Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1408: No one knows Ottoman better than me

The female reporter from the International Channel of Russia's State TV Station heard Zhuang Jianye's words, and she was completely confused.

She indeed confirmed from Zhuang Jianye that the UAV jamming device displayed by the Ottoman security forces in an operation in the southwest of the country not long ago was the ZDL-16 vehicle-mounted UAV jammer produced by China Ascendas.

But precisely because of this, the entire interview pace was completely taken by Zhuang Jianye uncontrollably, and then using the ZDL-16 vehicle-mounted drone jammer to start talking about China’s take-off and peace-loving and promoting economic development. The lofty idea.

At this moment, the Russian female reporter really has more than 10,000 grass-and-mud horses rushing forward. What she wants to hear is a Mao concept. What she wants is the ZDL-16 vehicle-mounted drone jammer, which was released during military operations in southwestern Ottoman. Outstanding color, a super-difficult product that many arms manufacturers call it impossible to complete in a short period of time-ZDL-16 vehicle-mounted drone jammer!

However, Zhuang Jianye acted like a philosopher, completely blind to the product, but had an instinctive obsession with beliefs, culture and ideas, so that for 15 minutes, the eloquent Zhuang Jianye was telling how China’s take-off is promoting. The two major philosophical propositions of world peace and human development are advancing wildly.

So that the Russian beauty reporter tried to interrupt several times without a chance.

You must know that Zhuang Jianye only gave them 2 hours of interview time. Zhuang Jianye babbled 15 minutes on irrelevant issues. One-eighth of the time was wasted. You must know that for this interview with this beautiful Russian journalist. For those who had prepared a lot of questions, at least the three most important questions had been ruined by Zhuang Jianye.

So while Zhuang Jianye was drinking water, the Russian female reporter who finally seized the opportunity quickly asked the question she had been holding back for a long time: "Since the UAV jamming device used by Osman not long ago is China's take-off ZDL-16 Vehicle-mounted drone jammer, Mr. Zhuang, is it not convenient for us to take a look at the real thing?"

"Aren't you always looking at our ZDL-16 vehicle-mounted drone jammer?" Zhuang Jianye asked nonchalantly, and then pointed to a camera position and said: "This camera can be shooting all the time, why? You are so blatant. Photographing the new products developed by our China Ascendas with all our hard work, haven't you found it yet?"

Not only was the Russian beauty reporter who was in charge of interviewing Zhuang Jianye dumbfounded, but also the surrounding directors and field affairs of the international channel of the Russian state television station.

what's going on?

Is the ZDL-16 vehicle-mounted drone jammer right in front of them?

Still facing their camera position?

Then why didn't they find out?

When a group of Russians were full of question marks, Zhuang Jianye pointed his finger at a building that resembled a mobile slab house. Unlike other slab houses, the one behind Zhuang Jianye was equipped with two pot lid-like antennas. Then Zhuang Jianye smiled and raised his chin toward the two pot-lid antennas: "That is the ZDL-16 vehicle-mounted drone jammer, but we set it in the board room, oh... yes. Yes, this is the latest upgrade of the ZDL-16 vehicle-mounted drone jammer, which can automatically locate the unique communication transmission signal of the Oletaya quadrotor drone, and control the Oletaya quadrotor drone according to the determined position. The aircraft performs interference and capture, so this model is also called ZDL-16A......"

Hearing what Zhuang Jianye said, including the beautiful reporters, the group of Russians at the scene counted as one. They all cast their curious and suspicious eyes on the simple board house not far away. Three were used to take pictures of Zhuang Jianye’s close-up. The position is adjusted at the same time, and the output is crazy with the board room and the antenna above.

At this moment, the Russian female reporter who was looking at the board room in a daze suddenly received a note from the director. The Russian female reporter who came back to her senses quickly turned around and continued to ask: "We are concerned about this ZDL- 16A doesn’t understand. It happens that we are bringing an Oletaya quadrotor drone this time. I wonder if we can test it on the spot?"

"No problem, on the issue of ZDL-16, we will accept any test at any time!" Zhuang Jianye agreed very happily.

The Russians did not procrastinate even after getting permission. Soon they arranged for two people to take a car to release the drone three kilometers away. Soon the board room used signal recognition to capture the location of the drone, and soon released the interference model. The drone was forced to fly in the direction of the board room, and then fell steadily and was successfully captured by ground personnel.

The whole process is fast, efficient, and without any muddles!

Naturally, the Russian state television completely recorded the footage of the Oletaya quadrotor drone. The Russian female reporter who interviewed Zhuang Jianye couldn’t help but nodded approvingly, and soon turned his attention to Zhuang Jianye, and suddenly asked. The most sensitive question so far: "Mr. Zhuang, you just said that China Ascendas ZDL-16 was developed at the request of the Ottoman side. Then whether this project is a part of your aircraft carrier plan, you must know the current international rumors. As the coordinator of the Varyag passing through the Bosphorus, you had a very in-depth communication with the Ottomans, so this ZDL-16 drone jamming opportunity will not become the opportunity for you to trade the Varyag through the Bosphorus. One of the subjects of the Sprus Strait?"

"Aircraft carrier plan? Varange? Hehe..." Upon hearing this, Zhuang Jianye shook his head mockingly: "This is the most absurd joke I have ever heard in the 21st century. Why do we want an aircraft carrier? I said we Is peace-loving, what is an aircraft carrier? A real war machine, what do we want it to do?

Besides, even if you want an aircraft carrier, it’s impossible to have Varange, which has been soaked in the sea for more than ten years~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If we really intend to transform such an old aircraft carrier into a new aircraft carrier, we will buy it a few years ago. The Kiev and Minsk shouldn’t be sea amusement facilities.

So I don’t understand. How did a ship destined to become a high-end maritime hotel and a comprehensive commercial platform for the gaming industry became our aircraft carrier plan? What else did I say I went to Ottoman to coordinate Varange’s crossing of Bosphorus? Strait? "

"In other words, you didn't go to Ottoman last year for the Varyag?" the Russian female reporter asked again.

"The ownership of the Varyag is not for us to take off in China. I don’t care if it can pass through the Bosphorus. I went to Ottoman just to have the potential for economic cooperation with this friendly country. After all, our country’s friendship with Ottoman It has a long history, and I am the person who knows the Ottoman aviation and aerospace industry best so far. Therefore, after communicating with the Ottoman people from all walks of life these few times, I found that the Ottomans are straightforward and lovely people in their bones. For example, this time ZDL-16 A total of 3 sets of vehicle-mounted drone jammers were provided to Osman at a cost of 100 million U.S. dollars. We charged at the cost price, and even a penny of profit was confiscated. Osman was particularly touched by this..."

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