Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1482: The biggest drawback-too expensive!

"This one…"

After hearing the words of the navy leader, Zhuang Jianye did not agree with it as others imagined, but he groaned in embarrassment.

The navy leader who inquired was a little anxious when he saw this. You must know that the complexity of the navy’s ship design and construction is not much worse than that of aircraft in the aviation field. Apart from anything else, the design drawings of the Type 052 guided missile destroyer back then used whole sections, The whole section of the train wagon is shipped to the relevant manufacturer.

It took 5 years for the design, the school team and the craftsmanship review of the production plant. It is necessary to know that the construction period of the two Type 052 guided missile destroyers is no more than this.

Because of this, the navy is very impatient, knowing that superiors and headquarters require the navy to build a modern navy with ocean-going combat capabilities before the 2020s.

With the application of advanced shipborne radars, long-range anti-ship missiles, advanced torpedoes, sonar systems and submarine mute technology from Russia, combined with the comprehensive command system of domestic ships and the high-power naval gas turbines that China took off, the finalization review was successfully put into production. , The time has come for the large-scale construction of domestic surface ships.

However, the long design and review cycle and the lengthy process preparation cycle made the Navy’s wish to make dumplings unrealistic.

Especially when different shipyards are producing at the same time, due to the different conditions of each factory, it is difficult to achieve the unity of specifications. This has been a very profound lesson on the previous generation of 051 guided missile destroyers, which caused the design unit to have to follow the different production plants. Differentially adjust the two-dimensional drawings to be able to adapt to the unique process requirements of each production plant.

It takes one year to modify the drawings. After all, the drawings of the ships are all transported by train wagons. Even if you change a trivial parameter, you have to adjust all the drawings of tons. The workload is simply for men to see. Silence, the woman shed tears...

Of course, the navy is very dissatisfied with this situation. It has thought of many methods with related enterprises and research units, such as formulating industry standards, updating machinery and equipment, establishing a standard system for components, and implementing computer-aided design...

Although it has achieved certain results, it is still far from the dramatic increase in production efficiency expected by the Navy.

However, the navy at this time had already used all the methods it could think of, and the result was still not up to expectations. I could only lament that my fortune was not good, and then look back to see if I could discuss with the headquarters and move forward with the goal of a modern ocean-going navy. We will postpone it for 5 to 10 years and strive to complete it around 2030.

No way, the efficiency of development and production lies here, and the navy can't improve it even if it does its best to eat milk.

Within the navy, there was a small discussion about how to explain to the headquarters. This time China took off, but these navy leaders and chiefs discovered the treasure.

Since the 3D design and manufacturing technology based on model definition and online related design technology developed by Ascendas China can reduce the design workload in complex aviation R&D and production by 40%, the production preparation time by 75%, and the manufacturing cycle by 30%. The whole cycle can be shortened by about 50%. Can these two technologies be applied to the shipbuilding industry?

Not to mention shortening the overall cycle by 50%, even if it is shortened by 20%, it is a great help for the Navy. After all, the spectacular scene of dumplings has been waiting for the Navy for more than half a century!

Because of this, when the navy saw China take off in the original Yonghong factory No. 1 workshop, No. 3 workshop, No. 8 workshop to transform the automated and intelligent new production lines, each and every one of them was excited and almost shouted. This is what I want, this is what I want...

Fortunately, aviation and shipbuilding belong to the two major industrial fields. As the saying goes, whether things in aviation can be moved to shipbuilding, the leaders and chiefs of the navy have no idea about whether they can move things from aviation to shipbuilding. The above did not really call out.

Instead, he waited for the technical leader among them to make judgments.

Fortunately, the leaders and chiefs of the navy did not wait too long. The leader of the naval technical department who seldom speaks and has been silently paying attention to everything finally spoke. This shows that the new technology developed by China Ascendas may be in the field of shipbuilding. copy.

According to the understanding of these navy leaders and chiefs about Zhuang Jianye, Zhuang Jianye, who can throw away his old face for sales performance, has to say: "It's still necessary to say? As long as your navy is responsible, our China will take off immediately. , I need a few sets to make a few sets!"

As a result, these navy leaders and chiefs did not see the face and skin, but hesitated to see Zhuang Jianye.

What are you hesitating?

Is the navy technical leader wrong?

The new technology developed by China Ascendas can only be used in the aviation field, and can't be promoted in other industrial sectors?

"Dear leaders and leaders, this new set of automated and intelligent aviation manufacturing model is based on JSNB industrial software for the underlying logic..."

Seeing a group of navy leaders appear suspicious, Zhuang Jianye hurriedly explained: "Theoretically, it can be applied to other industrial categories. As long as the corresponding transformation is carried out according to our current specifications, it is just...our new set of manufacturing models has another one. The shortcomings that cannot be overcome, so China Ascendas is only preparing to use it as part of the reconstruction project of the Hunan Aviation Manufacturing Plant in the future — 200-200\\300\\400 series aircraft main production base construction. After all, in the next 10 years, we are still expecting to take off in China-200-200\\300\\400 series models to eat. It is inevitable for UU reading www.uukanshu.com to overcome some shortcomings..."

What Zhuang Jianye said is a clear-cut, clear-cut head, and others are not doing well. Lu Songming, who is behind a group of high-ranking executives in China, is flushed with excitement, -200-200\\300\\400 series models He was already so excited that Zhuang Jianye actually had to use the most advanced aviation manufacturing model in the world to transform their Shanghai-South Aviation Manufacturing Plant.

After the completion of automation, networking, digitization, and intelligent transformation, the Hunan factory will not be able to take off yet...

However, Lu Songming’s excitement obviously cannot infect the navy leaders who have already lost patience. Zhuang Jianye talks about nonsense. In theory, it can be applied to shipbuilding. It should be enough. If there are any shortcomings, let’s get together and solve them. It's not enough.

As a result, Zhuang Jianye was like a bad old lady who talked about his wife's tongue. He began to talk about transforming the Shanghai South Aviation Manufacturing Plant. How the navy chiefs would solve the problem, not to see how Zhuang Jianye advertises.

So the leader of the navy who led the team interrupted Zhuang Jianye impatiently: "I said Xiaozhuang, since your new manufacturing model can be applied in other fields, let’s talk about the specific application situation. If there are any shortcomings, please tell me what is there. If you can’t solve it, let’s get together and discuss it. There are always more solutions than difficulties. It’s not the behavior that a good comrade should do if you avoid talking about it. Don’t talk about other things, just talk about the shortcomings of this model?"

Now that the chief of the navy has spoken, Zhuang Jianye has nothing to say, so he took a deep breath and spoke slowly: "In fact, the biggest disadvantage of this model is...too expensive!"

When these words came out, the chief of the navy almost choked himself to death without a mouthful of water...

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