Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1514: Hard bones

Seeing that the Delanes were fainted, Merlinz had no choice but to arrange for someone to call an ambulance to call an ambulance, and to do cardiopulmonary resuscitation for cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

After working for a long time, Delaney woke up, but because of his weakness, he was picked up by an ambulance.

Looking at the back of the ambulance in which Delane was riding through the floor-to-ceiling windows, Merlinz let out a sigh of relief, then turned his head and asked his help: "Where is the initial agreement?"

The helper quickly took it out of the briefcase and handed it to Merlinz.

Merlinz flipped through the agreement with his hands, his old face smiled contemptuously, and he tore off the initial agreement in his hand. The help on the side was a little surprised: "Sir, this agreement..."

"It's no longer worth it!" Merlinz replied faintly without waiting for the help to finish speaking.

It's really worthless.

The signal has not recovered so far. The key is that the terrible live interview was directly inserted into the lung tube in Europe.

Want benefits or navigation?

Europeans will choose welfare without hesitation!

After this major premise is determined, with the procrastination and offsetting efficiency of Europe, the "Galileo" plan will extend the deployment time by 100% even if it is not dead.

In this way, the European "Galileo" satellite navigation system is meaningless in terms of freedom and beauty.

But then again, if the "Galileo" satellite navigation system really hits the street, the biggest benefit is the GPS in the free and beautiful spaces. As the world's second largest application market, the market size of navigation systems in Europe has reached 150 billion every year. The US dollar is growing rapidly at a rate of 5% per year.

Once the "Galileo" satellite navigation system fails to support its edges, and the GPS of Freedom and Beauty will monopolize the European market, it will not taste good!

Because of this, Merlinz wanted the "Galileo" satellite navigation system to rush to the street.

It's just that the European side has a firm attitude towards the "Galileo" satellite navigation system. There is a way to regard it as an image project of the rise of Europe. It has placed many extra things on it, which has led to the special unity of European elites.

As a result, Merlinz's repeated intimidation and temptation were only to carve up the global market for the "Galileo" satellite navigation system, and did not prevent the advancement of the "Galileo" satellite navigation system from overdue.

In the end, I didn't expect what I could not do. As a big country in the East sent two navigation satellites into space with a single arrow, and Zhuang Jianye accepted a live interview with French TV, it directly staged an unexpected turn.

In the past, in the eyes of the world, the technology is advanced and the products are excellent. All kinds of tall European goods are so vulnerable. Not to mention the direct loss of signal, there is actually no reserve measures.

If this is Freedom and Beauty Room or Russia, in this case, if the ground measurement and control can not solve it, just launch a spare satellite directly.

After all, as the country’s most important space infrastructure, navigation satellites have backup reserves just like war preparations. Coupled with the rapid launch system established during the Cold War period, they can easily fill in the trouble caused by failures.

But what about Europe?

I don't know if he is overconfident in his products, or he simply doesn't like this kind of reserve measures. Delaney is helpless with the "Galileo" navigation test satellite that has lost its signal.

Obviously, Europe has not done enough in terms of emergency measures. Merlinz even suspects that if a "Galileo" navigation satellite is not launched, the European Space Agency will have to apply for related funds separately.

It is difficult for European decision-making departments to make a decision in a short period of time like this additional expenditure to fill the fault, and this is the key to Delane's helplessness and helplessness.

But it is precisely because of this that, through this emergency, Merlinz saw the true background of European aerospace. Apart from the so-called advanced technology, he can only say nothing.

In that case, there is nothing to be afraid of. Let GPS take advantage of the signal interruption of the "Galileo" navigation test satellite to further occupy the European market, and strive to plan all the leek roots in the European navigation market.

Based on this, Merlinz did not share the burden of tearing up the agreement, but instead had a faint sense of conquest.

It stands to reason that Merlinz should always be happy to be able to completely allow Europe to crawl in the navigation market. However, the former aerospace parts broker and the current speaker of the Freedom and Beauty Congress’s Aerospace Technology Committee, there is only the slightest existence. Not happy.

The reason is simple, it is because of Zhuang Jianye and the domestic navigation satellite project that China Ascendas led.

No way, when Delane was almost out of his mind by Zhuang Jianye in the TV, Merlinz got a shocking news from his assistant.

In January, in the anti-satellite test carried out by a large eastern country, the height of the obsolete satellite shot down was 425 kilometers, which was not the 100-kilometer low-Earth orbit as previously speculated.

What does this mean? The domestic anti-satellite system is enough to threaten 85% of the earth's artificial satellites, which naturally covers all navigation satellites.

In addition to being shocked, Merlinz was helpless when he heard the news.

You must know that after completing the contract with Europe this time, he is going to visit a big country in the east and prepare to do the same, or let a big country in the east abandon its satellite navigation plan and continue to use GPS; or simply get a share of the domestic satellite navigation.

But now the expectation is gone. People like Zhuang Jianye don’t eat the soft ones at all. After the hard ones, they have an anti-satellite system that can cover most of the satellite orbits, and with Merlinz’s many years of experience, people like Zhuang Jianye Only smiled slightly, and then said innocently: "Come on, let's hurt each other!"

Don't eat hard and soft, UU reading www. uukahnshu.com Merlinz can’t do without a headache, because it means that GPS will lose its dominant market position in a major eastern country within a few years, which is the most potential and fastest-growing market in the world today. If you throw it away, the Wall Street Capital behind Merlinz will inevitably be unacceptable.

"It's a hard bone..."

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows and blocking the street scene of Geneva, Switzerland, Merlinz sighed with emotion, then turned around and prepared to leave here, returning to the hotel where he was staying for a rest, thinking about how to open up the current situation.

As a result, Merlinz had just turned around and before he left, he saw Zhuang Jianye on TV gently showing a concept map to the senior reporter of French TV 2 opposite, and then said proudly: "This is it. It’s our first round-trip plan. We have already completed the first step. A ZTM-NB-6C air-launched launch vehicle is carried by —200-400plus. The payload can reach 750 kg, which is enough to carry one A domestic navigation satellite was sent into a predetermined orbit..."

Seeing this scene, Merlinz's fat body couldn't help swaying, and some murmured in disbelief, "They also have the rapid launch system?"

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