Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1325: Stealth bomb bay

   Of course, although Shi Jun's role is not small, his role is too concealed and it is impossible to make it public. In this case, there is no way to influence Zhuang Jianye's use of FC-21 fighter jets to expand overseas business.

   On the contrary, because of this special issue, Zhuang Jianye fell into a modest passivity.

Yes, despite being passive, Zhuang Jianye didn’t pay too much attention to it. As for the reason...it’s very simple. Although the FC-21 fighter has insufficient avionics, the processing and manufacturing are too simple, the flight performance is not outstanding, and there is no so-called so-called The vector engine...

   But it is an indisputable fact that the radar reflection cross section is 0.45 square.

   Regardless of the criticism or the accusation, let him take a few steps to pretend to build a business all the way, I am invisible and I have reason!

   At the time when the fourth-generation aircraft has just emerged and the third-generation aircraft is bound to be replaced, the FC-21 fighter is a blank in the blank, and even becomes the only choice in some countries.

   In that case, although Shi Jun's special issue caused Zhuang Jianye to encounter some troubles, at best it was the price.

   As for the impact on sales, there may be some, but the general direction will not change in any way.

   Because of this, Zhuang Jianye couldn't help but twitched his mouth and smiled meaningfully when he watched the comments of the Shi soldiers on TV. I don't know what kind of wonderful Shi Jun's old face will be after the FC-21 fighters sell out.

  Zhuang Jianye's YY who is struggling with the positive girl, the door of the room was knocked down.

  Zhuang Jianye immediately recovered, rubbed his swollen face, then got up and opened the door, only to find that Gu Jingyou was standing at the door.

At this moment, Gu Jingyou was holding a phone in his hand and handed it to Zhuang Jianye: "Prince Abdullah's." Zhuang Jianye took it, and his calm face immediately bloomed like a chrysanthemum: "My dear Prince, Your palace is really great."

   "If you like, you can live here for a long time. You know me, Zhuang, I am very hospitable." Prince Abdullah also smiled heartily on the phone.

   But the next moment the conversation changed: "Oh, yes, my dear makeup, in the afternoon, His Majesty the King was very satisfied with your plane.

   He said that the control performance of the FC-21 fighter is one of the best aircraft he has experienced in recent years.

Therefore, His Majesty the King hopes that we can reach a long-term cooperation agreement on this project and instruct the National Defense Security Committee to implement this matter. Their head, Prince Salman, hopes to discuss with you face to face on the specifics of the project, I don’t know. Is it inconvenient for you? "

   "Of course it is convenient, as long as it is your Prince Abdullah's request, it is natural for me, Zhuang Jianye." Zhuang Jianye's chest was slapped, as if he was really in trouble with Prince Abdullah.

   However, the next sentence revealed the essence: "But you also know that the key point of this project is the price difference between you and me. US$7.5 billion is really too little.

   You need to know that the future development direction of the FC-21 fighter jet is a real fourth-generation fighter. How much did the US F-22 cost? Hundreds of billions of dollars!

   How can it be possible that you give me 7.5 billion US dollars and even a fraction is not enough, and you want a fourth-generation machine? "

When Prince Abdullah heard the price issue, he started haha: "Oh, dear Zhuang, you should talk to the head of the National Defense Security Council for the specific situation, Prince Salman, but there is a fact that I think you have the most There is a good preparation, that is, the price I will give you will only be less than more, because you also know that the special issue of "XXX Aviation Review" has already said very clearly, what you said entering the fourth-generation aircraft is a paradox.

   Even if it is not, the fourth generation of machines will take shape in the future many years later. How much uncertainty will there be during this period? We can't estimate it at all.

   We can't invest our full effort in the subject that cannot be determined. "

"Understood..." Zhuang Jianye nodded: "Let's do it, one hour later, let's face it in the FC-21 fighter's hangar at the Defense Exhibition. I hope to miss you and Sall in front of the FC-21 fighter. Prince Man will introduce it carefully!"

   "No problem, as long as you are not too troublesome, we can do anything!" Prince Abdullah nodded, and then the two chatted again before hanging up the phone.

Immediately, Prince Abdullah turned his head and said to a noble man in his early thirties with a beard on his face: "He hopes to meet us in the FC-21 fighter's hangar at the Defense Exhibition. I want to make the last effort there.

  Of course, His Majesty the Emperor entrusts all matters to you, my dear Salman, so before meeting with Zhuang Jianye, I want to remind you that the guy is very eloquent and has an unparalleled affinity.

   So you'd better strengthen your beliefs and don't get fooled by that guy easily! "

When Prince Salman heard this, there was a noble smile on his handsome face: "Don’t worry, my dear Uncle Abdullah, I won’t let him follow a supplier’s rhetoric. I earn dollars in my pocket.

   What's more, he just described the FC-21 fighter as a superpower that is hard to find in the sky and hard to find in the underground, and it cannot change the fact that the FC-21 fighter is not a fourth-generation fighter.

   Therefore, as we discussed with the king, we can provide up to 3.6 billion U.S. dollars~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It doesn’t matter if they don’t cooperate, gusts in France, typhoons in Europe, and Gripen in Sweden. American F-16F-18, even Russian MiG-29...We have choices. Why choose their FC-21 fighter jets that China takes off? "

   Prince Abdullah nodded: "It's good if you have this idea!"

   Talking, the two walked out of the room side by side, boarded the Rolls-Royce luxury car that had been prepared, and soon came to the hangar where the FC-21 fighter was parked.

As soon as I entered the door, I had already waited for the long-awaited Zhuang Jianye, and greeted him with a big stride. First, he gave Prince Abdullah a warm hug, then met Prince Salman, and then made a polite greeting. This cut to the point. , Raised his finger to the extremely cool, mighty and domineering FC-21 fighter in the center of the hangar.

   "Re-introduction, at this moment, in front of the two princes, is our China's new 3.8-generation combat aircraft, an enhanced version of the FC-21 fighter with a stealth bomb bay!"

   Stealth bomb bay? Prince Salman was a little surprised when he heard the words. He immediately looked at the FC-21 fighter in front of him. He only missed a glance. Those big eyes that were more beautiful than women immediately revealed your uncontrollable shock.

   Immediately pointed his finger at the aircraft in front of him and said tremblingly: "Really...really...really the bomb bay? This...this...how is this possible!"


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