Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1509: The "Galileo" signal is gone...

If the previous anti-satellite test was a blow, then the news that was just broadcast on the TV was like a piece of purple lightning, which directly split Merlinz and Delane into a diplomatic mile.

They also signed an agreement on the distribution of the navigation market of a large eastern country. As a result, the handwriting on this side was not dry, and the navigation satellite over there slapped this side loudly in the form of a double star, and it was still a shot. Double ring!

The "Galileo" satellite navigation system wants to carve up the navigation market of a big country in the east, and asks whether the domestic navigation satellites in the sky can't agree!

"This is a provocation... a serious provocation!" After a moment of stunned Drayane, an unknown rage surged into his heart, and he pointed at the TV angrily and roared: "The European side will not sit idly by. We will use our own technology and experience. And strength to prove that the navigation system in Europe is the best!"

When he said this, Drain's face was blue, and he was obviously really angry.

He has just signed an agreement with Merlinz on the distribution of the "Galileo" satellite navigation system in a major eastern market, and there are two navigation satellites on it.

For Merlinz and his representative free and beautiful room, it was just a slap in the face, but it was a real job grab for Europe.

You must know that once the satellite navigation system is deployed, it is global. After all, satellites in outer energy space have no borders. They are the existence that revolves around the earth quickly, and it is impossible to think of global deployment.

Because of this, a big country in the East made a double star announcement this time that its own navigation satellite system will formally compete with the European “Galileo” plan.

We must know that entering the 21st century, with the rapid economic growth, the economic influence of a large eastern country in East Asia, Southeast Asia and even South Asia continues to increase. Related service agencies.

Because of this, once the satellite navigation system of a large eastern country is put into use, the huge domestic market of a large eastern country needless to say. Southeast Asia, a rare area in the world with a rapid economic rise, will also be used by the navigation satellite system of a large eastern country. Take it up.

Even parts of South Asia, Central Asia, the Middle East and North Africa will also be eaten away.

If it is matched with the overseas business map of the highly expansive communications companies, infrastructure companies, and mining companies in a large eastern country, even the African market may be in jeopardy.

We must know that the "Galileo" system is naturally inferior to GPS in terms of penetration rate, and now it is being severely suppressed by freedom and beauty. Except for this one-third of acre of land in Europe, we are expecting to be able to share a bit in the fingers of GPS. Market profits in Africa and Asia.

But now the emergence of a big country in the East has directly transformed the most important market in the "Galileo" plan into disorder.

This is no different from directly hitting the job.

After all, face slaps are just for the sake of face, and the rice bowl is the inside.

It doesn't matter if there is no face in the free and beautiful room, and there is no loss in the family. Besides, with the cheeky in the free and beautiful room, today I can talk to you about the profit sharing of the navigation market of a major eastern country in Europe.

Tomorrow, I can turn my face to discuss with a major eastern country on how to divide the European navigation market.

As long as gps can stay in the region of Greater China and Southeast Asia, which can be called the engine of the world economy, and continue to grab excess profits, what's the point of splitting a part of the doomed European market to a big country in the East?

Who makes the Europeans unable to stand up on their own, and blames the big brother for the backstab? How can there be such a reason!

Therefore, in addition to the normal expression of anger, Delane’s words are more to convey an attitude to Merlinz, that is, even if some countries use a double star to send their navigation satellites to the predetermined orbit, that is the key technology. Not as good as they are in Europe.

After all, the technological gap between developed and developing countries is not a few years or decades, but a huge gap, just like the world and heaven. Even if you can see it, you will never want to enter it for the rest of your life.

Of course Merlinz knew what Delane meant, and immediately nodded: "I am very confident in European technology, including myself. I will call the chairman of the International Telecommunication Union and ask him to take care of it when it is convenient." Galileo’s satellite navigation system."

Speaking of Merlinz, he took a secret satellite phone from his assistant, dialed the number of the Chairman of the International Telecommunication Union without any muddle, and began to say hello.

As for the convenience, giving some care is just a euphemism. In fact, it is hoped that the International Telecommunication Union will lock the frequency and frequency band of the "Galileo" satellite navigation system. Any other country or entity applies for a similar frequency and frequency band. turn down.

Of course, none of this is in vain. The European side needs to pay for this care. At least the repair and decoration fees of the holiday villa of the Chairman of the International Telecommunication Union at the foot of the Swiss Alps need to be paid for by the European Space Agency’s special budget. .

As for the other members of the International Telecommunications Union Presidium, they also have their own benefits. The worst is that their spouse is named in a European government consulting company, and they can receive at least 200,000 euros a year for consulting fees if they don't do anything.

Of course, even if Merlinz does not take the initiative to do this step, Delane will end up personally. After all, locking the frequency and frequency band is the most immediate method at this stage. As for the subsequent crazy output of navigation satellites into space, that will be the future. Now, lock the ceiling of the provocateur first, and the rest is not in your hands?

Of course, even though the International Telecommunication Union will give face to Delane’s end, it will not be better than Merlinz, a free and beautiful person in the aerospace field. More importantly, it will allow the outside world to understand that Europe and the United States are in the aerospace field. Love is stronger than Jin Jian, you and me, and the alliance between advancement and retreat.

The "Galileo" satellite navigation system that will help Europe is in a superbly advantageous position in a possible navigation satellite market battle, which will help Europe to better combat its competitors. UU看书www.uukanshu.com obtained Market dominance.

Because of this, although Merlinz only greeted me via satellite phone and had to buy it in Europe alone, Delane felt that the value of Merlinz’s words was more important than the decision of the International Telecommunication Union. .

Therefore, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Merlinz.

"Thank you for your support to the European navigation system, Mr. Merlinz, Europe will always remember your deeds!"

"This is what I should do..." Merlinz smiled modestly: "Who makes us allies? At the critical moment, we will not let our partners suffer any harm, even if it is a loss of grievance! "

Hearing this, Delaney was quite moved, thanks to this uncle in her fifties. If she was a girl in her twenties, she would definitely not hesitate to rush into Merlinz’s arms and start to cry.嘤嘤~~~

However, before Delaney was relieved from the touch, the phone in his pocket rang. He picked it up and only listened to one sentence, and the touch on his face was instantly covered by incredible shock: "What did you say? Say it again. ...The "Galileo" signal...is gone?"

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