Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1498: Zero. One hundred and twenty-five cubic millimeters

"If we are to rely on the development of the industry chain itself, it will take three years at the earliest to complete the construction of the chip-level rubidium atomic clock. However, if the headquarters and related superior units add additional investment, it will be different. After all, we are already preliminary. Create a complete industrial chain, and explore a set of more mature manufacturing methods. What is lacking at present is the land, factory buildings, start-up capital, and product sales channels..."

Zhuang Jianye's remarks can be said to be in-depth and simple, explaining how China takes off to use capital to integrate the chip industry chain, and what achievements have been made for this, it is plain and clear, but everyone present sighed that companies can still play like this, capital's routines. It's a bit deep indeed. When Lao Tzu went back to the countryside after retirement, Zhuang Jianye went back to the old topic before-asking for money.

This made the leaders and experts who were listening with relish had just finished soaking in the hot springs, and when they were dying all over their bodies, they were poured with a basin of icy cold water. The whole person was not well at that time.

where is this place? Headquarters!

It is the place where the decision is made and the place where the overall situation is taken. The exchanges are all Hongru. Where can there be Bai Ding in and out?

As a result, Zhuang Jianye kept talking about money, money, and money, which is not vulgar!

However, Zhuang Jianye seems to have a special liking for such vulgar things. Not only does it make sense, but also for good reasons. Since ancient times, the emperor has always been hungry, let alone invested in huge chip manufacturing.

Because of this, although everyone at the scene felt that Zhuang Jianye was too vulgar, they couldn't say anything. They could only focus their attention on the head of the headquarters.

Zhuang Jianye almost handed a pair of chubby hands to the head of the headquarters, crying and begging him to reward him a few more, so the head of the headquarters would express it no matter what.

This is not only because of the industrial structure, but more importantly, what Zhuang Jianye said involves the strategic issues of competing with Europe for the frequency band of navigation satellites.

Is it to work hard to gain the right to speak in related fields; or to continue to watch, watching the few frequency band resources are all squeezed by Europe and the United States, it depends on whether the chip-level rubidium atomic clock is really as Zhuang Jianye said. It was unexpected.

So the head of the headquarters pondered for a moment, then raised his eyes to Zhuang Jianye: "There is nothing to say, since you already have the process and manufacturing capabilities of related products, say a place, we will go over and see, whether it is an investor or not, for the relevant Regardless of the importance of the industry, we are better to go to the front line to experience it on paper. How about? Xiaozhuang, dare we pass by?"

"So what's not to dare?" Zhuang Jianye was also unambiguous. He didn't understand the matter of investment research, so he simply said: "The research and development of related processes is in the WHNB Integrated Circuit Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (Group) Company in Xiangzhou. It takes only 40 minutes to fly to the new factory in Beijing. If the chief wants to go, I can arrange for our business jet to take off in China, the brand-new 200-400 model, which is not only long range, but also spacious and comfortable. The most important thing is low noise. , Every leader can take a break on the plane and feel us..."


Before Zhuang Jianye had finished speaking, he was interrupted by the head of the headquarters without hesitation: "You should leave your advertising message to tell the airline. There is no special plane in the headquarters!"

After speaking, he ignored it and let the officials at the headquarters arrange it.

The special plane at the headquarters is also a 200-400M model, which is just a basic model not used for civil aviation. The 200-400 at the headquarters has been modified according to the needs of the headquarters. Compared with the luxurious luxury of China's take-off, the headquarters- The 200-400M model is more like a business jet.

Because two-thirds of the entire cabin has been transformed into a multi-function hall, with several display screens on the side, it can be used as a conference room for government affairs; this is a veritable air combat center and command post for military affairs.

Put down the seat, fold the table, and put the partition on it can also be used as several rest cabins with bunks; of course, in an emergency, after installing a shadowless lamp, it can also be used as a temporary aerial medical room.

All in all, the entire frame—200-400M only highlights the word “practical”, and has nothing to do with luxury and comfort.

It is also because of this that Zhuang Jianye is not too uncomfortable on the road. He is used to the luxury seat of his own business jet that he wants to hum while lying down. Suddenly, he becomes an ordinary aviation seat with only three fixed adjustment angles. It really made Zhuang Da understand that Wang experienced what it means to change from frugality to luxury, and from extravagance to frugality.

Fortunately, the whole process is only forty minutes, which is not too painful.

After landing, the local officials in charge of reception had already prepared the bus, and carried the head of the headquarters and his group to the WHNB Integrated Circuit Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (Group) Company Xiangzhou Plant, which was just completed at the end of last year.

It is said that it is the Xiangzhou factory. In fact, this factory is 80 kilometers away from downtown Xiangzhou. On the contrary, it is less than 30 kilometers away from the economically developed Gusu and Momo.

The main reason for this is that the industrial land around Xiangzhou has already been exhausted.

After all, China's Ascendas helicopter production base is located in Xiangzhou. Together with the related supporting factories, almost all the industrial land close to Xiangzhou City will be occupied.

So I can only choose the outer suburbs.

After all, in order to develop the helicopter industry, China Ascendas signed a land development agreement with Xiangzhou. The state-owned assets of Xiangzhou used land to acquire an 8.6% permanent stake in the relevant factory area of ​​China Ascendas.

Because of this, for the new plant of WHNB Integrated Circuit Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (Group) Company, as the major shareholder of China Ascendas, of course, Xiangzhou is the first choice.

Not only that, Xiangzhou is located in the Yangtze River Delta, close to the economically developed and talented Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Shanghai, which is vital to the capital-intensive and talent-intensive semiconductor manufacturing industry. Because of this, choosing Xiangzhou can be said to serve multiple purposes.

The Xiangzhou region has also paid enough attention to this type of advanced manufacturing industry, not to mention that almost all the approval procedures are given priority, and it also actively contributes to the construction of infrastructure facilities around the factory.

Therefore, when the head of the headquarters and his group approached the factory, they found that the road was wider than the Xiangzhou city; there were more viaducts than the Xiangzhou city; the tall buildings were next to each other. If they didn’t deliberately say that this is Xiangzhou, they would think it was Gusu Or the magic capital.

Not to mention when you enter the factory area, the magnificent production workshop is surrounded by lush flowers and plants for maintenance wood, and occasionally there are rockery and stone carvings from the landscape, along with winding paths and faintly visible pavilions. Corridor; with the pleasant pool water, it gives people a sense of being in a garden in the south of the Yangtze River~www.wuxiaspot.com~ so that even the head of the headquarters has to admire: "Seeing the scenery here, even me I don't want to go anymore!"

Of course, the head of the headquarters was just joking, and he had to go to the core place, so the group soon came to a building with "Processing Test" written on it, and after some disinfection, To remove dust and change clothes, the head of the headquarters and others wore white dust-proof clothing and entered the testing workshop.

Zhuang Jianye acted as an interpreter, pointing to a row of equipment and said: "These are the equipment needed for our chip-level rubidium atomic clock microbubble processing technology, including the NB-5538 high-precision etching machine NB-6412T 193nm lithography machine. , NB-2367F automatic packaging machine......"

After Zhuang Jianye introduced it, everyone present was amazed. One of the accompanying experts couldn't help but asked curiously: "These are all equipment for producing chips, used to process microbubbles for rubidium atomic clocks...your microbubbles. How small is it?"

Zhuang Jianye laughed and burst out an amazing number: "It's not too small, at best, it's only 0.125 cubic millimeters."

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