Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1480: Alone 1 no 2

The training time can be reduced without brains, and the entire base can be expanded just like the musketeers replaced the archers before and after the Industrial Revolution.

However, does the technology developed by China Ascendas only lower the threshold of aviation manufacturing?

Of course not, I saw Zhuang Jianye confidently said: "Through our actual tests and practice, after applying the two new technologies, model-based 3D design and manufacturing technology and online related design technology, our design workload has been reduced by 40%. %, the production preparation time has been shortened by 75%, and the manufacturing cycle has been shortened by 30%. In the past, it took us at least 2 months to produce a wing. Now it only takes 8 hours to rely on these two new technologies, one working day immediately... "

"Xiao Zhuang, you just said... Have you put these two new technologies into practice?"

Zhuang Jianye was just halfway talking when he was cut off by a navy chief. Not only this chief, but the others on the scene looked at Zhuang Jianye in disbelief.

Because from what Zhuang Jianye said just now, these individuals keenly captured a key word "practice"!

Zhuang Jianye nodded without hesitation: "At present, we have used these two technologies to transform the No. 1, No. 3 and No. 8 workshops of the old Yonghong factory, and thus built it into the domestic so far...oh, no...it should be said. It is a modern aviation manufacturing plant that is in the leading category in the international arena..."

When Zhuang Jianye's voice fell off, the screen wall behind him suddenly flashed, revealing three separate screens, namely Workshop No. 1, Workshop No. 3 and Workshop No. 8.

Zhuang Jianye walked to the screen wall and pointed to the picture above and continued: "Workshop No. 8 mainly produces wings and vertical tails; Workshop No. 3 mainly produces front and rear fuselage segments, and Workshop No. 1 is the center wing box and the middle fuselage. Section, the three workshops currently produce mass production models of FCBN-200-200, and the previous six FCBN-200-300 special machines for heads are produced here.

To this end, we give full play to the advantages of China Ascendas in aviation special processing equipment, CNC software technology, mechanical automation, flexible processing, laser precision measurement technology, etc., and combine the two new technologies of 3D design and manufacturing based on model definition and online related design technology. Technology has turned these three workshops into a brand-new digital workshop, please look here..."

Zhuang Jianye’s voice immediately ended, and the picture of Workshop No. 1 began to zoom in. It was quickly fixed on a gantry-type turning-milling composite machining center, while the picture on the other side was switched to rows of obscure data codes. Lines of data codes move regularly, and the gantry-type turning-milling compound machining center on the screen starts to move.

First, the vacuum flexible fixture of the base adjusts the matrix according to the curved surface of the blank, and then it is adsorbed on the blank. Then the measuring probe selects several points on the 12-meter-long blank for testing, and then the five-axis cutter head starts to work on the blank. High-precision cutting is performed on the machine.

There was only one maintenance engineer on site during the whole process. As for the operators of the equipment, there were no operators at all, but the equipment started to operate automatically, as if Zhuang Jianye had magic power. One sentence could command all the mechanical equipment here.

"This...this...this...how is this done?"

Dong Lao stared at the screen blankly, and he asked such a sentence like hell. There was no way, because what the screen showed was no longer simple automation, but intelligence only found in science fiction.

Zhuang Jianye responded with a smile: "We use computer network broadband and optical fiber communication systems, combined with China Ascendas JSNB industrial design software based on the optimized algorithm architecture developed for the underlying logic, can be processed in the design building of our carrier-based aircraft development team. The required program is transmitted to this NB-798M seven-axis five-linkage heavy-duty gantry-type turning-milling composite machining center through the optical fiber broadband to complete the required processing operations..."

With that said, Zhuang Jianye clicked on the screen, and the screen switched again. Soon Zhuang Jianye selected several different stations in the three workshops and continued: "Similarly, there is our NB-857P automatic silk laying machine, NB-225H type. Six-axis four-linkage machining center, NB—132F arc sliding to automatic riveting robot, NB—112F automatic riveting machine..."

Zhuang Jianye talked about several NB series aviation-specific processing equipment in a series, all of which are the same as the previous gantry turning-milling composite machining center. One side of the screen is a close-up of the equipment processing scene, and the other side is the operating condition data and the processing CNC program.

And every time a device is mentioned, it will automatically run at the first time Zhuang Jianye mentioned, as if Zhuang Jianye's voice can command a distant production workshop.

Of course, in fact, Zhuang Jianye is not so godly. The effect is that the on-site staff used the walkie-talkie to communicate with the process control hall upstairs, because the voice of the staff is audible to everyone present, but In this way, the shock still made the experts and chiefs on the scene like watching a sci-fi blockbuster again.

Even if it is remotely controlled by a computer upstairs, it is very sci-fi, okay, you know that similar scenes are only available in European and American sci-fi blockbusters, but today they are in reality, and they are still real in domestic reality. Experience a handful of science fiction into reality!

"This is a good thing... a good thing... if our country's aviation manufacturing plants can have such a set, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, then our country's aviation technology level can definitely rise to a big step."

An expert from the expert group sighed with emotion, but his eyes were looking at Huang Feng behind the crowd. As an old expert from Northeast Aviation Industry Group, the meaning of this eye is self-evident. That is to tell Huang Feng clearly. Now the head of the Northeast Aviation Industry Group, after seeing it for so long, they should know the advantages of China's take-off. Our Northeast Aviation Industry Group's foundation is not weak. China's take-off can be done, can we also do it well?

Huang Feng is not a fool. The old expert who went out of his unit could not understand the obvious hints, but Huang Feng did not reply. More precisely, he did not have the courage to respond. The reason is very simple. This set of equipment and system Since it can be unique in the world, it can be done easily?

The old expert is not a fool. Seeing Huang Feng behaved as a tortoise, he was not angry, but before he could react, the opposite Zhuang Jianye spoke first: "Listen to this professor. It seems that we can easily replicate this system?"

"I didn't say it is easy, but if you use your heart, I don't think it will be too difficult." The old expert did not evade, and directly said his own thoughts.

As a result, Zhuang Jianye laughed as soon as he said this: "It’s true, as you said, it’s not difficult. It’s just that industrial control software took us 15 years, special equipment took us 12 years, and flexible tooling took us 8 years. The underlying structure of JSNB's industrial design took us 6 years... during the period of human and material resources, it took countless manpower and material resources to achieve the uniqueness of today... uh... what do you know what the words "unique" mean?"

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