Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1407: After all, we are a responsible company

After saying this, Zhuang Jianye showed five or six military drones developed by China Ascendas to the reporter who interviewed him. He pointed to one of the small sci-fi-like reconnaissance drones and said: "This This UAV is a small UAV developed by us for squad operations. The endurance time and range of action are not mentioned. The most important point is that the anti-interference is better than the world-renowned Oletaya. Quadrotor drones are several times stronger.

At least with the ZDL-16 vehicle-mounted drone jammer we developed, it is impossible to interfere with our drone. Compared with the Oletaya quadrotor drone, it encounters our ZDL-16 vehicle-mounted drone. The jammer can only be captured obediently. In this regard, the Ottoman security forces have achieved excellent results in actual combat..."

Hearing these words of Zhuang Jianye, the reporter of the International News Channel of Russian State TV named Natasha sitting next to Zhuang Jianye couldn't help but open his mouth slightly, showing incredible surprise.

This is the first time in a few years that Zhuang Jianye has once again been interviewed by the news channel of Russian state television.

The last time it was because of Zhuang Jianye’s acquisition of Russia’s Yakovlev Design Bureau by China’s take-off, which caused a shock in Russian public opinion. Therefore, the Russian National Television Station contacted Zhuang Jianye after a lot of efforts, hoping to let Russia know that this person can buy Russia through an exclusive interview. What kind of person is the young Chinese in the important aviation design bureau?

It's not so much an interview, it's more familiar.

Because the tone of the entire interview is not much different from that of the Soviet era, the host and Zhuang Jianye have both corrected the draft several times in private, and there will be no overstepping problems or surprises during the interview.

It can be said that the plain is confusing.

Compared with the last ordinary interview, this time the Russian national television interview is different. After years of public opinion wars with the West, the Russians have gradually learned the bold and pungent routines of the Western media, so the tracking and analysis of hot spots has become their news. The focus of the report.

Then after processing, I subtly incorporate my own values ​​into it, which in turn influences the orientation of the audience.

Because of this, this exclusive interview with Zhuang Jianye by the International Channel of Russian State Television is not a requirement of Russia’s domestic public opinion, but the Oletaya quadrotor drone, which has recently been sold globally, as a relatively big news explosion after the new millennium. Point, naturally aroused the attention of Russian state television.

Therefore, like other Western media, they all hope to interview the actual controller of Oletaya Company. But the problem is that the actual controller is completely blind, and there is no one at all. There is nowhere to go for an interview. What should I do?

Other Western media naturally contact the investors or independent directors of Oletaya Company for exclusive interviews. After all, they are all Westerners, and there is always a natural sense of superiority in their bones.

But the Russian state television station is different. They targeted the most important company in the Oletaya company's industrial chain, that is, China Ascendas Aerospace (Group) Co., Ltd., headquartered in Sinzhou, China.

Because in the view of Russian state television, China Ascendas, as the largest foundry company and the most important component supplier and industrial chain integrator of Oletaya quadrotor drones, should be on Oletaya quadrotor drones. Have enough power to speak.

So I contacted Zhuang Jianye from late February to conduct a comprehensive and in-depth interview with him. They did not receive feedback until early March. Zhuang Jianye agreed to the interview, but the location could only be in Huancheng, a certain province in southwest China. During this period, Zhuang Jianye was fully arranged, and he could only spare 2 hours for the Russian state television station.

The interview team of the International Channel of the Russian National Television Station, who was notified, immediately came to China non-stop. The reason why it is so active is that the Oletaya quadrotor drone is produced by the drone manufacturer owned by China Ascendas. More importantly, after the Lunar New Year, Zhuang Jianye was appointed as the special senior adviser to the senior negotiator of the World Trade Organization, engaged in the docking and adjustment of domestic aerospace-related policies and international norms.

We must know that Russia has always wanted to join the World Trade Organization since the disintegration of the Soviet Union, but the difficulty is greater than that at home. Now we are watching China’s entry into the World Trade Organization negotiations have entered the countdown. As a major aerospace country, the Russian National Television The International Channel hopes to understand how Xiazhuang Jianye operates in this regard through this exclusive interview.

Because of this, although this interview is not as boring as the last interview, it is generally considered quite satisfactory. Of course, there were also several mischievous raids by female reporters during the period. For example, the question that Zhuang Jianye just answered was the Russian woman in front of him. The reporter quoted some media speculation that China Ascendas was the actual controller of Oletaya Company, and asked Zhuang Jianye what comment he had on this.

As a result, Zhuang Jianye’s answer did not satisfy the senior Russian journalist, because Zhuang Jianye was obviously concerned about him and asked him that China Ascendas was the actual controller of Oletaya, but Zhuang Jianye said how advanced their production technology is. , How complete the industrial chain, how high the quality of workers...

Then the conversation turned around and began to introduce their own military drones. It was not so much an answer to a question as it was a successful product exhibition by Zhuang Jianye.

But just when this blond, good-looking Russian female reporter was a little impatient and prepared to adjust the rhythm to force Zhuang Jianye to return to the subject and make a thorough statement, Zhuang Jianye threw out the Ottoman security forces to use the China Ascendas ZDL-16 vehicle-mounted drone. Breaking news that the jammer has achieved good actual combat results.

For an instant, what adjusted the rhythm, what forced Zhuang Jianye to make a statement, were all forgotten by the Russian female reporter, because at the moment she had only one Russian phrase in her mind~www.wuxiaspot.com~ that was "found...found... …She found this breaking news..."

The reason why this Russian female journalist almost couldn't help but lose her attitude is very simple, that is, the drone jamming device displayed by the Ottoman security forces not long ago is too mysterious. Not only is the principle mysterious, but the manufacturer is even more mysterious, and the more mysterious it is. The more things become the hot spot pursued by the news media, now this mystery is spreading out here on Russian state television. Can you say that this Russian female journalist is not excited?

So the Russian female journalist suppressed the excitement and tentatively asked: "The UAV jamming device displayed by the Ottoman security forces not long ago was developed and produced by China Ascendas?"

"Yes..." Zhuang Jianye nodded without hesitation, and then sighed: "We and Ottoman have been friendly countries for generations. The friendly exchanges between the two sides can be traced back to the Tang Dynasty more than a thousand years ago. How could we be indifferent to the complicated domestic security situation in Osman, so at Osman’s request, we spent two months developing the ZDL-16 vehicle-mounted drone jammer. After all, we are a responsible company and world peace is Our purpose, human development is our highest philosophy..."

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