Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1481: Unable to copy

Does that old expert know what the words "unique" mean?

The nice thing is called "unique", but in fact it is not much different from pointing to the Northeast Aviation Industry Group and cursing "nothing".

It's impossible for the old expert not to be angry, and he squirmed his mouth, trying to say something, but when the words came to his lips, he didn't say anything.

No way, no one can blame the embarrassing situation of the Northeast Aviation Industry Group today, and can only blame oneself for failing to live up to it.

As Zhuang Jianye said, everything is not difficult, as long as it can follow the established technical route, the possibility of realization is great.

To put it bluntly, China's take-off revolutionary technology that changes aviation manufacturing is to use advanced network technology and communication technology to organically integrate together through a common underlying software algorithm to achieve bureau-based digital and intelligent manufacturing.

Whether it is network technology, communication technology or software technology, they are all relatively mature things. This is why the old expert, after seeing some signs, hinted that Huang Feng asked Northeast Aviation Industry Group to try too.

After all, this revolutionary manufacturing process is of great significance to the aviation manufacturing industry, and the most obvious benefit is that the production cost is greatly reduced.

After all, the shortened production cycle is tantamount to improving production efficiency, which is tantamount to reducing production costs in disguise.

It is no wonder that Tang Lili dared to release five mass-produced carrier-based aircraft models within 5 years at the review meeting; it is no wonder that China Ascendas can make staggering concessions and discounts on -200-200\\400.

Relying on the high-efficiency and low-cost advantages provided by this revolutionary production process relying on automation, networking and intelligence, China's take-off is really going to be willful as it wants.

Such a kind of monopoly advantage, which is almost crushed by technology, may I ask the experts present with the background of major aviation manufacturers who are not enthusiastic and who do not want it?

But the question is, which aerospace manufacturer can do it for several years or ten years of persistence?

You know, whether it is industrial control software, flexible tooling, professional equipment or JSNB series industrial design software, when China Ascendas first did it, there was no state funding support, and there was no hope of success at the beginning.

Because foreign brands and services are already very mature, it is possible to spend less money to get better quality things.

In contrast, using a larger cost to develop a whole set of things that are obviously inferior to foreign mature brands, and there is no hope of recovering costs in a short time, which is completely uneconomical for the person in charge of a large state-owned aviation company.

After all, the higher-level evaluation indicators are there. You tell me what is going on with me in twenty years. Even if you understand your good intentions, you can’t avoid saying: "I know you are for the future of the factory. But we now want to know how your profits this year are 15% less than last year!"

Under such circumstances, many business leaders have focused on short, flat and fast projects. For example, in previous years, the leadership of the Aviation Industry Group sold the land and properties of the Magic City Yun-10 supporting plant, which made the total profit of the year. Flipped over.

As a result, the main person in charge of that session went to a large province in the Central Plains as a real power leader and completed a perfect cross-border. Such jewels are in the front, and others naturally learn how.

What's more, the person in charge of each company has a limited number of years. Make a three or five-year plan and let yourself get the performance. If you make a 10-year or 20-year thing, you will go away in a few years. However, the benefits allow the successors to sit back and enjoy their achievements. He is neither a philanthropist nor a living bodhisattva. Why do you do such a noble thing?

Such a superposition, let alone persisting for 8 or 9 years, it is difficult to continue for 3 or 5 years. Of course, there are some fierce people who focus on their careers regardless of personal gains and losses, and they have indeed made many long-term plans that are conducive to the development of the enterprise. .

But often after such a person expires and leaves office, the remaining policies, except for a few major policies that pool the interests of everyone, are basically the end of people taking the tea and leaving the government.

No way, the new leader really wants Xiao Gui and Cao Sui. The problem is that if you really want to do this, the upper hand will think that you are incapable, and the lower will think that this leader is a bit under-named, so for the sake of the future, in order to convince the public, the new leader will also We must develop our own set of new policies and new ideas.

But such changes come and go, but many long-term plans that companies could have adhered to, no matter how often they toss, come to an end.

Therefore, it is very reasonable for Zhuang Jianye to say that they are "unique", because in the current domestic aviation and aerospace field, China's take-off model cannot be copied. Apart from anything else, Zhuang Jianye has been the top leader of China's take-off for almost 20 years. The long term of office is not comparable to those in charge of other manufacturers.

Coupled with Zhuang Jianye's strong connections with the upper-level and his open-minded style, China can take off and continue to try on its own predetermined path.

Even if other people have the ability, what dare they do like Zhuang Jianye, regardless of what others say?

For example, Huang Feng, when he first arrived at the Northeast Aviation Industry Group, he was determined to forge ahead, and he was ready to take the China Takeoff set and transform the Northeast Aviation Industry Group into the second China Takeoff. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

The results of it?

Report letters and anonymous reports flew to the Ministry of Aviation Industry at the time like snowflakes. Some old leaders and heads from Northeast Aviation Industry Group often ran to Northeast Aviation Industry Group in the name of return visits and investigations. He just made Huang Feng out of temper.

No way, there are too many mother-in-laws above, and one is more difficult to provoke.

On the other hand, Zhuang Jianye used to have a Yonghong factory, which was merged by Zhuang Jianye, and then docked with the Ministry of Aviation Industry. As a result, it was separated from the aviation and aerospace complex.

Some people may ridicule that China's take-off is because grandpa is not kissing, uncle does not love, crying to death, no mother can feed her milk, the abandoned children in the domestic aviation industry are very pitiful,

But from another perspective, in this way, China Ascendas does not have as many mother-in-laws as other aviation manufacturers, such a cumbersome approval process, and not so much historical baggage.

It is precisely because of this that Zhuang Jianye can sway freely on the big picture of China's take-off, thus creating one miracle after another.

In contrast, other aviation manufacturing plants, including Northeast Aviation Industry Group, are really incomparable, let alone copying the revolutionary production process of China's take-off.

Therefore, some of the experts in the expert group, including the old expert, did not look good. Obviously, they have not yet adapted to the fact that the aviation manufacturer behind them has been far behind by China's take-off.

However, another group of people sees it as an opportunity from the revolutionary production process of China's take-off. For example, a leader from a certain navy department has hardly said a word since the visit. Even after listening to the introduction, it was still a long time. Only then tentatively asked: "Zhuang Zhuang, can your technical architecture be applied to the shipbuilding industry?"

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