Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1531: What kind of monster is this made by China?

It is important to know that the total power of the high-pressure boiler-steam turbine power combination of the US Navy's "Kitty Hawk" class aircraft carrier is 205 MW and a total output of 274,000 horsepower.

Propelling a speed of 32 knots for the owner of a behemoth with a standard displacement of 61,000 tons and a full-load displacement of 82,000 tons, it can provide up to 82 carrier-based aircraft and a continuous maritime combat capability of more than 3,000 people.

From this perspective, it seems that Zhuang Jianye proposed that the combination of four D-71M and four D-65F-plus all-gas-turbine integrated electric propulsion systems is not sufficient for the powertrain of a domestically produced 80,000-ton-class surface ship. .

To be more precise, its total power of 200 megawatts is a bit short of the 205 megawatts on board the "Kitty Hawk".

However, the deputy head of the navy background did not have any objections, but rather seriously nodded in agreement.

The reason for this is very simple. The "Kitty Hawk" class is an old guy who was built and put into service in the 1960s. It's no boast that it can be the grandfather of today's zero and zero generations. Many hull designs are still reserved. The experience of the Second World War, compared with the fluid dynamics analysis model that has now reached a rapid explosion, I do not know how many generations behind it.

The domestically produced 80,000-ton-class large-scale surface ship is a proper 21st century product. Whether it is a hull structure or a ship-type structure, or its resistance reduction ability, I don't know how much stronger it is than the grandfather's "Kitty Hawk".

Because of this, in the 1960s, super power was needed to drive the 80,000 tons of big guys freely with miraculous methods. Nowadays, through advanced industrial design and wide application of fluid mechanics, with advanced manufacturing technology, It can completely make up for part of the power output.

So the total power of 200 MW, the total output of more than 268,000 horsepower is not too little, but it is really just right.

what is this?

A proper latecomer advantage!

Regarding this, the executive deputy team leader was very satisfied, thinking about waiting for the evening to go back, he called his old chief to report today's affairs, I believe that after the navy learns the news, it will definitely change the focus of the high-power marine gas turbine. The DA-80T of the Aviation Development Corporation was transferred to the D-71M of China Ascendas Aviation Power Co., Ltd. (Group).

There is no way, as long as those who are not funny should know that a marine gas turbine that can be used on amphibious assault ships and aircraft carriers is the real treasure. It's only necessary to use it when you choose. Whoever has the better will use the poorer quality.

It's like paying public rations every day, and the sudden passion, of course, the latter is even more **** and unable to extricate themselves!

Therefore, the executive deputy team leader nodded in satisfaction, and talked to Zhuang Jianye about the details of the D-71M gas turbine, so that when reporting to the old navy chief in the evening, he could speak a little more carefully, but he hadn’t waited to speak. The staff hurried over.

The disturbed executive deputy team leader couldn't help but frowned, and asked with a somewhat impatient tone: "What's the matter?"

"Um... Leader, it's been an hour!" The staff reminded carefully.

"It's been an hour?" The executive deputy team leader was taken aback for a moment, and quickly raised his wrist to look at the table below, and couldn't help but laughed at himself: "I didn't expect time to pass so fast, one hour passed!"

The executive deputy team leader’s expression changed quickly, because the staff in front of him are also routine. The data on the first hour of gas operation is very important. Basically, the level of the latter can be seen in the first hour. Seven or eighty-eight, so the first hour's operating data must be reported in time.

So the executive deputy team leader paused and continued to ask: "How about the data? Does it meet the requirements?"

"The other things are roughly in line with the requirements of the project team, that is, fuel consumption and thermal efficiency..." The staff became hesitant as they talked.

Upon seeing this, the executive deputy team leader waved his big hand and gave a rather bold instruction: "The 30-megawatt large gas turbine fills the gap in the country. This alone is worthy of our pride and pride. A few shortcomings should not be considered. , After all, it is a new product, there is always room for improvement..."

The executive deputy leader who was in a good mood did not deliberately pressure his own volume, so he spoke it out in front of everyone so brightly, and did not forget to glance at Zhuang Jianye meaningfully during the period, that was very meaningful. Obviously, I am very pleased with your D-71M. The fuel consumption and thermal efficiency are not a problem. It is only a small amount of gas, whether it is the energy department or the navy or consumption.

So, Mr. Zhuang, put your heart in your stomach, with me, not to mention letting your D-71M gas turbine take all the shares, one-third of it is fine.

With this mentality, the executive deputy team leader almost inspired all the speech talents accumulated during his tenure in the army and the local government. Not to mention the whole process, he also quoted the classics and witty words. However, in one sentence, the D-71M gas turbine is very good. Very powerful, I am not only a fan, but also strong!

Seeing the attitude of his own leader, what other staff members can do, they can’t help but nod their heads in agreement. Only the staff member in charge of the report wanted to interrupt several times, but he couldn’t because the executive deputy team leader’s witty remarks were so anxious. Sweating profusely, the executive deputy team leader noticed in the end, and of course he was tired. He took a break first, so he took the thermos from the assistant and looked at the staff in front of him while drinking the cup and asked: " What else is there?"

"It's such a leader..." The staff who finally caught the opportunity no longer hesitated this time, and said quickly: "The problem of fuel consumption and thermal efficiency is not too bad, but too good. According to the results of our test, D— The average fuel consumption of the 71M gas turbine in the first hour is 207g·kWh, and the maximum peak value is only 212g·kWh, and it is concentrated in the power-up phase at startup, and the remaining time is basically maintained at 207g·kWh. Hours, overall, very stable!

There is also thermal efficiency. The average is 40%, the peak is 42%, and the lowest is 38%. It is also concentrated in the power-up phase when starting..."

With that said, UU reading www. The uukanshu.com staff raised their heads in disbelief and looked at the executive deputy leader: “We didn’t believe this test result at first. The fuel economy of gas turbines is actually lower than that of high-power diesel engines, and the thermal efficiency can reach 40%. %, I always feel that this should not be our own product, but we have used several sets of test equipment, and the results are the same. We are surprised at that, we have actually built a truly world-class gas turbine by ourselves...so..."

"So, you have this expression? Isn't it the fuel consumption of 207g·kWh per hour, the thermal efficiency of 40%...what can be...Well? No, what did you just say? What is the fuel consumption of the D-71M gas turbine? 207g · Kilowatts per hour?"

At first, the executive deputy team leader didn’t feel much about it. He still held the thermos cup and drank water on his own. But while talking, suddenly felt something was wrong. The next moment the thermos cup in his hand fell directly to the ground. , The warm water inside immediately wetted the feet.

But the executive deputy team leader didn’t notice it at all. He took the monitoring report from the staff in the previous step, and his tone was distorted: "Hey, I’ll drop a long thump~~~~ What kind of monster is this made by China Tengfei..."

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