free. Among them is the AK-47 assault rifle, the king of guns.

  According to calculations by some Russians, countries around the world need to pay more than 100 billion U.S. dollars for the intellectual property rights of this assault rifle alone.

  Fortunately, those in power in Russia still have a brain, knowing that the AK-47 assault rifle involves too much coverage. If you really want to do this, then you will really fire a map gun at the blue star, and you will be extinct from the solar system. I didn't dare to do it.

But in turn, it completely squandered the huge foreign debt owed by Russia, which directly led to the premature end of the Asian financial crisis. The financial crocodile who was making trouble in Asia made money, but in Russia it was almost profitable. All toss in.

  This is Russia. Don’t dare to open the big map artillery. It doesn’t matter if you are in a small area. As long as you hold everything up in order to survive, you can do anything magical.

   Now a LYJ-2000 anti-aircraft missile, which is almost carved out of the S-300 model, is in front of us. Can the Russians who are unreasonable to bite the three-pointer let it go? Unless the sun hits the west.

   "It is said that the price of S-300 air defense missiles purchased by a large eastern country is not cheap." An observer said.

"Well~~ I have heard about it, and Russia also started with this export contract with an agreement on intellectual property rights. The conditions must be quite high, and I am afraid that a major country in the East will copy it." Another observer also shared his internal information. news.

An observer next to    was curious: "The conditions are quite high, how high is it?"

   "Five times, exactly five times the original price!" The observer who had just shared the internal news stretched out five fingers to be insulting.

  The observer who spoke first was a little surprised: “We bought Russian products only three times the compensation for intellectual property infringement, which is so high for a large country in the East, five times!”

   "Hey~~ That's not a big country in the East!" An observer who had not spoken pointedly pointed at the LYJ-2000 air defense missile, with a meaningful tone.


  Similar conversations can be described as one after another among the observers. They all want to see how the Russians implement their additional agreements on intellectual property rights; at the same time, they also want to see how a certain major country in the East can deal with unfavorable situations.

   All in all, the words "eat melon" are written in a pair of dizzy eyeballs.

  Barotov didn’t care what other observers were talking about. In his opinion, it was more important than anything else that a large country in the East copied the S-300 and initiated the intellectual property infringement clause in the agreement.

This is not only for money, but more importantly, it is able to combat the rise of a large eastern country in the international arms market. As long as the LYJ-2000 air defense missile is labeled as imitation and copycat, the WZ-12 that made Barotov's heart palpitations before. Armed helicopters, DZB-211 long-range guidance rockets can all wear similar hats.

Combining with the counterfeit culture of a big country in the East nowadays domestic counterfeit mobile phones, counterfeit shoes and hats, and counterfeit home appliances as the core, it is easy to make the arms products of a big country in the East stinks and rotten. If you want to hit Russia's inherent arms market by then It's easy.

Because of this, Barotov and the drowned man who caught the last life-saving straw were talking about the various agreements reached between the two sides on the S-300 air defense missile, thus occupying the moral high ground in the law. ; On the other hand, it is implied that his entourage ran to the LYJ-2000 air defense missile and used the camera to take photos for evidence.

During the period, Zheng Quanli tried to explain several times, but Barotov was not forgiving, and he did not give Zheng Quanli a chance to speak at all. He spoke like a flood for more than ten minutes, until he was really dry and unable to hold on. He paused for a while, recruited the entourage with his hand, took the kettle and filled it with half of it, which suppressed the smoking throat.

  Until now, Zheng Quanli understood why Russian arms manufacturers would let Barotov arch to the stage as their spokesperson.

  This product can not only put down the face, but also seize the opportunity to bite like a mad dog when it is critical. The tough heavenly macho and the weak pseudonym are not afraid, but they are afraid of the bendy and stretchy hero.

   Obviously, Barotov already has the potential of being superb.


Seeing Zheng Quanli not speaking, Barotov thought that his long talk had deterred the other party, so he sneered: "General Zheng, you don't need to explain. Of course, it is estimated that you can't explain it because of your authority. UU read www. Uukanshu.com I will return to the capital to let the relevant departments explain. I believe someone will always give me a satisfactory answer!"

   After finishing speaking, he waved his hand and said to the entourage: "Go, let's go back to the capital."

He turned around and left before he could move, but before he could move, a piercing air defense alert came from behind him. Barotov, who was about to leave directly, was startled. He wanted to leave just like that, but he was a little curious. What kind of moths can the LYJ-2000 air defense missile play?

   So he slowly withdrew from his departure, and watched the situation of the air defense missile position not far away.

  I saw the officers and soldiers quickly rushed to their battle position, the radar was turned on, the communication equipment was turned on, and then...then...the launch of the missile that was parked on the position started.

  This made Barlotov's heart chuckle, and an inexplicable anxiety began to flow in his heart.

Soon this kind of uneasiness was fully confirmed by the ruthless reality. After the launch vehicle adjusted an angle, the quadruple missile launch tube carried was not pushed upright, but was raised 60 degrees like DZB-211. Then point to the airspace where the target is located.

   Seeing this, Barotov's eyes were full of incredible: "It turned out to be...not a vertical launch!"

  (End of this chapter)

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