Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1515: An epoch-making model

It is no wonder that Merlinz would react this way, knowing that when he stood up to the floor-to-ceiling windows just now, he had roughly outlined a set of methods to put pressure on a certain big country, which was to use his own rapid launch system to force the other party to make concessions.

After all, when all have anti-satellite combat capabilities, whoever has stronger supplementary capabilities will naturally have an advantage.

I thought that a major country still owed something in this respect, but I didn't expect that they already had the capability of air-launched launch vehicles.

It is important to know that in all rapid launch systems, air-launched launch vehicles are the most flexible and most efficient way. Because of this, although Liberty and Beauty has not built it as a mainstream aerospace business, it has been built for so many years. The research in this area has not been interrupted either.

Its purpose is to serve as a backup means, in some emergency situations, it can realize the emergency deployment of satellites into space.

Of course, this kind of technical route method can only be played by the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War, because no matter how optimized the air-launched launch vehicle is, a large aviation platform is required to carry it.

In the US military field, there are B-52 strategic bombers and C-5 strategic transport aircraft; the Boeing 747 series for civilian use can be used as platforms for air-launched launch vehicles.

The Soviet military's Tu-95 strategic bomber and the An-125 strategic transport aircraft can also be used as ideal carriers for air-launched launch vehicles.

However, after the end of the Cold War, Russia, whose national power had shrunk sharply, could not afford such a high R&D investment, so it gradually withdrew from the field of air-launched launch vehicles.

As for the rapid launch of supplementary tasks, the strategic missiles that are about to be retired are given to them. After all, they are all about to be scrapped. It is better to use waste to launch a few more artificial satellites.

For example, some time ago, Russia used its strategic nuclear submarine to launch a submarine-launched ballistic missile from the Barents Sea, and sent more than a dozen small satellites from Europe and Latin America into a predetermined orbit. This not only earned enough attention, but also Reaping large sums of foreign exchange can be said to serve multiple purposes.

Because of this, since the mid-1990s, only the Free Beauty Room has maintained air-launched launch vehicles, and Free Beauty Room has often used this technology to show off everywhere in order to prove its superb aerospace technology and solid technological accumulation!

As a result, what Merlinz never expected was that the only one that had been maintained for many years was actually broken by Zhuang Jianye’s take-off in China. From the picture that Zhuang Jianye showed to the senior reporters of French TV station, Merlinz, a veteran, knew. That is by no means a conceptual picture, but a real photo after processing.

What does this show?

Obviously, China Ascendas already possesses the technical capability to launch a launch vehicle in the air.

Anti-satellite, air-launched carrier rocket plus two new domestic navigation satellites that have just been successfully launched...

It is already difficult for Merlinz to imagine how ambitions the domestic aerospace industry represented by China's take-off will be after getting rid of all the shackles of the outside world!

The question is, in Zhuang Jianye's style, is there only an air-launched launch vehicle?

In this regard, Merlinz, who understands Zhuang Jianye, has difficulty not frowning.

In fact, Merlinz’s worries are not unfounded. After all, Zhuang Jianye’s dual-use dual-use development routines for so many years are well known in the industry.

Now that the civilian version of the air-launched launch vehicle has been launched, the military version should be settled.

The fact is indeed the case.

In fact, the military twin brother ZTM-NB-6C, a civilian air-launched carrier rocket, is code-named DZB-50. As a backup model of anti-ship ballistic missiles, as early as 2003, the improved H-6 was carried out in the air somewhere in the northwest. The test shot successfully focused on a fixed target located deep in the Taklimakan Desert.

It's just that the supporting reconnaissance, locking and command systems of space-based, sea-based, and land-based were not perfect at that time. The DZB-50, including the anti-ship ballistic missiles that have been tested, is like a gun with bullets and no sights, which is somewhat embarrassing.

Therefore, the development of the DZB-50 project once encountered a bottleneck, but with the development of technology, especially after the Aviation Industry Group officially recognized the status of China Takeoff, its subsidiary Northwest Aviation Industry Co., Ltd. (Group) resumed its cooperation with China Takeoff.

After the new generation of H-6 modified bombers with WD-68S turbofan engines rolled off the assembly line, the DZB-50 regained the attention of the troops.

Because the new-generation H-6 improved bomber has a combat radius of more than 4,000 kilometers, and with the cooperation of an air refueling pipe and an 18NB air tanker, the combat radius can be further increased to more than 6,000 kilometers.

With the DZB-50 air-launched ballistic missile with a range of more than 2500 kilometers, it can deter the second island chain.

This is why the army urgently needs to develop marine environment exploration satellites. There is no way. Compared with the land-based anti-ship ballistic missile with a range of only 2000 kilometers, the DZB-50 air-launched ballistic missile can not only strike longer targets, Moreover, the battlefield is more mobile, more flexible, and more effective in combat.

The only shortcoming is that the target detection ability is weak, and a large number of space-based platforms are needed to supplement it.

But once completed, the strategic effect of deterring the second island chain is also self-evident.

Because of this, since 2004, the Air Force began to install a new generation of H-6 improved strategic bombers, and cooperated with the naval aviation forces to conduct frequent long-sea navigation training. The purpose is to cooperate with the DZB after the completion of the space-based reconnaissance system. 50 air-launched ballistic missiles quickly generate combat effectiveness.

It is precisely for this goal that China Ascendas invested a huge amount of money to develop chip-level atomic clocks and build modern satellite automated production lines. It was thought that a new generation of marine environmental exploration satellite systems could be built and put into use before 2010, but it was unexpectedly by the head of the headquarters. In a word, it has become the mainstay of navigation satellites.

Of course this is another story.

Back to the moment, with the DZB-50 air-launched ballistic missile, it is natural to develop a commercial model that can be realized. First, it can efficiently use the production line and reduce the production cost of products; second, it can also achieve the maximum use value of technology. www.uukanshu.com promotes the development of related industries.

The most typical of these is the ZTM-NB-6C carrier aircraft—200-400plus. Because it is a civilian product, the new generation H-6 improved version is obviously inappropriate, and the TNB-18F cargo aircraft is too expensive to use. .

In the end, China's take-off can only focus on the 200-400 passenger aircraft, which has relatively balanced indicators.

Of course, according to the original aerodynamic layout of 200-400, a ZTM-NB-6C air-launched launch vehicle carried on the abdomen poses a big safety hazard.

After all, the rear-mounted engine and the T-shaped vertical tail can easily lead to an imbalance in the center of gravity, and the local aerodynamic layout changes caused by a ZTM-NB-6C air-launched launch vehicle add to this risk.

Therefore, China Ascendas decisively changed the rear engine layout to the underwing layout, and the T-shaped vertical tail was also changed to the conventional layout. At the same time, the warehouse structure under the belly was completely cancelled, and a semi-buried rocket pylon was installed. Derived from the fighter's static and unstable technology, the 200-400plus was finally launched, which was called the most epoch-making model for China's take-off by Zhuang Jianye!

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