Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1326: 1 cut for invisibility

Not only Prince Salman was surprised that some of the words were not coherent. Abdullah and the others who came with him also looked at the FC-21 fighters in front of them, all with wide-eyed eyes, and their faces were incredible. .

You must know that when the FC-21 fighter was shown in the afternoon, let alone the stealth bomb bay, the semi-buried weapon racks under the belly were made very rough. Because of this, the China Takeoff only announced the FC-21 at that time. The reflection area of ​​the frontal radar of the fighter jet does not explain the more important radar reflection area data under the airframe.

   It must be known that the frontal radar emission area is only suitable for air combat, while the radar reflection area under the belly is mostly used for surface-to-air air defense requirements.

   Because of this, the real four-generation aircraft requires omnidirectional stealth, not how small a single frontal radar cross section is, but from any angle, the radar cross section of the aircraft body does not exceed 1 square.

This is also the fundamental reason why combat aircraft like the Rafale can only be positioned as three and a half generations instead of four generations at most. No matter how small the frontal radar reflection cross section is, the omnidirectional radar reflection of the whole aircraft is doubtful. In life, in aviation operations, in addition to facing the air-to-air combat of the opponent’s fighters, aircraft must also deal with the threat of surface-to-air weapons. Not invisible.

This is the case for the FC-21 fighter shown in the afternoon. Although the semi-buried weapons effectively reduce the frontal radar reflection cross section, it does not help the radar reflection cross section under the belly. Instead, the complex configuration of the air-to-air missile causes radar reflection. The area has been expanded three times.

After the FC-21 fighter jet caused a sensation, when His Majesty the King of the United Arab Emirates personally experienced the aircraft, the data tracked by the UAE air defense forces with the radar throughout the whole process can be reflected. The frontal radiation area of ​​the fighter jet radar escorted by the periphery is indeed 0.45 square meters, but The air defense forces’ thunder reach is bottom-up, mainly targeting the belly and flanks. The radar reflection cross-sections of these two parts are 1.2 square and 1.6 square respectively.

Although compared to other models, this value is still not very large, or even excellent, but it is undeniable that a fighter aircraft with more than 1 square cannot be called a stealth aircraft, which means the battlefield of FC-21 fighters. The survivability is not as exaggerated as Zhuang Jianye said.

At best, it is better than the old second-generation aircraft, and slightly inferior to some third-generation aircraft with integrated electronic warfare modules. After all, today’s radars are already extremely sensitive, especially for traditional military powers such as the United States and Russia. The new generation of anti-aircraft missile system launched is basically a target for the FC-21 fighter aircraft with a size of 1-2 square meters.

To be honest, if it weren’t for Zhuang Jianye to be in the presence of the King of the UAE, with a bright tongue and lotus, patted his chest to ensure that the ultimate goal of the FC-21 fighter is a real fourth-generation fighter. Now it is just an initial state that has not fully evolved. Coupled with Prince Abdullah’s private matchmaking, this allowed His Majesty the King to reluctantly continue the talks. Otherwise, the King’s love for French equipment and the poor performance of the FC-21 fighter jets in front of highly sensitive air defense radars would have long been expected. It's cold.

Because of this, without using the special issue of the Shijun, based on the feelings of His Majesty the King and the tracking test of the UAE air defense force, the price of the FC-21 fighter can not be too high. After all, as Prince Salman said, they There are too many choices for the UAE. If the FC-21 fighter has nothing to impress the UAE's heart, even how rich the UAE is, it is impossible to throw money in with its eyes closed. After all, the UAE's money is not blown by the wind.

I just didn’t expect that it took just a few hours. The FC-21 fighter that didn’t have any omnidirectional stealth was completely because of the two stealth bomb bays that were placed under the wings and were highly integrated with the whole aircraft. The shotgun was changed to the gun, thus having the initial omnidirectional stealth capability.

   This leap is not unforgiving, but what shocked Prince Salman even more was that the FC-21 fighter did not fully release all its capabilities in the public display.

   What does this mean?

   The FC-21 fighter has great potential to be tapped!

"This set of stealth bomb bay components under the wing is only open to real friends!" Just as Prince Aleman and others were in confusion, Zhuang Jianye took the opportunity to speak, and immediately walked a few steps to the FC-21 fighter jet. He stretched out his hand and patted the invisible bomb bay on the heavy-duty pylon on the inner side of the left wing, revealing the invisible bomb bay with a mid-range hollow bullet inside. He continued: "I have said it a long time ago, no one understands better than me. Aviation products, of course, most of the time I cannot show everything. First, time is limited, and the second and most important reason is that some things are too sensitive. If they are all taken out, it will inevitably cause an uproar.

In order to avoid some unkind friends and businessmen holding FC-21 fighter jets against porcelain and hype, and get a few special publications to slander us, they simply conceal the situation of high-configuration models, and only open the real ones that are interested in buying or cooperating. partner. "

As he said, Zhuang Jianye raised his eyes to Prince Salman and Prince Abdullah, his smile on his face became more intense: "Obviously, the arrival of the two of you has shown me the sincerity of your country, so I am under domestic pressure. We will disclose to you the top version of our FC-21 fighter. It is also the only combat aircraft with omnidirectional stealth function among the three generations of aircraft. At this level, the three and a half generations are not enough to define the top version of the FC. -21 fighter, so we divided it into a 3.8-generation fighter, which means that it is infinitely close to the fourth-generation fighter..."

Zhuang Jianye’s words were very sincere and unusual~www.wuxiaspot.com~ And to cooperate with the eloquent eloquence, Prince Salman was stunned, and Prince Abdullah on the side wanted to remind himself of this. Don't be fooled by Zhuang Jianye for the nephew who has suddenly attained a high position.

But when he saw that the two stealth bomb bays on the original heavy-duty pylon were quickly closed under the control of the ground personnel, he reminded him that he was swallowed by Prince Abdullah again. go with.

I haven’t noticed it before unfolding, but the effect of the entire pylon is fully displayed. The entire pylon fits very well with the wing. If you don’t observe carefully under the wing, you can’t tell what the stealth bomb bay is. Affixed to the position of the self-loading pylon, it would think that the two bomb bays were originally designed to be integrated with the wings.

  Because of this, the cross-section of the entire bomb bay is very small. From a distance, it is a slight bulge under the wing, as if the wing knife on the second-generation aircraft was reversed.

But it is completely different from the Wing Knife. The entire bomb bay has been completely invisible, and it can be seen in the slightest. Although it is only a small bomb bay, Abdullah fully appreciates what Zhuang Jianye said before. "The biggest feature of our FC-21 fighter design is that everything is for stealth, and everything else is floating clouds."

   Now the facts are in front of you, how can you tell Prince Abdullah, who takes face and reason more than life, to open this mouth?



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