Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1327: The shock bomb of aviation

Abdullah has nothing to say. Salman has no constraints. As the king of the UAE, who has grown up from childhood to adulthood, Salman can sit on the position of the head of the National Defense Security Council. In addition to casting a good tire In addition, the most important thing is his "intimate" relationship with His Majesty that transcends pure friendship.

   To borrow a definition from ancient China, Salman is a typical fortunate minister. Apart from a bunch of bright and bright titles on his head, he has nothing in his stomach to govern the country.

   If it weren't for this, Prince Abdullah wouldn't be able to follow Baba to suppress it.

As a result, the ballast stone that followed was sunk, and Salman, who was less restrained, immediately exposed his nature. He took three steps like a curious baby and took two steps to the underside of the FC-21 fighter's wing, keeping the double ratio open. The beautiful woman, Ka Zilan's big eyes, stared curiously at the invisible bomb bay she just closed. After a long time, she suddenly asked Xiang Zhuang Jianye, "Can I open it again? I have never seen such a miraculous thing. "

   As soon as the words came out, other people didn't react for a while, and there was no way. The Chinese Ascendas staff present did not expect that this handsome prince who looked like a supermodel in the magazine would ask such a low-level question with his mouth open.

  According to the general routine, shouldn't you ask about the radar reflection cross section under the belly of the plane; other functions of the stealth bomb bay; the specific price of the top version of the FC-21 fighter?

   actually only asked to show it. It didn't take this meeting as a formal consultation at all, but just like a garden party, which was indescribably casual and novel.

   So the staff of China's take-off does not know how to connect, and there is no such setting in the script, OK?

   However, the staff of Ascendas China was a little overwhelmed by Prince Alman’s request, but Prince Abdullah over there was almost driven away by the words of his nephew.

   Although he knew that his nephew had no dry goods in his stomach, he didn't expect that there was no dry goods to this point. How can he not show his happiness and anger on his face?

   Even if you are more curious, it’s not too late to buy the FC-21 fighter. As a result, just leaning forward at this time, doesn’t it mean that all your cards have been revealed?

So Abdullah immediately stepped forward, took Salman’s words, and helped his nephew to return to Yuan. If it is someone else who is taking off in China, Abdullah may be able to succeed. The problem is that China is taking off. The ballast stone beside him is no one else, but Zhuang Jianye, who is good at seizing opportunities, and more importantly, his ballast stone has not sunk.

   So before Prince Abdullah acted, Zhuang Jianye first ordered: "What are you waiting for? Hurry up and show it to His Royal Highness Prince Salman."

   With Zhuang Jianye, the China Ascendas staff at the scene naturally did not dare to neglect, and immediately began to manipulate the control system to open and close the invisible bomb bay.

   Repeated this several times, during which Abdullah tried to pull Salman back to the subject several times, but Zhuang Jianye's broken mouth was eloquent again and again, and he did not give Abdullah a chance to interrupt.

This lasted for more than ten minutes, and finally Prince Salman, who looked inside and out of the stealth bomb bay, finally nodded with satisfaction, and then looked at Zhuang Jianye: "Mr. Zhuang, I don’t know about yours. Can this kind of bomb bay opening and closing mechanism be applied to the bed? I think this 270-degree rotation experience will be very wonderful."

While Salman spoke, Zhuang Jianye, who was taking a breath, was preparing to give a further detailed introduction on the follow-up situation of the FC-21 fighter, so as to completely take down the number one favored by the king. Salman’s wonderful work The problem completely made Zhuang Jianye, who is known for his resilience in the aviation industry, completely dumbfounded.

   How is the opening and closing mechanism of the stealth bomb bay connected with the sleeping bed...? How big is the brain of the Prince Salman to come up with such a weird question.

It was not only Zhuang Jianye who was present, including Salman’s uncle, Prince Abdullah, who was almost fainted by the young prince’s problem. However, Salman didn’t seem to notice the strangeness of the people around him, and instead took care of himself. Zidi continued to open his mind: "If this mechanism can be applied to the bed...Of course, it is not an ordinary bed, but a customized bed on a private jet. Then, will His Majesty the King be able to take his own private jet? Can you experience the feeling of driving a fighter jet at that time? You must know that His Majesty the King...Uh...I mean his character is naturally adventurous. The genes that are full of lion-like visions are all fearless for trying new tricks. Spirit, so I think your bomb bay opening and mechanism are very good..."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was not fainting, but one of them was considered as a complete brain down. This is too much... In order to cooperate with Salman’s little eyes like his daughter’s worship, it was almost impossible to stop him. The super friendship relationship with the king is written on his face.

   This melon is so big and so explosive that people around don’t know how to eat it.

Fortunately, Zhuang Jianye has not experienced all kinds of moths in recent years, and he is still stable. He just froze for a while and immediately reacted, nodding like garlic: "Of course, as long as Prince Salman and His Majesty the King are willing, we China Ascendas will always be your two most loyal commodity service providers."

   These words made Prince Salman's handsome face bloom like a flower: "It seems that Mr. Zhuang is open to intimacy beyond pure friendship."

  "I think that everything exists is reasonable~www.wuxiaspot.com~Zhuang Jianye smiled more brilliantly: "We have an old Chinese saying called "Great Love without Borders". Since it is great love, we must overcome the incomprehensible gaze of some ordinary people. "

   "Great love has no boundaries?" Prince Salman murmured and repeated, and then nodded with emotion: "Unexpectedly, the seemingly open Europe and the United States are not as good as a relatively conservative eastern country."

After saying this, he raised his head again and looked at Zhuang Jianye: "This meeting is very fruitful. I will report to His Majesty the King on the high-profile version of the FC-21 fighter jet. I believe he will also have a keen interest in this fighter."

   After speaking, it looked like a noble swan, and left with his neck raised and a bunch of entourage.

  You can’t leave without leaving, because Prince Abdullah had a heart attack two minutes ago and passed out directly. As for the reason...Anyway, it’s inseparable from Salman.

However, it turns out that Salman's influence on the king far exceeds the ideas that the French have instilled since childhood. This also proves that the intimacy of super friendship is far more indulgent than boring knowledge, at least in the king of the United Arab Emirates. This is true for me. Because of this, four days after Prince Salman and Zhuang Jianye met in the FC-21 fighter aircraft hangar, China Ascendas and the Emirates TA Aviation Production Consortium jointly dropped a shock bomb on the international aviation community: both parties Will cooperate to develop the fourth-generation fighter.



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