Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1499: On the same level as the freedom and beauty

"0.125 cubic millimeters?"

After listening to Zhuang Jianye's words, the voices of the experts who were present all changed. There is no way that the parameters given by Zhuang Jianye are really shocking.

The reason for this is simple, that is, the core of the chip-level atomic clock is not as simple as a few integrated circuits. Because the atomic clock uses the atomic oscillation frequency to determine the accuracy of time, under the constraint of this physical law, regardless of the shape of the atomic clock However, there must be at least two cavity structures inside, one is the vertical cavity where the atoms are irradiated by the microwave light source to generate atomic vibration; the other is the spaced cavity where the strength of the atoms is separated.

If you want to miniaturize the atomic clock, or even make it into a chip, you must solve these two cavity problems, especially the spaced cavity where the strength of the atom is separated is the key, because it involves whether the strong atom can hit the bullseye. , To make the components vibrate according to the normal cycle, so as to determine the important parts of time accuracy.

It can be said that the absence of this cavity means that the atomic clock has no heart, and the best atomic clock can only be a decoration.

The problem is that it is not difficult to make this kind of cavity structure bigger, but it is not easy to make it smaller. Let's take the freedom and beauty that leads the world in this field.

As early as the early 1980s, the alkali metal vapor bubble structure was proposed as the spaced cavity for the separation of the strength of the atoms in the atomic clock. However, due to technological reasons, the glass bubble manufacturing process was not completed until the end of the 1980s to separate the strengths and weaknesses of the atoms. The cavity system has been reduced from the original 27 square decimeters to 3.6 square centimeters, thus realizing the chipization of the atomic clock.

By the end of the 1990s, the Free Beauty Room developed a carbon dioxide laser induction technology for hollow glass fibers based on the glass bubble manufacturing process, which further reduced the space between the strong and weak atoms of more than 1 square centimeter to 5 Square millimeters.

The volume of the atomic clock is further reduced, and the GPS technology level of Free Beauty Room has been greatly improved.

There is no denying the freedom and beauty of this, and the generous announcement of their achievements to the world naturally arouses the praise and envy of the world, but only praise and envy, because the freedom of the United States has combined these two craftsmanship technologies. Get the list of prohibited exports.

In other words, other countries in the world can look at it anyway, but don't even think about it if you want to get it.

As for whether someone can get pregnant with just a few glances, there is no worry in the free and beautiful world, because this kind of thing involving manufacturing and craftsmanship is very complicated in its own process, and it is all concentrated in the semiconductor field.

In addition to free and beautiful rooms in semiconductor manufacturing in today's world, how many other things can you do?


The one who had been repaired a long time ago knelt down and called Dad!

South Korea?

That is the senior wage earner in the free and beautiful room!


Clicking the wrong technology tree, the weight of the Russian atomic clock has been hovering around 50 kilograms. If it weren't for the large thrust rockets from the Soviet era, the Russian navigation satellites would have been on the street.

As for Europe...

It took 15 years, and as a result, the volume of the spaced cavity where the strength of the atom is separated can only be 1.5 square centimeters, which is only the level of the free beauty room in the early 1990s.

That's it... Europeans still don't forget to put gold on their faces, saying that the "Galileo" navigation satellite has the world's leading atomic clock technology. In fact, Europeans are just getting started with chip-level atomic clocks.

Needless to say, the domestic level of comprehensive technology is not as good as that of Russia. This is why many people in China will hope to obtain advanced atomic clock manufacturing technology through cooperation with Europe.

The reason is very simple. Even if it can't reach the level of the free and beautiful room directly down to square millimeters, it is a good improvement to be able to reach square centimeters.

Unexpectedly, China's take-off has not only reached the cubic millimeter level, it has further dropped to just 1 square millimeter, reaching an astonishing 0.125 square millimeter...

It should be understood that this level is almost the same as the volume of the bubble cavity in the atomic clock used by the GPS III navigation satellite that Freedom Beauty just announced not long ago.

Under such circumstances, how can we not let everyone present feel like a dream, the domestic technical level in this aspect really exceeds that of Europe, and it is on the same level with freedom and beauty?

"Look, everyone, this is the finished rubidium atom bubble we just produced..."

Just when everyone present was in shock of 0.125 square millimeters, Zhuang Jianye had already taken a prototype silicon wafer from his assistant, and then pointed to the squares on it that were not the size of a fingernail and said: "Our bubbles are empty. The cavity uses high-purity silicon wafers with a thickness of 523 microns. The upper and lower sides are one-micron-thick 7740 glass..."

With that said, Zhuang Jianye pointed his finger at several equipment that were running not far away and said: “The processing technology we use is the same as that of the chip, which cleans the silicon wafer, and then conducts dry and wet oxygen; then use 193 The nanolithography machine processes the circuits and cavities, and further finishes them in a special etching machine. Then the circuits are laid out, rubidium atoms are injected, nitrogen and argon are flushed, and finally packaged and tested.

The whole process is the processing of a set of semiconductor chips. Thanks to our continuous investment in the semiconductor industry chain over the years, nowadays, such bubble cavities can be fully localized. Of course, if you want mass production, additional investment is required. After ours is just a test workshop, many equipment and processes are not perfect, and we need professional workshops and equipment to optimize efficiency and cost..."

What Zhuang Jianye said earlier is not bad. It fully embodies the professionalism of a person in charge of a super-large state-owned enterprise. But as he speaks, the taste is not right. No matter what professionalism or quality is, it is no match for the importance of a word of money.

Fortunately, it’s no surprise that the head of the headquarters below talks to Zhuang Jianye about money, which hurts feelings. Especially for the head of the headquarters, he has not seen Zhuang Jianye not talk about money in front of him for so many years. UU read www. uukanshu. Com’s two ears automatically ignored Zhuang Jianye’s question about money, but after a few head-off discussions with several headquarter leaders and experts, he reached out and took the silicon wafer in Zhuang Jianye’s hand. Under the guidance of several professionals, I took a closer look with the dedicated sight glass, and nodded: "Yes, it seems that your China's take-off has indeed worked hard in this area..."

He said, raising his eyes to look at Zhuang Jianye, pointing to the silicon wafer in his hand and asking: "By the way, the other cavity of your chip-level rubidium atomic clock also uses this processing technology?"

Zhuang Jianye nodded: "The general process follows the bubble cavity, but compared to the high power of the traditional inert gas light source and carbon dioxide laser light source, we use a brand-new cavity laser as the light source for the vibration separation of rubidium atoms..."

"Then what is your power?" the head of the headquarters asked.

Zhuang Jianye narrowed his eyes and smiled: "It's not a lot, but only 17 microwatts!"

The head of the headquarters immediately changed his tone: "17 microwatts... nothing more?"

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