Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1539: The old problems of China's take-off

Of course, if it's someone else, Aukin Lake doesn't mind breaking the net.

Don't you just die together, don't think that they Anglo-Saxons can't do it.

Anyway, I don’t want to be human anymore.

If he can be used as the head of GE's region to defeat China's soaring boss, it will be worthwhile.

But the problem is that the other party is called Zhuang Jianye and he is no longer a thief in his hometown. There have been so many shameless things in the past two decades.

As the saying goes, if there are too many lice, you are not afraid of biting, and if you have too many debts, you can pay back. Today’s little battle of not being a human being is just whether Zhuang Jianye’s daily life is good or not. I want to use this little thing to fight Zhuang Jianye, which will damage his reputation. Dreaming.

Because Zhuang Jianye didn't know what reputation was for a long time. As for the face, I asked weakly, is that thing useful?

Therefore, there is only one ending for Aukin Lake, which is the destruction of his career and the collapse of his future.

Precisely because of this, the moment Aukinlake turned and left, he was quite hard-spirited, but when he got in the car, he couldn't help it anymore. He was crying in the back row.

Zhuang Jianye didn’t bother to care about Aukin Lake’s dying. Instead, after communicating with President Shen and the heads of Siemens and Mitsubishi, he called China Ascendas Aerospace Power Co., Ltd. (Group) Co., Ltd., with the Industrial Gas Turbine Association. The status of the honorary chairman "worries with one's heart and soul" persuaded... three minutes.

In the end, at the price of a meal, we “wined” the understanding of China Ascendas Aviation Power Co., Ltd. (Group), and agreed to make concessions on the gas turbine project in the second phase of the West-East Gas Pipeline Project. Mitsubishi divides this big cake together.

The Aviation Development Corporation, Siemens, and Mitsubishi were naturally happy, and Mr. Shen and others even complimented President Zhuang, and they almost praised Zhuang Jianye.

Then a few people chatted for a few more words and then they dispersed. After all, a model test takes 100 hours. Just come over and check it out every day. No one can stand it.

However, just when Zhuang Jianye was about to say goodbye to the executive deputy team leader, he returned to the station to rest.

The executive deputy team leader, who had just communicated with the audit and engineering costs, called Zhuang Jianye with a weird expression: "Mr. Zhuang, your D-71M quotation...is there something wrong? Why only the transportation and installation costs are listed. , No quotation for the equipment?"

Hearing this, Zhuang Jianye was taken aback, and immediately knocked on his head in a pretentious manner: "Oh, look at my mind, I've been busy all day, and I almost forgot about such an important thing!"

As soon as these words came out, the executive deputy team leader almost blurted out a sentence of MMP.

In the scene just now, he is not blind, how can he not be able to see it, the referees and athletes all let you be one person, just say that you are expelled from the market by expelling your competitors. The young and Dangerous boy in Hong Kong movies is not like that. Arrogant.

As a result, Zhuang Jianye actually called it busy.

It's not a human being!

The problem is that the executive deputy team leader scolded in his heart, but he did not intend to come forward to help GE China. The reason is very simple. He has long been happy to see domestic brands crushing foreign brands in technology and performance, especially For key technical equipment such as industrial gas turbines, the executive deputy team leader is anxious to rub all foreign brands on the ground.

It is important to know that this kind of industry can dominate by not rules, but real hard power such as technology, quality, and craftsmanship. Otherwise, even if you write the law to the level of the heavenly book, the hard power will be rubbed back by others.

Because of this, Zhuang Jianye dared to be arrogant, and GE China did not even dare to let go. It is because of the strong hard power, otherwise there is no product that can compete with GE-2800. Can Aukin Lake leave in tears?

If he doesn't torture and cry the people present, even if he has found out his conscience!

So even if Zhuang Jianye was arrogant, the executive deputy team leader would turn a blind eye and close another.

Zhuang Jianye didn’t know what the executive deputy team leader’s heart was doing. Even if he knew it, he didn’t care. He had already lost face with the leader, and he was not inferior to this one. So he looked serious and said earnestly: “It’s such a thing, leader, Our D-71M gas turbine is good in every aspect, but right? There is an obvious defect that can't be solved."

After hearing this, the small heart of the executive deputy leader who was still complaining in his heart trembled fiercely, and almost stopped immediately.

Defect, what defect?

Could it be that the D-71M gas turbine is also a kind of golden jade?

and many more…

Be calm, be calm, be calm...

The D-71M gas turbine has surpassed the 20 MW level and rushed to 30 MW. It must have applied a lot of advanced technology. It is generally immature, and it's normal to take a big step forward.

But even so, the national level still has to support it. After all, the significance of 30 MW gas turbines is too great. Whether it is the national economy or national defense construction, it is an indispensable existence!

After figuring out all the joints and making up his mind, the executive deputy team leader also had a serious face. He exhaled and calmed his trembling heart. He tried to ask: "What's the flaw? Is it technically difficult? It is difficult to solve. Not big? How long will it take to resolve? Do you have any plans to take off here?..."

Just like a goddess who finally saw her favorite goddess at a blind date meeting, the executive deputy team leader asked a series of questions like a household registration, and asked Zhuang Jianye in a daze.

Even in the end, there was a shameful blush on Zhuang Jianye's old face, which is rare in Zhuang Jianye, whose face is thicker than the city wall.

But the executive deputy team leader didn’t know. He thought that the technical difficulties of D-71M could not be solved by Ascendas China, so he exhaled again: "If there are difficulties in Ascendas, don’t be afraid. I can help you coordinate with universities in China. With the experts and scholars of the research institute, concentrate on doing big things..."

"It's not... the leader, the defect of our D-71M is not technical."

The executive deputy team leader wanted to continue, but was stopped by Zhuang Jianye. Now it was the executive deputy team leader's turn to be confused: "Not technically?"

"It's not technical, but...but...but material..." Zhuang Jianye said a little bit twisted, a good interpretation of the classic shy expression of a management rookie who only understands technology but doesn't understand management, and continued with a wry smile. Said: "There is no way, in order to pursue the ultimate performance, we did not pay too much attention to cost management, so that the cost of D-71M suddenly exceeded the budget by a large amount..."

Speaking of this, Zhuang Jianye sighed helplessly: "This defect, UU reading www.uukānshu.com is regarded as an old problem on Tengfei. The cost is always poorly controlled. The main responsibility lies with me, and the higher-level leaders criticized me. How many times, I also often think twice, to control the cost, to control the cost, to control the cost... As a result, when I got to the project, I forgot all of my head, alas... This time is the same, and D-71M also I didn't control it well, it exceeded the standard again!"

As soon as these words came out, the executive deputy team leader finally breathed a sigh of relief, thinking it was a technical problem. It turned out to be a cost issue. Is that still a problem?

Problems that can be solved with money are nothing!

So the executive deputy team leader was holding a water glass and asked very proudly: "Why is it so big...how much can the cost exceed the standard? I don't even dare to quote the price. Let's say the number. I don't believe it can go to heaven. ?"

Zhuang Jianye nodded: "In fact, there are not many, the unit price is only 350 million yuan!"

"Puff~~~" The executive deputy team leader heard this and sprayed..."

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