Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1473: The world's largest and most advanced vibration test bench

"What are you talking about? China Ascendas already has a 35-ton vibration test bench?"

As soon as Zhuang Jianye's voice fell, the person in charge of the Central Review Expert Group with gray hair, a pair of square glasses, and a civilian military uniform asked in surprise: "Are you sure it's a 35-ton vibration test bench?"

Not only the head of the Interim Expert Group, other members of the expert group, the leaders and chiefs of the Navy all stared at Zhuang Jianye with eager eyes at this moment.

No way, it is that the 35-ton vibration test rig is of great significance to the navy at this stage, especially for carrier aircraft. The 35-ton vibration test rig can be said to be a crucial test equipment.

It is important to know that carrier-based aircraft suffer more shocks during take-off and landing than land-based aircraft. The greater impact force brings greater vibration intensity, and because of this, the structural strength and equipment of carrier-based aircraft The firmness of the installation is much higher than that of land-based aircraft.

The question is whether this high standard can be adapted to the actual use of carrier-based aircraft during take-off and landing of aircraft carriers, especially when the aircraft carrier is landing, the huge inertial impact force generated when the speed of nearly two hundred kilometers per hour suddenly drops to 0 can be loaded on Above the fuselage, under such repeated conditions, how can the service life of the carrier aircraft be guaranteed for tens of thousands of hours?

This requires a complete set of vibration test equipment to detect the vibration strength of each system of the carrier-based aircraft in different environments. Even the vibration of the entire carrier-based aircraft needs to be checked by vibration test equipment. Insufficiency of the sub-system is improved and upgraded.

This shows the importance of this type of vibration test bench. It can be said that without this type of equipment, it is difficult to build a qualified carrier-based aircraft. Because of this, developed countries have always dealt with vibration test benches of more than 10 tons. Embargoed.

In addition to a series of aerospace products such as carrier-based aircraft, land-based aircraft and aero engines, which require vibration test benches to verify their structural performance, a series of aerospace products also rely on vibration test benches to ensure their own reliability.

Because whether it is a civilian carrier rocket or a military long-range missile, the take-off weight is more than 100 tons. The huge thrust of the rocket engine often causes huge vibrations in the parts of the rocket. If a screw is shaken off at this time, a wire If it is broken, the entire rocket or missile may be directly damaged.

There are countless such mistakes in the history of space launches. If you want to reduce the related mistakes, you must have a large-tonnage vibration test bench. In the continuous test, the design or process defects are found, and the rocket or missile is finally Increased reliability.

Because of this, restricting large-tonnage vibration test benches is tantamount to restricting the development of a country's aerospace industry. After all, things with low reliability are not threatening at all.

For example, New Delhi's medium-range missiles are almost a second kick. Not to mention the actual combat capability, thanks to the long-range cattle blessings if they can be launched safely.

There are also Iranian missiles, the same is true, the reliability is also not high.

The reason for this is that the lack of large-tonnage vibration test benches makes it impossible to obtain reliability data. At the same time, while its own national strength is limited, and there is no determination to never give up until it reaches the goal, it can only end up with a pot of raw rice.

China is not as embarrassed as New Delhi and Iran, but the overall level is not high. At present, the largest tonnage vibration test rig is only 18 tons. As a treasure of a certain aerospace institute, it is used in the development of an improved model of a certain type of long-range missile. task.

Such a high-standard key unit is like this, and the situation of other units can be imagined. A 10-ton level is already considered a local tyrant.

For example, the Northeast Aviation Industry Group is very confident in its carrier-based aircraft because it imported a 10-ton vibration test bench from abroad in the 1990s.

And for this vibration test bench, Northeast Aviation Industry Group can be said to have spent money, used its own five-year foreign exchange quota, and purchased it from the United Kingdom at a high price of 75 million US dollars.

If converted into gold, the money can buy almost 10 tons of gold ingots.

Yes, you read that right, the price of a 10-ton vibration test bench is the same tonnage and the same gold.

The reason why it is so expensive is no way. Who made the domestic backward in this respect at that time, can only produce 10 tons of mechanical test benches, not only the accuracy is poor, but more importantly, it can only do up and down regular vibration tests, and other directions. Irregular vibration test simply cannot be done.

Since domestic products are not as good as foreign ones, others will naturally open their mouths and take a bite.

But no matter what, Northeast Aviation Industry Group spared no expense in making itself a leader in the domestic aviation industry in terms of vibration testing. It is also on this basis that when Northeast Aviation Industry Group undertook the task of developing carrier-based aircraft. Faith is terrible.

No way, looking at other domestic aerospace companies, apart from their Northeast Aviation Industry Group, which can do ten-ton vibration tests, there is no second one. This is the most important thing for carrier-based aircraft that can withstand great impact. thing.

Of course, seeing the many benefits of the vibration test bench, the Northeast Aviation Industry Group naturally wants to add similar equipment with larger tonnage, so that the development of carrier-based aircraft can be more effective, but the developed countries are like discussing it, exceeding 10 Tons of vibration test benches are not sold at all, let alone the same tonnage and the same gold, even if they give several times the gold, they will also smile slightly, let you roll as far as you can.

In desperation, the Northeast Aviation Industry Group can only return in anguish, but they are not discouraged. After all, they are still the only aviation company with a 10-ton vibration test bench on the bright side.

The reason why UU read www.uukanshu.com is because China’s take-off vibration test bench has not been made public, and now it has been approved by the computer to make it public. As a result, compared with the results, Northeast Aviation Industry Group is proud of the number The 10-ton-class vibration test rig is not even a younger brother in the face of China's take-off.

That is a 35-ton vibration test rig, the world’s largest tonnage vibration test rig so far. Only the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration had obtained this large-tonnage vibration test rig two years ago for use in heavy launch vehicles, advanced aircraft and space station cabins. Vibration test of the segment.

Didn’t expect China Ascendas to have such a large-scale vibration test bench?

Therefore, compared with the simple surprise of the experts of the China Review Expert Group, the leaders and chiefs of the Navy, Huang Feng and other people from the Northeast Aviation Industry Group were truly shocked.

It is the world's largest and most advanced 35-ton vibration test bench. If that is the case, then what advantage does Northeast Aviation Industry Group have is that they are rubbed on the ground by China Ascendas!

"Impossible...Impossible... The 35-ton vibration test bench is strictly embargoed abroad, and it can't be bought for any amount of money. How can you take off in China?"

The core technology leader of the Northeast Aviation Industry Group who questioned the development cycle of Tang Lili's carrier-based aircraft finally couldn't help it, and sternly questioned Zhuang Jianye.

However, Zhuang Jianye smiled: "The reason why we have been able to develop in China so far is to constantly break the so-called ‘impossible’. What happened to the embargo? Believe it or not that in a few years, our China will take off to embargo them?

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