Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1532: The temptation of GE

Not only the executive deputy team leader thinks so, but the other members of the West-East Gas Pipeline Project team present have almost similar views.

The D-71M gas turbine developed by China Ascendas Aviation Power Co., Ltd. is a roaring monster on the ground.

The overall weight is light, its own power is large, and the most critical fuel consumption is one horse less, which almost combines all the advantages of a gas turbine.

It's no wonder that the staff responsible for reporting hesitate. It is true that before this, the only high-quality industrial gas turbines of similar quality were foreign top products, and they could only be published in professional journals with only a few words.

As for the real object, it is naturally impossible to disclose it to domestic technicians, and it will never be possible!

But this time, not only did the country have its own industrial gas turbine products that are no less than the first-class level abroad, but it was also placed there alive.

It’s like a celebrity chaser who can only watch videos and posters every day. Suddenly one day you find that a big idol is standing in front of you beautifully. The excitement of seeing you for a long time and your father’s revival can hardly be expressed in words.

However, when some unreality eventually becomes a conclusive reality, the excitement is even more self-evident. I only hope that the more monsters that can tear people's hearts, the better.

It's just that if someone is happy, someone will collapse naturally.

The most typical one is Mr. Shen, the head of the Aviation Development Corporation, although he has realized before that his DA-80T can no longer compete with the D-71M gas turbine.

But Mr. Shen still has a chance. After all, the D-71M gas turbine is a brand-new model. It is impossible to make it so perfect, and it has some problems of this kind.

As long as something happens in the actual test, he can use some means to rush the dirty water on the D-71M gas turbine fuselage, so as to set off his own DA-80T, so as to protect the Second West-East Gas Pipeline. A small share of the high-power gas turbine project of the project.

Yes, Mr. Shen no longer expects his own products to keep the 30% share goal. There is no way. The D-71M gas turbine is really too powerful, not only light in weight, but also surprisingly large, which means that its efficiency is crushed. All products present.

Therefore, the original 74 high-power gas turbines were so impacted by the D-71M gas turbine. It is estimated that around 55 units can meet the design requirements of the second phase of the West-East Gas Pipeline Project.

But this is tantamount to Shen's total drop of the Purple Sky Divine Thunder, and the reduction in the total quantity is equivalent to the sharp drop in the sales volume he originally planned.

That's all, the key is the excellent performance of the D-71M gas turbine. Compared with its own DA-80T, even the ugly duckling is not even considered the ugly duckling.

This is the deadliest, because the DA-80T, which has no advantage at all, is likely to lose all of its shares, which is unacceptable to Mr. Shen anyway.

We must know that the Aviation Development Corporation has invested heavily in the DA-80T project. Once the bid for the second phase of the West-East Gas Pipeline Project fails, it will provoke a series of unpredictable chain reactions.

Huge losses are inevitable. The most terrible thing is the rupture of the capital chain, the stagnant product line, and even the loss of state-owned assets...

Because of this, President Shen must win on DA-80T, otherwise he will not be President Shen, but Shen Tumor who stepped down directly!

Therefore, Mr. Shen does not expect to have a good expectation. As long as he can get 10% of the share, let him go back and have an explanation. After all, the power of the D-71M gas turbine lies there, not him. Mr. Shen didn't work hard enough, so the opponent is too good to blame!

However, Mr. Shen, who was eagerly looking forward to some problems with the test results, instead of waiting for a report on the immature technology of the D-71M gas turbine, he got a fuel consumption of 207 g·kWh per hour and a thermal efficiency of 40%.

This is no longer drowning in the toilet according to their DA-80T, but directly and roughly rubbed into a ball, kicking out of the solar system.

The big gap is desperate!

The consequence of despair is that the Aviation Development Corporation may really not even get 10% of the share, and it will be able to divide the comfort share of about 4 units if it breaks the sky.

In order to install the DA-80T gas turbine production line for this purpose, after all, so much investment, it is a waste to stop it. It can be used as a backup product for domestically made advanced high-power gas turbines, just hanging it half-dead.

As for the so-called domestically produced advanced high-power gas turbine, it is naturally China's soaring D-71M.

Therefore, at this moment, Mr. Shen's face is dim, and his heart is collapsed; the high-power gas turbine is killed by the D-71M; and the D-65 series below 10 MW can't beat China's soaring D-65 series.

It can be said that this time their Hangfa Headquarters really failed!

In fact, GE China, who has the same disease and pity, is not much better, but unlike General Shen's lack of strength and ready to accept the reality reluctantly, Aukin Lake is not prepared to bow to the rival D-71M gas turbine.

The reason is simple. If it is defeated by the D-71M gas turbine in China, the gas turbine production capacity that China will take off in the future will increase, and it will inevitably compete fiercely with GE globally.

Especially in the Middle East, where there are oil-producing countries, not only petrochemical industry, oil exploration, and energy pipeline transportation require a large number of high-power gas turbines, but also power generation, water supply, sewage and other aspects need high-power gas turbines to provide power support.

Once the D-71M gas turbine matures its technology in the country and gradually increases its production capacity to enter the Middle East market, it will definitely be a nightmare for GE.

Because so far, GE has also put on the market a civil industrial gas turbine product of the same level as the D-71M gas turbine. If this is allowed by China to take off, GE has been rampant around the world for so many years and is proud of the 20 MW-class high-power gas turbine. It is not as simple as being pressed by various frictions, but it may completely collapse.

Because of this, even if the bidding fails to beat the D-71M gas turbine, it will not be able to expand its share, thereby strengthening itself and accelerating technological iteration.

The worst thing is to buy time for GE's similar products to be put on the market. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

So after communicating with the blond foreign experts behind him, the head of GE China, Okinlake, walked up to the executive deputy team leader with a stack of documents and said in extremely fluent Mandarin: "Sir, The power of our GE-2800 gas turbine can be increased to 30 MW after adding a cold cycle device. Of course, due to our emphasis on the domestic market, we decided to give 10 units, not...15 units The cost of the upgrade and transformation will be borne by GE China. We must know that GE-2800 represents the most advanced gas turbine cycle system design concept in the world. If we can, we are willing to transfer this set of technology to the Chinese side, or come forward to help the Chinese side with related products. Retrofit to increase the power of the product..."

With that said, Aukin Lake looked at Zhuang Jianye meaningfully: "For example, Mr. Zhuang's D-71M gas turbine, if installed with our GE circulation system, the power may directly climb to the level of 45 MW, how about Zhuang? Sir, are you interested in cooperating with our GE China?"

Zhuang Jianye did not expect GE to pay attention to him, and shook his head without hesitation: "Not interested!"

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