Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1476: Hold out a king bomb

The question of the leader of the expert group was very sudden, and the subsequent exclaims were even more abrupt, so that the people present could not even look away from the ZBDL-567 35-ton vibration test bench in front of them.

As a result, after turning his attention to the direction of the expert team’s gaze, he was inconveniently stunned, and then used a stone age primitive man to see the look of an alien civilization, or shock, or accident, or doubt, or fear. Looked at the screen in the distance.

It’s no wonder everyone at the scene reacted this way, because on the side of several vibration test benches with different tonnages, there was a large floor-standing LCD screen, and the two staff members were wearing equipment similar to windproof goggles. Touch the plan view of the FC-23 heavy-duty carrier-based fighter on the screen, and then the internal structure is clearly presented.

Especially the complicated internal pipelines are distinguished intuitively by different colors.

Red is the communication system, blue is the gas supply system, purple is the telex system, green is the power supply system, yellow is the backup line...

However, these alone do not make the many well-informed experts of the Central Review Expert Group so gaffe. The reason why they are staring at the screen like a monster is because the two staff members are as if they were actually assembled. Like the cable assemblers in the workshop, they dismantled the lines with shining bright spots, and then used different reinforcement techniques to reinstall them.

The whole process can be described as smooth and flowing, as if it is a rehearsal of the circuit assembly of the FC-23 heavy-duty carrier-based fighter.

The experts present at the scene have heard of similar scenes. After all, once there is any technological breakthrough in the free and beautiful space on the other side of the ocean, it will be a wave in the media to promote their technologically superior strength in the world.

Therefore, this third-generation digital pre-installation technology based on virtual reality technology has been widely used in Boeing and Lockheed Martin at the turn of the century.

Among them, the Boeing 787 large twin-engine wide-body airliner being developed by Boeing uses the primary version developed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration; and the new version 2.0 used by Lockheed Martin on the F-35 fighter jet.

Essentially, the experience of the two versions is not much different. The only difference is the basic database used by the two versions. The 1.0 version of Boeing uses the various civil aircraft used by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration for nearly half a century. Item data.

Lockheed Martin’s 2.0 is based on the 1.0 version that adds data on American military aircraft for half a century.

Because of this, whether it is Boeing 787 or F-35, the development progress is very fast. There is no way. This kind of prefabricated installation realized by virtual reality technology can greatly reduce the preparation time of the process, thereby shortening the entire pressing cycle and reducing the cost. ,Improve efficiency.

Because of this, the third-generation digital pre-installation system of the United States has received great attention from the industry once it is made public, so that many partner countries that have close ties with the United States want to buy it.

In particular, France, as the largest European aviation industry, even hopes to exchange all the data on French combat aircraft that it has accumulated for many years in exchange for the third-generation digital pre-installation system of the United States.

The reason why the French are so eager to even take out their old books at the bottom of the box is mainly because compared with the concept of the first generation that can only be carried out on the computer screen; the second generation uses the same heavy equipment as pilot helmets and can only Dealing with the greenness of a small number of spare cables, the third generation can be regarded as the full maturity of digital pre-installation technology.

Not only is the projection equipment more advanced, but more importantly, the third-generation digital pre-installation system can realize the arrangement, installation and commissioning of more than 85% of aircraft parts by connecting to a supercomputer and processor with higher computing power.

This is of great significance for simplifying the aircraft production process and improving overall efficiency.

But more importantly, the third-generation digital pre-installed system functions are not limited to the aviation field. As long as it can smoothly access the database, launch vehicles, satellites, nuclear energy, electric power, automobile manufacturing, mechanical equipment, engineering buildings...

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as there is an industrial place, the third-generation digital pre-installation system can be popularized.

This is not too great to improve the comprehensive competitiveness of a country!

Dassault’s industrial design software is well-known all over the world. Naturally, other countries are more aware of the benefits of it. Therefore, they have to get the third-generation digital pre-installation system of the United States at any cost.

The problem is that the French know that the Americans are more aware of the meaning of the third-generation digital pre-installation system. Therefore, no matter how the French flatter or flirt, the Americans will have one word: "Go!"

The Americans themselves want to rely on the third-generation digital pre-installation system to monopolize the world, sitting and counting money, how can it be sold at this time?

The French, who was played with by the Americans and kicked out of the door, naturally couldn't swallow this breath, so they began to hold back their internal skills and prepared to rely on their own strong industrial design software technology to develop a third-generation set of their own. Digital pre-installation system.

Although the anecdote about the third-generation digital pre-installation system between Liberty Beauty Room and Romance Faranci has not been published in the newspapers, it is a well-known thing in the industry.

Although many people take it as a joke and become a new script for milk law, they also illustrate the importance and advancement of the third-generation digital pre-installation system from another side.

Of course, there is tracking research on the third-generation digital pre-installation system in China. Otherwise, the experts present will not be able to recognize what is in front of them after just a few glances.

However, there is not much domestic research in this area. Only a few years ago, China Ascendas developed a second-generation digital pre-installation system based on the JSNB system.

Because it can only match the aviation products produced by China Ascendas, and can only install and debug less than 10% of aircraft parts, it is recognized by the industry that the technology is not mature enough and has not been applied on a large scale, so it gradually fades out of people's field of vision.

According to the usual urinary nature of domestic enterprises, they have lost their attention and are not far from the street. Therefore, almost everyone thinks that China Ascendas will not waste time and precious resources in this thankless field.

But it's unbelievable that people China took off not only did not give up, but still silently insisted, but also suffocated a super king bomb.

The real domestic third-generation digital pre-installation system!

"Leader, China's third-generation digital pre-installation system seems to be more than ordinary pre-installation..."

At this time, Tong Lao suddenly opened his mouth, and immediately fixed his gaze on a 10-ton vibration test rig that was undergoing a segmental vibration test of the FC-23 carrier heavy fighter nose. He stretched out his hand and said, "Look, there. The ongoing vibration test seems to be related to the third-generation digital pre-installation system, especially the flashing place on the screen is obviously positively related to the shaking table test..."

When the expert group leader heard the words, his face was shocked: "You mean... can the data of the vibrating table be transferred to the third-generation digital pre-installation system in real time?"

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