Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1471: It's hard to pinch the domestic consumer psychology

After hearing this, Tong Lao nodded with satisfaction, and then several experts from the expert group came over to talk to Zhuang Jianye. The way they talked is basically the same as Tong Lao, not for the 220-200 discount gift package, just for the sake of Give -220-400 stroke a preferential price, all in all are prepared.

Zhuang Jianye never refused to come. It is impossible to give away a free modification gift package of 50 million yuan, but it is okay to get some maintenance orders for the Hunan Airlines manufacturing plant.

That's it, but in a short period of 20 minutes, Zhuang Jianye received a total of 96 intentional orders from major units and airlines, of which-220-200 for 24 aircraft; -220-400 for 72 aircraft.

Except for the 10 navy and air force-220-200, which gave 250 million yuan discount, the transaction price of the remaining aircraft was 300 million yuan on average, which means that Zhuang Jianye received 28.3 billion yuan worth of money in just 20 minutes. Super big single.

The other executives of China’s take-off in this scene have long been unsurprising. For this day, Zhuang Jianye has carefully planned for three years.

—220-300 is indeed a special leader machine built for upper-level leaders, and it does need to be strictly confidential, but the scope of confidentiality is limited to details such as the frequency of internal communication equipment, the model used, and the operating mechanism. For —220-300 The platform itself, whether it is the Air Force or the upper-level leaders, did not ask China Takeoff to implement any strict secrecy system.

Even more than once, I hope that Zhuang Jianye can use the 220-300 platform to enter the domestic civil aviation market in order to cultivate the further development of domestic civil aviation aircraft.

As a result, Zhuang Jianye did the opposite. He insisted that the special-purpose machine of the chief must be foolproof, and implemented the strictest secrecy system for the 220-300 model from the inside to the outside, so that the personnel involved in the development of this model. In the future, I will recall that its severity has caught up with two bombs and one star.

It is difficult for the Air Force and the upper-level leaders to say anything about this. After all, the more careful this kind of thing, the better, but each secretly regrets that Zhuang Jianye and China Ascendas may therefore miss to seize the domestic large regional passenger aircraft market.

We must know that at this time Bombardier’s CRJ-700\\900 and Embraer’s ERJ-170\\175 series have entered the stage of substantive engineering prototype test flight, and these two models are the main attack without exception. 70-110 regional passenger aircraft market.

In the face of new models that carry more passengers and are more fuel-efficient, the 50-seat medium-sized regional airliner represented by China Ascendas-220 has no competitive advantage at all. It is precisely because of this that Bombardier and Embraer have developed new models. After a generation of large-scale regional airliners, the number of orders for China's soaring -220 fell precipitously.

There is no way. Although domestic airlines have the responsibility to support domestically produced aircraft, they are not shantangs themselves. They must ensure that they are profitable in order to separate their minds and take on other things. They can't even support themselves every day, even if they have the mind to help domestically produced aircraft. There is more than enough.

If there are no domestic models to compete with at this time, the problem is that the platform used by China Ascendas for the chief executives of the upper-level leaders is a typical 70-110-seat large regional airliner. If this is missed, It's not a pity that it's that simple.

However, just when a group of laymen were holding on to Zhuang Jianye-220-300, and preparing to disappear in the long river of history with this model, a senior leader in charge of economics realized Zhuang Jianye's true intentions.

To put it bluntly, it is to use the special national conditions in the country and use this seemingly method of covering the disk to give the 220-300 an infinite halo effect.

There is no way. Who will let China be a special society where the upper echelon’s likes and dislikes can affect the whole people since ancient times. For example, the king of Chu has a thin waist. As a result, Chu’s criteria for beauties are thin waists and slender waists. As for why, naturally. Even the king of my family thinks it looks good, naturally it is beautiful, there is no reason why.

For another example, during the heyday of Kangxi and Qianlong, the three emperors of Kangxi, Yongzheng, and Qianlong had different aesthetics. Therefore, the pursuit of art by the people in the three periods was also different. As for why, the emperor likes it. Why do you do more?

Although this kind of thinking of upward and downward effects is not as powerful as feudal society until now, the huge historical inertia still leaves a unique gene among many people.

Based on this factor, the more Zhuang Jianye keeps the 220-300 mysterious, the more curiosity he can arouse the curiosity of others, and the more curious he is, the more he can start the popularity of the 220-300 series.

Coupled with the aura of the upper-level leadership dedicated to the chief machine, the invisible up-and-down effect of the spreading effect can immediately enter the virus and generally break out in the society.

What Boeing 737, what Airbus A320, there is a special aircraft from the head of style? Laozi spent thousands of years on the plane. Of course, he chose the most worthy one. Otherwise, relatives and friends would ask: "How do you feel when you take the plane?"

I can slap my chest and proudly say, "I’m taking the special-purpose aircraft for the chief executive this time. What is the special-purpose aircraft for the chief executive? Let’s go back and watch the TV. The one I sat there next time, let alone, it feels really good..."

Then let's blow it for a while, it can blow for more than half a year.

With this kind of social mass foundation, if China takes off and makes a little bit more profit in price and later maintenance, all units and airlines will inevitably rush.

In comparison, what Bombardier’s CRJ-700\\900, what Embraer’s ERJ-170\\175 series, is a younger brother compared to the 220-300 series, after all, the chief special machine It belongs to the 220-300 series alone. There will be no chance for CRJ-700\\900 and ERJ-170\\175 to compete.

Only Airbus’s A319 or Boeing’s 737-600 are barbarians who use the mainline airliner to grab the regional airliner market, relying on greater space and higher comfort, and the 220-300 series in the domestic regional airliner market. The rest of the wrist has to be rubbed on the ground by China Tengfei.

After being analyzed by this big leader, other big leaders suddenly realized that this kid Zhuang Jianye was so cunning and cunning~www.wuxiaspot.com~ actually took the domestic consumer psychology to death, since that's the case, how can I say anything? In order to make the domestically-produced civil aviation airliner go a step further, without pretending to know it, try to cooperate with Zhuang Jianye, a brat to seize the domestic market.

So after the —220-300 is equipped with a certain part of the Air Force and is known as the special plane for domestic research and inspection by major leaders, whether it is paper headlines or TV reports, they will intentionally or unintentionally give the —220-300 series one or two lenses or close up.

And this kind of free advertising endorsed by the big leaders is much more immediate than hiring a so-called emperor superstar to sing and dance at a high price.

The fact is indeed the case. Since I saw the 220-300 series on the news, domestic airlines have been unable to sit still. They have begun to contact China to take off frequently to ask about the details of the 220-300 series, but Zhuang Jianye has been all in touch. The confidentiality was only declined.

As a result, the more the Zhuang Jianye was, the more the airlines wanted to know what the 220-300 series was like, but Zhuang Jianye was as stable as an old dog, just not letting go, knowing that the 220-200 will be released all at once today. The three models of \\300\\400 were put on the market in a way of internal sales......

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