Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1307: Abu Dhabi Defense Exhibition

   The time is tight and the task is heavy. If China cannot tolerate the bit by bit groping for China to take off, then we can only find some "shortcuts."

   It is naturally impossible for a large country outside the territory to look at it from left to right, which means that Russia is the most suitable. As for whether it can be realized... To be honest, Zhuang Jianye thinks that the feasibility is still quite big.

  , after all, is the manufacturing technology of shape memory alloys, even if it is immature, it is hard to find in the world under the lantern.

   What's more, even if this technology fails, Zhuang Jianye has another big killer, a flexible skin to exchange with Lao Maozi. He does not believe that the Russians, who are already weak in certain key areas of the next-generation combat aircraft, are not tempted.

   Of course, the flexible skin provided by Zhuang Jianye is just a simple product of the combination of some shape memory alloys and special rubber skins.

   is nothing more than a simple replacement of some complicated servo mechanism and transmission mechanism of the body.

The principle of    is also very simple, that is, the use of shape memory alloys to expand and contract at different temperatures to control moving parts such as aircraft **** or ailerons.

   In this way, the weight of the structure is reduced and the flight performance is increased.

   The American F-14, F-18 and improved F-15 all use this flexible skin to replace part of the traditional transmission structure, which greatly improves the performance of the aircraft.

   This technology is also used on the J-8E developed and produced by Ascendas China and Northeast Aviation Group, which partially replaces the traditional mechanical transmission structure, making the control structure of the J-8E aileron and rudder surface simpler and more efficient.

   Of course, with such a simple entry-level flexible skin, there is no way to participate in the development of the next generation of combat aircraft.

   It is important to know that in order to highlight the stealth performance of the next-generation combat aircraft, there should be no gaps on the surface of the airframe that can help the reflection of radar waves; at the same time, in order to highlight advanced maneuverability, the flaps, ailerons, and rudder surfaces must be more flexible.

  This requires that each traditional airfoil and the main body must be a whole, while the delay effect of the control system must be infinitely close to zero.

   The traditional servo mechanism combined with mechanical hydraulic transmission is no longer suitable for the design requirements of the new generation of combat aircraft, and there is an urgent need for another brand new mechanism to replace it.

  The solution given by China Ascendas is a special metal-based composite material based on shape memory alloy, combined with carbon fiber, incorporated and deformed with special silica gel.

   An integrated control chip can be implanted inside the material. Through the on-board computer, the temperature around the material is controlled, so that the shape memory alloy fibers inside the material shrink and expand, so as to achieve the purpose of ailerons, **** and rudder surfaces.

   This is the absolute frontier in the field of aviation technology in the world today, a variant wing.

   means that the overall wing is no longer divided into ailerons and flaps, but this wing can not only achieve the efficiency of ailerons and flaps, but also has better sensitivity and effectiveness than traditional complex wings.

   At present, this kind of variant wing used in next-generation combat aircraft has been tested on the Zhenlong II test and verification aircraft that took off in China, and the effect is surprisingly good.

   not only reduces the structural weight by 1.8%, but also increases the overall load by 5%.

In the next step, China Ascendas intends to make further improvements on the basis of this first-generation variant wing, so that the entire wing will be manufactured with the developed advanced flexible skin, so that the new-generation variant wing can not only realize **** and auxiliary wings. The function of the wing can also increase or decrease the cross section of the wing according to actual needs, thereby increasing the lift of the aircraft or reducing the drag of the aircraft.

   makes the variant wing move towards a more intelligent adaptive wing.

   It is precisely because of the more advanced technology in his hand that Zhuang Jianye dared to exchange technology for technology without any scruples.

   Barotov knows that there are so many flowery intestines behind Zhuang Jianye, and he thinks that China’s take-off is emptied of its wealth in exchange for their advanced air defense/anti-missile technology.

   Barotov did not directly agree to this. After all, advanced air defense/anti-missile technology is not something he can decide as a colonel, but he didn't say anything. After all, Barotov is going to become an oligarch.

  Since technology can be exchanged for technology, it means that he, the middleman, has the opportunity to take both ends.

   As an intermediary, what is better than this model?

   So Barotov agreed to Zhuang Jianye to go back and take a good run.

Even if Zhuang Jianye is in a hurry, he can’t press too hard, not to mention the fact that the matter itself is to cast a net and fish for more fish, so Zhuang Jianye does not meet once or twice in a similar situation. After all, there are more than just people who want to be an oligarch in Russia. Barotov alone.

In this way, the two briefly talked about the details, and then came out of the small living room. In the evening, Zhuang Jianye was the host and invited Russia, Belarus and Kazakh to eat at the Ascendas Hotel, which was rebuilt from the former Yonghong Factory Guest House. A hearty Sichuan hot pot meal.

   It is inevitable to have a drink of strong alcohol during the banquet. Fortunately, Zhuang Jianye made preparations in advance and invited the deputy director who once worked in the teaching and research office of a certain air force.

   After a frantic meal, the deputy director did not even have his eyes crooked, and Barotov, Mishushenko, and Yanayev all fell under the table.

In this way, the deputy director was still somewhat unfulfilled. He filled Zhuang Jianye with a cup of Wuliangye, toasted and touched, and watched the three unconscious Maozi curl their lips: "One generation is inferior to one generation. I remember that in 1992, I told him People from the Maozi Air Force can drink 6 bottles of Wuliangye in a row. It’s good now, less than two bottles, these few have become such a virtue, it seems that this old Maozi really can’t be..."

Listening to the deputy director’s words, Zhuang Jianye’s face twitched, but he did not dare to say a word. He didn’t see the deputy director holding a wine glass with a lonely and arrogant expression on his face. In case that sentence is not clear, this I took myself a meal...

   When Ning Xiaoxue and Zheng Quanli got married, Zhuang Jianye still hasn't forgotten the shame of the entire Ascendas Group.

   Fortunately, Comrade Deputy Director didn't have trouble with Zhuang Jianye. After a few conversations, the team broke up.

   As for Barotov, Mishushenko and Yanaev who lost their helmets and armors, UU read www. uukanshu.com also did not waste Zhuang Jianye's good intentions to sacrifice the wine table killer. While praising the Chinese people for their good drinking capacity and better character, it is naturally the money that should be paid and the effort that should be made.

In Belarus, under the active activities of Mishushenko, Belarus reached an arms procurement agreement half a month after the visit to China and took off. In addition to the purchase of 28 sets of DZB-211 long-range guided rockets, it also purchased 12 The initial training 6MAX trainer aircraft, the total amount is 230 million US dollars.

The Kazakh side did not purchase aircraft, but they took a fancy to the maintenance capabilities of the combat aircraft that China took off, so they handed over the maintenance and overhaul of the 48 Su-27 and 64 MiG-29 aircraft inherited from the Soviet Union. China's take-off, plus the purchase of 12 sets of LYJ-2000 air defense missile systems, the total amount reached 360 million U.S. dollars.

The Russian side did not reach the above two countries as quickly, but under Barlotov’s active rush, the Russian side agreed in principle to the technology-for-technology plan. The next step is the negotiation between the two parties on specific details. As long as the deal can be finalized Can achieve.

   However, Zhuang Jianye did not have the time to deal with all this, because at this time he was invited by the UAE to go to the UAE to attend the inauguration ceremony of the joint venture aviation manufacturing plant, and at the same time lead a delegation to participate in the Abu Dhabi Defense Exhibition.



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