Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1474: Carrier Aircraft Project Team

Zhuang Jianye’s remarks are not really boasting. You must know that currently China Ascendas can publish a 35-ton vibration test bench, but in fact, China Ascendas’ aerospace research and development center located at the southern foot of the Qinling Mountains also has a 40-ton vibration test bench. , That is the vibration test bench with the largest test tonnage and the most advanced technology in the world.

At present, the 40-ton vibration test bed is mainly responsible for three key projects. One is the domestic next-generation land-based mobile launching strategic intercontinental ballistic missile, the other is the new generation submarine-launched ballistic missile project, and the other is the aircraft. Air-launched ballistic missile project.

All of them are the most important weapons of the country, so the confidentiality level is quite high.

So even if Zhuang Jianye knows that there is a better one, he can't just say it, but as the largest vibration test equipment in the world at present, the 35-ton vibration test bench is enough to show China's strong aviation research and development capabilities.

Because of this, what Zhuang Jianye said was a self-confident person. Without waiting for the core technical leader of the Northeast Aviation Industry Group to react, he waved his hand aggressively: "We never boast in China’s take-off. There is our 35-ton vibration test rig at the location of the machine project team. You can follow me to have a look."

Speaking of Zhuang Jianye, he got into a Coaster minibus first, and other experts, leaders and chiefs got on the bus.

Although some people from Northeast Aviation Industry Group were a little embarrassed, they still held the last glimmer of hope and got into the last Coaster with their heads down.

The convoy entered the downtown area of ​​Sinzhou and soon came to a large group of buildings close to the city center. The styles were all retro styles of the 1950s and 1960s, and many buildings were full of the strong muscles of the Soviet era.

Of course, the facades of many buildings have been refurbished, and the windows have also been replaced with popular plastic steel windows. In addition, the solar heat collection system and gas pipelines, which are obviously only added in recent years, make these buildings attractive. An alternative kind of vitality.

In particular, under the big red five-pointed star at the front gate, the four characters "China Takes Off" in red lacquered on a white background, make people suddenly feel a sense of trance.

An expert looked at the large characters at the front entrance, as well as the dense banyan trees on both sides of the road after the vehicle entered it, the lush flower beds on the corner of the street, and the leafy oleander not far away. He couldn't help but curiously asked: "Zhuang Zhuang, here Yes…"

"This is the location of our China Ascendas Carrier Aircraft Project Team!" Zhuang Jianye replied with a smile.

The inquiring expert nodded, realized something immediately, and suddenly widened his eyes: "Such a large area belongs to the carrier-based aircraft project team?"

Zhuang Jianye also looked helpless: "We have no choice. The carrier-based aircraft inherited from Yonghong Factory had four models, including carrier-based fighters, carrier-based transport aircraft, carrier-based anti-submarine aircraft, and carrier-based helicopters. The architecture was already very large, and several rounds of expansion were carried out later. In the end, the entire FATEK factory could only be handed over to the carrier-based aircraft development team for use..."

Zhuang Jianye's tone was full of complaining women's nagging, as if he had to make the next move, but the leaders of the several experts in the same car and the chief of the navy were stunned.

Is the entire Yonghong factory vacated for the carrier-based aircraft project team?

Can this NM still be called a group? It's almost the same as the aviation research institute. You must know that the scale of the top domestic aviation research institutes is not as large as that of the China Ascendas carrier aircraft project team, is it a complete aviation production plant back then!

The headquarters alone occupies an area of ​​more than 500 acres, and there are 8 large-scale core branch factories. If it were not for this, the Yonghong factory in the past would not have been dubbed by the locals in Xingzhou as "Chuan La Xingzhou people, half-city Yonghong factory".

Realizing this, another expert couldn't wait to ask: "Then how many people are in your carrier aircraft project team?"

"Currently, there are 1,862 employees, including 247 doctors and 584 masters. The rest are all with a bachelor's degree or above, and the age of these front-line technicians is very young, with an average of only 28 years old, so this is a place full of youth and vitality.

Of course, the scientific research atmosphere here is also very strong. In addition to the six 35-ton vibration test rigs I just mentioned, we have also equipped this area with two Galaxy-IV supercomputers that can perform operations at 1 trillion operations per second. The small wind tunnel with the function of real-time data transmission, as well as other supporting materials, processing, testing and a series of supporting equipment, it should be said that in terms of software and hardware, our carrier aircraft project team is considered to be among the top domestic research institutes of the same kind. Mao's. "

"On the way we came, we were still thinking about how your China took off a small carrier-based aircraft project team, how dare you to drag four aircraft and get four models at once? I have been doing aviation for so many years, but I have never seen it. This kind of group is an eye-opener today. What kind of group do you take off in China? It is clearly a powerful aviation research institute!"

After hearing Zhuang Jianye's words, the leader of the Intermediate Review Expert Group sitting next to Zhuang Jianye couldn't help but said with emotion. Other experts and leaders also nodded, saying that they were also bewildered by the name of the carrier-based aircraft project team.

No way, no one expected that China's take-off can make the team so large.

However, with emotion, the leader of the mid-level review expert group suddenly changed his style and asked: "Your carrier-based aircraft project team has such a large structure. You can apply for the establishment of a formal aviation research institute. How can you still use the team? 'S name?"

It’s okay if you don’t ask this question. Upon asking, Zhuang Jianye’s old face suddenly became a bitter gourd: "Leaders, several leaders, I don’t want to upgrade the carrier-based aircraft project team to a formal aviation research institute. To be honest, we are now There is no problem in upgrading the scale to the Institute of Aviation Research, UU reading www.uukanshu.com and it can also fill the gap in our country. After all, our country does not have a professional research unit that specifically develops special aircraft for the direction of naval aviation.

But the problem is that the industry reform plan and the organization streamlining plan submitted by the Aviation Industry Group in previous years stipulated that general aviation manufacturing companies should only retain at most one aviation research institute.

Our China Ascendas was unfortunately classified as a general aviation manufacturing company, because there was already a special aircraft research institute in the aviation manufacturing base at the southern foot of the Qinling Mountains, so our carrier-based aircraft research institute was not approved...so..."

Speaking of this, Zhuang Jianye's face is filled with helplessness and sadness, as if he is a super warm man who is loyal for his love, but has to leave his beloved because of the goddess's parents. He still firmly believes in the hope of love in disappointment. "So... Over the years, our China Ascendas has been using its own profits to maintain the operation of the carrier-based aircraft project team. This is nothing else, just that we don’t want to disappoint the two generations of China’s Ascendas’ share of the carrier-based aircraft. The dream of the sea and the sky is to hope that in the rest of my life, I can see that the carrier-based aircraft I am involved in building can flap its wings and take off on our own aircraft carrier..."


Before Zhuang Jianye's words were over, the chief of the navy sitting in the main seat of the front row thumped a fist on the table: "It's the 21st century, and there is such a thing! Xiaozhuang, don't worry, carrier-based aircraft The project team’s promotion to the research institute is left to me. The navy has been frustrated for so many years. I don’t believe it wants a professional carrier-based aircraft research institute. They dare to stop it?"

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