Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1475: 3rd generation digital pre-installation

After hearing the words of the chief of the navy, let alone other people in the car, even the initiator of Zhuang Jianye was a little surprised.

I was just a routine complaining, pretending to be pitiful, trying hard to play the crying child who wanted grandma to eat, and the result... the chief of the navy actually took the lead?

So that Zhuang Jianye was in a daze, is the navy leadership so reckless~~?

But then he thought about it, but he denied the unrealistic conclusion that he was a director-level figure. How could he be as reckless as Leng Touqing? It is estimated that less than half of his military career has left the field.

Then why did this chief of the Navy, like a passionate young man, dare to pack tickets in front of Zhuang Jianye?

The reason is simple. The navy wants to use this opportunity to improve its position in the army, so as to win more funds.

As the chief of the navy said, the navy has been really frustrated for so many years. Due to many factors such as national strength, technology, and strategy, the navy can only rely on a few old-fashioned destroyers and frigates to support its facades for a long time, so that in military operations I can only lay hands on the army, and I can't perform a single combat mission.

This is indeed very embarrassing for a highly independent military service.

When we entered the new century, as foreign trade continued to rise, the protection of maritime trade lines prompted superiors to re-examine the navy's positioning and began to shift the focus of construction to the navy in a planned way.

The Varyag aircraft carrier is the most powerful proof.

However, the navy still feels that the support from superiors is not enough. The reason for this feeling is mainly because the navy has owed too many debts in the past few years, and the desire to build a high-level and high-quality modern navy in a short period of time is also the same. impossible.

After all, the construction of the navy cannot be completed overnight. It requires continuous investment in all aspects to achieve this goal.

Because of this, what the navy wants is not temporary support, but to normalize and institutionalize the existing support, and at the same time create a set of military equipment research and development systems that belong to the navy, so that it can be more targeted. Future operational requirements of the Navy.

Ships, missiles, torpedoes, and even the armored combat vehicles of the Marine Corps are all good to say. After so many years of development, the Navy has accumulated some wealth.

However, there is still a blank in terms of professional naval aviation equipment. There is no way. Naval aviation has been basically a supplementary force of the air force for a long time. In order to save money, the models used are also the main combat equipment of the air force. .

In the era without aircraft carriers, naval aviation who took off from the landing base airport could make do with it. After all, their own situation is not much different from that of the Air Force. Even if it is tactical tactics, the operation plan is copied from the Air Force’s operation manual and training outline.

The equipment required by naval aviation after the aircraft carrier is quite different from that of the Air Force’s land-based aircraft. Following the Air Force’s set of standards will greatly affect the combat capabilities of the future naval carrier aviation.

The problem is that at this stage, there is no domestic aviation production (R&D) entity that specializes in naval aviation. The reason for this is not complicated. How many carrier-based aircraft can the Navy be equipped with?

It is important to know that the latest naval development program issued by the headquarters only says to strive to have two aircraft carriers from the 1920s to the 1930s.

Even if the two aircraft carriers are of the class of the Varyag, there are less than one hundred fixed-wing and helicopters.

That's all, the key is that a plate of less than a hundred is worth a few points; on the other hand, the air force, if only a few hundred or several hundred of fixed-wing warfare maneuvers are needed, that is the local tyrant among the local tyrants.

This is why the Navy was previously optimistic about the Northeast Aviation Industry Group, and wanted this old aviation company to follow the Navy, but was declined by the Northeast Aviation Industry Group.

The Air Force is just the testimony. The navy is just a frustration for the main fighters of the competing Air Force. The Northeast Aviation Industry Group will still have to prove it in the Air Force in the future. How can it be given up for a few trees? A great forest?

This kind of harm is not high, but the insulting but extremely strong refusal to attack the Navy can be imagined.

Of course, the navy didn't think about China's take-off. After all, its predecessor, Yonghong Factory, used to be a professional manufacturer of carrier-based aircraft. China's take-off has been advertised as the successor of the carrier-based aircraft project for so many years.

The problem is that the main body of China Ascendas carrier-based aircraft research and development has always been shown by the carrier-based aircraft project team, and the Yonghong factory headquarters and the old factory area have rarely received outsiders since the merger and restructuring, so that many people think that China’s take-off is through The favorable conditions of the Yonghong factory located in the center of Sin Chew are waiting for the price. It is ready to sell a large plot of land at the right time and make a fortune.

Under such circumstances, the navy felt that it would be difficult for China to take off to support the navy's ambitions of a prairie prairie fire, so it did not take the pole.

As a result, after coming to the China Ascendas carrier-based aircraft project team this time, I found that the huge Yonghong Factory has become the carrier-based aircraft research and development center of China Ascendas carrier aircraft, and its scale can fully accommodate the next stage of the Navy’s aviation equipment development. For special needs, if that's the case, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and reorganize it. Otherwise, it will be too late to be seen by the Air Force and other services.

Because of this, the navy leader was so reckless. He marked the site first. After all, a large part of the experts in the interim review expert group in the car were from the Air Force. What are you waiting for!

What a clever person Zhuang Jianye was. He quickly figured out the key points in it and quickly agreed: "We have not thought about this matter for China to take off. We are also willing to contribute our own strength to the construction of the navy. It's a pity that we people are light-hearted...so..."

"For this matter, you Xiaozhuang should put your heart in your stomach, and leave the policy to our navy, so you can just do the carrier-based aircraft with peace of mind!" Before Zhuang Jianye could finish, the chief of the navy With a big wave of his hand, he said boldly and dryly: "If there is not such a determination to go all out, how to develop a good navy!"

When the two sang and got together, they almost put the carrier-based aircraft project team on the title of the Naval Carrier-based Aircraft Research Institute, and the experts in the car were speechless.

But I didn’t feel what was going on in my heart. Obviously, the navy was hungry. It started rushing for territory only by seeing the scale and personnel. I don’t know that the key to the Institute of Aeronautics lies in equipment, experience, technology and accumulation, and of course there is a more important chief division. , After all, the train runs fast, relying on the headband, everything is in vain without a leader. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

China Ascendas may have made some achievements on carrier-based aircraft, but the project team is still too short to form. Even if it has a 20-year history according to China Ascendas, it still lacks the foundations of the established research institutes such as the Southwest Institute and the Northeast Institute.

In that case, what's so controversial?

Don't say that you offend people for no reason, and there is no need to burden yourself.

With this mentality, the experts appreciate the two people's question and answer more with the thought of watching the show. Even if they are surprised, they are surprised that these two people can really act.

In this way, a group of people will quickly arrive in front of a building. After they get off the car, they will enter it under the guidance of Zhuang Jianye, follow and then pass through several porches, and arrive at a laboratory similar to a production workshop. A 1.8-meter-high, 3-meter-wide device not far away said: "That is our latest ZBDL-567 35-ton vibration test bench, which is driven by a motor..."

"Xiao Zhuang, wait a minute!" Just as Zhuang Jianye was preparing to introduce the ZBDL-567 35-ton vibration test rig, the expert group leader of the doctor's civilian uniform suddenly pointed to a screen not far away and asked: "That is what?"

Zhuang Jianye looked at it, and just wanted to explain, he saw that the expert group leader suddenly opened his eyes, watching a technician play with the wires and pipes of different colors on the screen with his hands, and suddenly lost his voice: " It’s the third-generation digital pre-installation...yes, it’s the third-generation digital pre-installation...Oh my god, am I dreaming, it’s actually the third-generation digital pre-installation..."

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