Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1308: T&A United Aviation Production Joint...

   "Dear Zhuang~~~ I am glad to see you again!"

At the King’s International Airport on the outskirts of Abu Dhabi, the capital of the UAE, next to a TRJ-700 high-end business jet painted with the words “China Take Off” and a ferocious Costin logo on its tail, Zhuang Jianye, who just got off the plane, received the UAE’s state councilor. A warm welcome from Prince Abdullah.

   On runway 6 not far from them, an An-225 giant transport aircraft owned by the Ukrainian Air Transport Company leased by China Ascendas is unloading the exhibits of China Ascendas’ participation in the Abu Dhabi Defense Exhibition.

   On the terminal building not far from Runway 6, some media reporters held long guns and short cannons at the unloading An-225 giant transport plane, like snipers, searching for their targets without blinking.

However, to the disappointment of these squatting reporters, the high-profile take-off of China seems to have known their intentions for a long time. The exhibition equipment unloaded from the plane was wrapped in green rainproof canvas like rice dumplings, let alone. It's the media reporters who don't know where they are, the employees of Ascendas China who are responsible for the dispatch of the exhibited goods on the spot. If they don't concentrate, they can easily get confused.

   Seeing that there was no explosive spot on the exhibited goods, some intellectual reporters simply pointed the camera at Zhuang Jianye on Runway 2 and the high-end business jet with the fierce Costin printed on it.

The accompanying text reporter even typed in the notebook he carried with him the words "Zhuang Jianye, the head of China's take-off, arrives in Abu Dhabi", "Zhuang Jianye's car is refreshing" and other words, and then quickly sent to Abu Dhabi in the form of a text message. The International News Center in the center of Dhabi, as an industry trend, is rapidly spreading throughout the world.

  Zhuang Jianye didn't care about it. He hugged twice with Abdullah and exchanged greetings. Accompanied by Abdullah, he got on a customized Rolls Royce.

After the vehicle started, Abdullah put away his enthusiastic smile and said apologetically: "Zhuang~~ Our itinerary may have changed. The hotel you are staying at is known by those **** reporters. There are a lot of journalists from various countries who want to interview you, so I may arrange for you to rest in one of my properties tonight...Due to the rush of time, many things are unprepared, and you may be wronged for a while."

   Abdullah spoke very sincerely, and Zhuang Jianye has nothing to say.

In fact, many reporters based in China came to interview him before boarding the plane from China. The reason for this is of course not how handsome Zhuang Jianye is, but the T&A joint aviation production joint venture established by China Ascendas and the UAE. The body is officially completed.

   Although the industry has long heard of the cooperation between the two parties to establish aerospace production bodies, there are not many promising ones.

On the one hand, the industrial foundations of Arab countries are too weak, and they can't switch to the absolutely high-end top manufacturing industry such as the aviation industry; on the other hand, they sneer at China's take-off technology and believe that China's take-off capabilities are not enough to support the completion of the UAE Ambitious aviation manufacturing plan.

No way. Today, apart from some unmanned aerial vehicles, there are really few aviation products that China takes off. Of course, some spare parts and materials are calculated separately. Therefore, people have to doubt that China takes off in aviation. The strength of the whole machine field.

Just like automobile manufacturing, a well-made steel plate and chassis does not mean that the entire vehicle is equally excellent. In the eyes of most international buyers, China Ascendas may be able to make a fuselage section and a vertical tail. Keep improving, but the whole machine is lackluster, and it's a mess.

   Therefore, once the news was announced, it was treated as a joke in the industry. Instead of blessings, it gained a bunch of unfavorable rumors.

   There are even many aviation manufacturers who are watching the fire from the other side, waiting for China to take off and crash into a big loss. They can take advantage of the emptiness and cut a wave of leeks.

Just as the industry is waiting for the news of the failure to be made public, the UAE official announced at the regular press conference of the new Abu Dhabi Defense Exhibition that the T&A joint aviation production complex established by them and China Ascendas was officially established. Up.

The Oasis No. 1 aircraft assembly plant, located 25 kilometers southeast of Abu Dhabi, has been completed and the first batch of workers have completed the training. Starting next year, the Oasis No. 1 aircraft assembly plant will mass produce the first aircraft in the Arab world, Mehmet. —6 small transport aircraft.

   After the completion of the second phase of the supporting project, that is, the Oasis II aircraft accessories production plant, the T&A joint aviation production complex may produce the first advanced combat aircraft in the Arab world.

   When the third phase of the construction of the Oasis No. 3 plant is completed, the UAE will have a comprehensive aviation manufacturing complex with the world's advanced level.

   This news is tantamount to dropping a blockbuster in the industry. Unexpectedly, the project that is generally not optimistic has not only been completed, but also made such a big one.

   More importantly, when the first phase is completed, it has the ability to produce aircraft.

The impact on major countries in the world, especially those in the chaotic Middle East region, is huge. Because of this, the T&A Joint Aviation Production Consortium has attracted everyone’s attention and has become the most important part of the Abu Dhabi Defense Exhibition. Bright presence.

   If it weren’t, with China’s soaring coffee status, the world’s major media would at best introduce how the head Zhuang Jianye made a big talk in front of the media, and then...there would be no more.

After all, at such a large-scale defense exhibition, giants like Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Airbus, Sukhoi, and Tupolev are the protagonists~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Although the Ascendas system still has a place in China, it can be among the giants. The numerous international markets are still a little worse.

   However, this time, due to the groundbreaking of the T&A United Aviation Production Consortium, China's take-off was directly sent to the headlines by major media.

   Who is Zhuang Jianye? That's a great man who is good at using media resources.

   When I saw that there is such a free multimedia promotion for China to take off, such a good opportunity can't be let go.

   So Zhuang Jianye personally went into battle, or used other channels to intentionally or unintentionally release some of China's recent flagship new products, but did not fully disclose the specifics of these new products.

   For example, China Ascendas's description of a new drone of its own is a thoughtless sentence: it is the only precision strike platform in the world that can be used by the poor.

   Another example is what China Ascendas said about the DZB series of laser-guided bombs: The real sword of Damocles is not a patent of developed countries, and developing countries are also worthy of possession.

It’s this kind of vague remarks and party-like slogans that make people confused, scratching the liver, and party-like slogans, which make all reporters go crazy, and at the same time suffocate the appetite of all buyers. I want to see what China Ascendas is exhibiting this time, and dare to speak so much.



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