Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1540: Naval development

The price of 350 million yuan is still not called much?

The executive deputy team leader almost didn't scream on the spot. It is important to know that in the first phase of the West-East Gas Pipeline project, the unit price of the foreign brand gas turbines purchased is no more than 200 million yuan.

But when Zhuang Jianye opened his mouth, it was 350 million, which is simply...

The executive deputy team leader only felt that his chest was congested and wanted to scold a mother to relieve him, but before he could speak, he was preempted by Zhuang Jianye and said: "Leader, I have said it, now we are taking off in China to do cost control. It’s not good enough, and we’re working hard to improve it, but the problem is that it’s estimated that the effect will not be great in a short period of time, because many of the new processes used in d-71m are unique in China or even in the world, and its own cost is there. It's not that you can drop by dropping.

Of course, if the leader sees China’s take-off efforts to innovate and fill the gap in the country, and give us more orders, if our production line runs at full capacity, the cost will be diluted and the later unit price will also drop... "

Zhuang Jianye's remarks were earnest and unusual, and all kinds of bitterness were even more open, but in fact, in one sentence, the unit price of 350 million yuan will not drop, and it will never drop.

As for why, the reason is very simple. Who can make our D-71m soar to 30 MW?

In the face of Zhuang Jianye’s shameless energy, the executive deputy team leader was helpless. Of course, the more important thing is that d-71m is really scented, especially a sentence in Zhuang Jianye’s words, which directly hit the executive deputy team leader’s g point: "...say To be honest, there is no problem with d-71m on board. The key is that many processes are not mature enough. The reason for this is that there are too few productions. The production line is too handy. This is bound to affect the future. —71m on the ship, so we sincerely hope to get more orders, so that the ancients often say that they are only familiar with the hand..."

The executive deputy team leader has a mission. If a simple industrial gas turbine is 350 million yuan, it is a little expensive, but if it is a naval gas turbine, this amount of money is really not a big deal.

It is necessary to know that the unit price of Rolls-Royce's latest mt-30 30-megawatt naval gas turbine reaches 80 million US dollars, which is 640 million yuan based on the current intermediate price of RMB 8 to US dollars.

With this calculation, the d-71m of the same level only costs 350 million yuan, but half of the mt-30 is a bargain to go to grandma's house.

Thinking about it this way, the executive deputy team leader's heart became much smoother, so after Zhuang Jianye finished talking, he hesitated for a moment, and finally reluctantly nodded in agreement!

More than half a month later, the gas turbine bidding test test in a core city in central China ended. Another week later, the industrial gas turbine bidding for the second phase of the West-East Gas Pipeline Project officially ended.

After the re-adjustment of the West-East Gas Project Team, the high-power industrial gas turbines have been reduced from 74 units to 64 units today.

Among them, 32 units use China Ascendas d-71m30 MW gas turbines, accounting for 50% of all high-power gas turbines.

12 sets of da-80t 20 MW gas turbines used by Hangfa's total salaries accounted for 18.75 of all high-power gas turbines.

Siemens and Mitsubishi each received 10 units of 20 MW gas turbines.

The share of 10 MW-class gas turbines used is not much different from that of high-power gas turbines, and China Ascendas is still the biggest winner.

Not only that, in the subsequent bidding for the Sichuan-East Gas Pipeline Project, China Ascendas took advantage of the excellent performance of the d-71m gas turbine to obtain 68 of all 85 large gas turbines, accounting for 80% of the total share. Plus the supporting 10 MW gas turbine.

Two national-level major projects have brought nearly RMB 50 billion in revenue to China Ascendas.

Benefiting from the exceeding-expected profitability in the next two years, the stock prices of many companies listed on the Shanghai, Shenzhen and Hong Kong islands of China Ascendas have soared.

And this is just the performance that China Ascendas has put on the table in the gas turbine business.

In fact, in another financial statement, the naval equipment department purchased a larger amount, ordering 80 d-71m gas turbines in one go.

Based on the calculation of each ship with two d-71m gas turbines, 80 units are enough to build 40 large surface ships.

It is conceivable that the navy that has solved the power system problem will truly usher in a dumpling-like shipbuilding frenzy.

In fact, this is indeed the case. After a series of evaluations of the d-71m gas turbine by the relevant navy department at the suggestion of the executive deputy team leader, the ups and downs were simply satisfied to the explosion.

Because of this, the previously shelved Type 052c guided missile destroyer was restarted triumphantly, and 4 ships were planned at one time.

In addition, the more advanced 052d guided-missile destroyer is specially put on the construction schedule. According to the navy's plan, the number of this mature shield ship will not be less than 20.

As for the 055 large ocean destroyer with a displacement of more than 10,000 tons, the preliminary design has also been completed, and it has entered the system development stage. It is estimated that it will not be a few years before it will witness a miracle.

And this is only the main combat ship, such as the Yuanwang series aerospace survey ship with a full load displacement of more than 25,000 tons, the 071 dock landing ship with a full load displacement of more than 25,000 tons, and the Type 901 integrated supply ship with a full load displacement of more than 45,000 tons, etc. The main power of the super-large ships will also be d-71m gas turbines.

With this calculation, the availability of 80 d-71m gas turbines in the next five years is still unknown.

Because the navy has begun to plan the use of integrated electric propulsion systems for the large aircraft carrier No. 3 and the Type 075 amphibious assault ship with a displacement of 40,000 tons.

Because of this, the Navy has awarded China Ascendas Aviation Power Co., Ltd. (Group) Company a pre-research contract worth 25 million yuan, requiring Ascendas to further improve the reliability and power on the basis of the d-71m gas turbine, so that it can be used in the so-called " In the future, new power drives for ultra-large surface ships will be required."

If you count the Navy’s carrier-based aircraft project, during this period of time the burden of the take-off system has become heavier, and the bond with the Navy has also been uncontrollably deepened.

Zhuang Jianye was not surprised by this, UU reading www. After all, uukanshu.com started to push the Tengfei system closer to the navy a few years ago, but the mainstream in the 1990s was not optimistic about the development of the navy. Only Zhuang Jianye bet on the continued growth of the domestic economy, and the navy would usher in great development.

Now the navy has begun to plan a third aircraft carrier. It was impossible to even think about it ten years ago, but now the navy still feels that 3 aircraft carriers are not enough. At least 6 aircraft carriers are needed to satisfy the country’s expanding overseas trade and Complex and changeable energy lines.

Of the 6 large aircraft carriers, nearly half of them are super carriers with a displacement of more than 80,000 tons.

Not to mention how many gas turbines are needed for supporting ships, just to be equipped with the carrier-based aircraft of these 6 aircraft carriers is not a small number.

At least it is the equipment scale of 4 to 5 aviation divisions, the number of hundreds!

Domestic aerospace manufacturers who learned of this news don’t know how many slammed their backs and shouted that they had made mistakes and made mistakes...

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