Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1508: 1 arrow double star

There is nothing wrong with Delein's words in Europe.

As the third largest satellite navigation system in the world after the United States and Russia, the "Galileo" plan has squeezed the best position in orbit and frequency bands.

Subsequent countries are not unable to build satellite navigation systems, but if you want to use more than 30 satellites to obtain global navigation capabilities, you can't even think about it.

Because of the problems of orbit, elevation angle, and ground parameters, the follow-up countries say that it will take more than 50 satellites to achieve the performance that the United States, Russia, and Europe can achieve with only two or three ten.

But in this way, the extra satellites are equivalent to the overall cost going up. Not to mention how many countries can afford it. Even if there are big dog owners, the high cost cannot be compared with the United States, Russia, and Europe. Low-cost navigation system competition.

In this way, the navigation system of subsequent countries will inevitably not be able to sustain it under the blood loss.

And this is only a cost issue, and the issue of channels with fewer resources is even more of a problem.

The European “Galileo” plan has been confirmed by the International Telecommunication Union, which will occupy the best frequency bands in several corners. If subsequent countries want to achieve navigation, they will have to use larger transmitters and more powerful receivers. And a more precise signal conditioner.

No way, whoever makes the frequency band is the same as the pit in the toilet, one less.

Of course, subsequent countries can also use a simple and rude method, that is, in the next two years, they will madly export navigation satellites to China in space, and use local satellite navigation local area networks to forcibly take back the navigation frequency bands occupied by Europe.

If it's a free and beautiful room, Delane and other European aerospace elites will think about it. After all, where the national power and technology of the free and beautiful room are, you can really export it to space like a sky monkey.

A big country in the east...

Forget it, during the "Galileo" project cooperation period, the group of experts from a big country in the East who are just like the Tu Lao Hats entering the city, how can they be crazy exporting in a short time, even if it is five years To make a product of the level of the "Galileo" navigation test satellite that is currently in orbit, Delane will give a thumbs up and sincerely say: "Miracle!"

The problem is that things are such a thing. Even if Europe can make the navigation satellites of a major eastern country have no place, why should they be the **** of freedom and beauty? What are the benefits?

Yes, Delane’s words are very domineering and fierce, but they stop here, because he can see that Merlinz is conducting anti-satellite tests through a certain eastern country. Obviously, Europe is disobedient in the aerospace field. Look at the villagers of the global village with a little bit of color.

Don't think that you can do anything with anti-satellites. Tell you that, according to the top-level existence in the aerospace field, you are far from a big country in the east.

But this kind of thing, the head of the global village in his busy schedule is really hard to come forward. After all, Liberty and Beauty still counts on a big country in the east to become its own sweatshop. If you really want to come forward, it hurts and dampens your enthusiasm; There is no way to kill chickens and monkeys.

So let the deputy village chief of Europe deal with it. The free and beautiful room not only does not sin against people, but also establishes authority. How great!

The deputy village head of Europe can go. The problem is that it is not profitable and early. Even if Europe has this ability, there is no benefit. Why do you want to be free and beautiful?

"I agree with your judgment..." At this moment Merlinz spoke, hesitating, and said: "Even if the anti-satellite test of a major eastern country is successful, it should be a very low-end level. It is a far cry from the fact that at least the relevant technical level of a major eastern country I have mastered does not support them with too strong technical ability to support such a difficult technical project of anti-satellite actual combat.

But even so, since a certain big country in the East has done it, we should show something, otherwise the outer space will be messed up? As you said before, Mr. Delane, we need to consider the interests of billions of people around the world, so we have to do what we need to do! "

"I agree with the values ​​you have established in outer space, Mr. Merlinz, also feels that it is necessary to warn certain countries that outer space is a space for peaceful use by all mankind, not a arena for militarized deterrence, but... "

Delane’s efforts to agree with Merlinz, but as soon as the conversation turned, he was involved in the interests: "Europe will definitely pay a lot of costs. This is a great difficulty for us. You know, Merlinz. Sir, there are already very big differences within Europe on the cost sharing of the Galileo project. If this increases..."

Delaney didn't finish his words, but the meaning of the expression is clear. You can get a little blood from your freedom and beauty. Even if you don't get a little blood, you have to let a little market, isn't it?

"We can let out 15% of the market of a major eastern country!" Merlinz is also unambiguous. It is impossible to pay. Now Iraq and Afghanistan are burning a lot of money. Although the free and beautiful rooms are arrogant, But after so many years, the landlord's family is almost out of food.

The market doesn't matter. Anyway, it is the application market of the "Galileo" project invested and constructed in Europe. It can be said that it is a benefit and no expense to spit out some freely and beautifully!

"At least 45%, otherwise I will not be able to explain to other member states!" Delane did not show weakness, and directly revealed his asking price.

Merlinz smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Although I really want to agree, the problem is that 45% of the market share has exceeded my authorization. I need to communicate with Congress and the government to give you an answer."

"I have to negotiate with several member states too!" Delane also said meaningfully.

"If this is the case, then we will report it first, and we will talk when the authorizer is accurate!" Merlinz said as much as possible, and got up; Delane also got up and nodded: "No problem!"

The words fell and the two hands clasped tightly together.

From the beginning to the end, I have not consulted any opinions on the market distribution of a major country in the East. It seems that this market is the meat of their mouths. How to cut and how to cut is the business of both of them. Others cannot intervene, even if it is. The meat itself.

And this scene is not only in Munich in history, but now in North Africa, West Africa, Southeast Asia, South Asia, Latin America...It can be said that the past history repeats itself continuously. U U Reading www.uukanshu.cóm

Because of this, when Merlinz and Delane had communicated internally for more than two months, they finally reached an agreement. When they met again in a high-end office building in Switzerland in mid-April, they also used the same traditions as their ancestors. Do the bloodiest, cruel, and shameless deeds politely.

"Since the agreement is reached, our European Space Agency will launch the first official navigation satellite within this year, and continue to build our ‘Galileo’ satellite network at a frequency of 3 to 5 per year from next year."

With the text of the signed agreement, Delaney could not wait to make a solemn promise to Merlinz. Merlinz nodded. Just as he was about to say something, an assistant looked at his mobile phone and was shocked. After saying a few words in Merlinz's ear, Merlinz was also taken aback. He quickly turned on the TV and tuned to an Asian channel. Soon a piece of news dazzled everyone present: "At 8:25 am Beijing time, Xichang Satellite Launch Center Successfully used a Long March series carrier rocket to launch two second-generation navigation satellites with one arrow and two stars. The satellites are currently operating normally, and our station will continue to monitor the follow-up progress..."

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