Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1422: The person who knows China's take-off best

What's more, developed countries in Europe and the United States have far stronger talents and technologies than China, and their supply chains are more complete. So as long as they make up their minds to engage in it, quadrotor drones like the "Ghost Elf" are not difficult for them. After all, although the industrial capacity of Europe and America at this time has declined and the industry is gradually hollowing out, it has not yet developed to the point where it is hopeless. Many valuable unique categories of Europe and America are still in their own hands.

Therefore, even if the future volume of consumer drones is large, because of the low threshold, it is very likely to cause vicious competition in the future, which will lead to the decline of everyone's income.

The technical difficulty of civilian airliners is high, but the corresponding threshold is also high. As long as a breakthrough is completed, a monopoly can be formed. Because of this, China takes off without adjusting any strategies, and it will follow the previously formulated ten-year vision and goals, and feel at ease. The TRJ-900 regional trunk airliner has been completed, and it will be able to feed itself by relying on the strong domestic aviation demand increase.

At that time, let alone any crisis in China's take-off, it will not become a crisis of others, and it will be able to make friends and businessmen burn a high reputation.

Most of the attendees today are all the great people who have caught up since the establishment of the twenty-third branch. Naturally, they understood Secretary Lin's implication, and naturally nodded in agreement.

"Then how do we divest the consumer drone business? We must know that China's take-off situation is not optimistic. If we can't exchange drone business for sufficient benefits, we will suffer a lot..."

"Yes, another key issue is public opinion. We used to promote a lot on the -2000 large passenger aircraft. It was well-known in military fans and aviation circles. Some people even regarded this aircraft as a transport aircraft. The symbol of the domestic civil aviation industry after the tenth generation. If this is suddenly terminated under pressure, will it cause a backlash in public opinion..."

"Speaking of public opinion, consumer drones are also not small. We all know that we started by drones. Selling the things we started with is no different from outsiders. So we sold the inherited ancestral properties. Quite a few people poked our backbone..."

"In my opinion, when public opinion is small, the key is to rely on consumer-grade drones to establish a domestic industrial chain? What about the domestic industrial chain? They all point to us alive, we sell it to the simplest, but their venues and equipment Isn't it all about the labor? After all, Liszt will not be kind enough to take all the supply chains to the next..."

"Yes, the supply chain is a big deal, and if you don't handle it well, there will be big problems. We can't explain it to the locals or entrepreneurs..."


Now that a basic consensus has been reached, the topic of the meeting began to shift to how to divest the consumer drone business, and then began to speak freely, listing a series of possible problems. Sacrifice like lolxsw.com sacrifice like

Including but not limited to internal business adjustment, project team peace and reorganization, superior approval procedures for sale and transfer, supply chain adjustment and maintenance, public opinion orientation and image promotion...

There are some things that Zhuang Jianye thought of before, but some things were indeed overlooked. Now they are brought up at the meeting. Zhuang Jianye also picked up a pen and carefully wrote down these possible problems in his notebook.

There is no way, there are small drawbacks and big difficulties.

Although the 23rd branch of the year was like walking on thin ice, it might be wiped out with a little carelessness, but it is better to turn around. As long as you look at the actual situation, you can adjust the business at any time and it may continue to develop.

Today's huge take-off of China seems indestructible, but a small amount of business change caused by too large volume will involve thousands of jobs.

Let’s talk about the supply chain issue. Regardless of foreign companies, more than 600 different companies are involved in the production of the "Ghost Elf" series of quadrotor drones.

The number of direct and indirect participants is no less than one million. China Ascendas sells its consumer-grade drone business to the point where it’s easy, but what about millions of people in the upstream and downstream supply chain surrounding this business?

At that time, these entrepreneurs will not be used, that is, the local government will have to go to China to take off because of employment pressure. You must know that the reform of state-owned enterprises has entered a critical period. Many small and medium-sized state-owned enterprises have shut down and switched to production, and the wave of layoffs has spread across the country. There is huge room for employment and re-employment pressure in various places. At this time, when China is taking off, such a major event involving the employment of millions of people is absolutely fine.

Therefore, how to divest related businesses and ensure that the million mouths have food is also a question that China Ascendas has to consider.


Just as Zhuang Jianye was discussing business adjustments and future business strategies with the leadership team at the China Ascendas Headquarters in Sinzhou, in the famous tourist resort of Kobe, Arima Onsen, Liszt was nestled naked by the Japanese imperial family and the cabinet. In the golden spring that the minister can only enjoy, he sighed comfortably, and the Japanese beauty who was serving hurriedly took off a white towel from Liszt's head and replaced it with a temperature that was just right.

Liszt didn't speak, but waved his hand casually. The Japanese beauty who was serving bowed obediently and then lightly withdrew from this golden spring. At this time, Liszt slowly said, "Sedre, just an hour ago. I received a call from Beijing, China. They told me that Zhuang Jianye could not bear the pressure and was about to spin off China Ascendas' core business in order to protect himself. I think he will contact me~www.wuxiaspot.com~ because it is only me. Have the ability to swallow his business, do you think I want his business to be good?"

"Of course it is the consumer drone business..."

While talking, a figure flashed out from the rockery opposite Liszt, raised a burst of spray, and then pulled off the towel covering his face to reveal a face that belonged exclusively to an Oriental.

If it were Zhuang Jianye and Lin Guanghua here, they would definitely recognize that the guy who took a bath with Liszt was no one else, but the Shi Jun who had been nailed to the pillar of shame by China's soaring.

Of course, Shi Jun no longer uses his Chinese name at this time. After being recognized by the American mainstream, Shi Jun has become more and more foreign, so that even his name has been changed to the English name of Celtic Perl Sterei.

And at this moment, Sterry, who slowly walked over, said insightfully: "Because only consumer drones are the source of money for China to take off."

"Then why is it not a civil aviation manufacturing business? My industry consultant said that China Ascendas has also achieved good results in this area. If it can get it, whether it is operated by itself or resold to Boeing, it can get a lot of money." Liszt Wrinkles looked at Shi Jun. Mi He Mi

"I take the liberty to ask, does your industry consultant understand China's take-off? Does it understand China's aviation industry?" Shi Jun sat down beside Liszt.

Liszt hesitated for a moment and shook his head: "They only analyzed it through public information."

"So they are all people talking on paper..." After that, Shi Jun pointed to his nose: "But I am different. I really understand. Zhuang Jianye claims to be the person who knows the aerospace industry best, and I am Celtic. Pearl Stere is the person who understands China's take-off best!"

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