Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1541: Peace mission

It is indeed a misstep. Ten years ago, who could have imagined that the domestic economy entering the 21st century would be the same as opening up, and advancing all the way.

The average annual growth rate is as high as 8% or more.

That's all, the key is that in the next ten to twenty years, the fundamentals of the domestic economy will continue to improve, and high growth will continue.

As a result, a series of predictions made in the mid-to-late 1990s were almost completely invalid, because according to the predictions at the time, it was a miracle that domestic gdp could catch up with Japan in 2015, and it was normal operation to reach this goal in 2020.

But now, the latest forecast model shows that the domestic gdp will exceed Japan in 2010. By 2015, the domestic gdp will be twice that of Japan, and it will even exceed Japan's three times by 2020.

This passing can be even worse than the most optimistic forecast of the year. It is no wonder that the Navy will spare no effort to increase investment.

Both are the world's second-largest economy and the world's largest creditor country. If they do not have a matching defense force to support them, then can they not become a pile of fat to be slaughtered?

Looking at what Japan has lost for so many years, one should know how important an independent national defense is.

So are there more than 6 aircraft carriers?

As the world's largest trading country and the largest industrial country, this volume is not much.

The problem is that no one thought that a decade ago. The mainstream view was that it was already the limit to have two conventional aircraft carriers of 60,000 tons in 2020, and more than that might overwhelm the finances.

And all the carrier-based aircraft of the two 60,000-ton conventional aircraft carriers, even if the trainer aircraft are fully paid, it is less than 100, and according to the equipment update speed of the navy snail crawl in the 1990s, this is less than one. The amount of one hundred frames is likely to be a one-shot deal.

In addition, fewer than a hundred aircraft are still a collection of fighter jets, early warning aircraft, helicopters, trainers, and other types of aircraft. When distributed to various manufacturing plants, not only the models and technologies are more complex, but the number is further reduced, which completely outweighs the gains.

Because of this, several mainstream manufacturers at the time were not very interested in naval carrier-based aircraft. Even if they were interested, such as the Northeast Aviation Industry Group, they used the air force's land-based aircraft to transform instead of starting from a new start. New models.

The reason is simple. The amount of equipment is so small that it is a waste of resources to develop a new model. It can be used on the basis of the Air Force model. Anyway, it is not expected that the two aircraft carriers can really ride the wind and waves in the depths of the ocean.

It is enough to achieve the strategic purpose of encircling an island.

It is impossible to imagine that in a short period of ten years, the Navy has actually planned 6 aircraft carriers, of which more than half are 80,000-ton super aircraft carriers.

There are more than one hundred fighter jets on such a large scale, including early warning aircraft, helicopters, trainers, unmanned aerial vehicles...at least the size of 4 aviation divisions.

This transaction is very impressive, let alone swallowing all of it in one bite, that is, a point for several models of major aviation manufacturers is enough to eat for several years.

As a result, China Ascendas actually packaged all this large number of naval carrier-based aircraft models.

That's the size of at least 4 aviation divisions. It's strange if you don't jealous.

But the problem is that it’s useless to be jealous. Who made China take off and bet on the right? Start the research and exploration of professional carrier-based aircraft first. After more than ten years, I have already opened up quite a lot with other friends in carrier-based aircraft. The gap makes it impossible for other friends to catch up even if they want to catch up.

After all, experience and accumulation cannot be made up in a day or two.

Therefore, all the big friends and businessmen can only watch China take off and the navy, showing affection, spreading dog food and helpless.

It’s not enough. It’s a big mistake to think that China Ascendas is currently close to the navy. In fact, the relationship between China Ascendas and the military is all-round. For example, at this moment, Zhuang Jianye is under the joint command of the headquarters temporarily established. The headquarters invited the past, hoping to explain to the leaders of different units the performance characteristics and maintenance of related equipment developed and produced by China Ascendas.

The reason for this is very simple. The upcoming peace mission military exercise will be launched in a country in Central Asia.

Different from the previous peace mission exercises, Russia, as one of the leading parties, is in the turbulent situation in Central Asia and the Middle East, and proposed that the peace mission military exercises should be adjusted in response to actual combat.

That is to say, in addition to the established multinational military joint training, it is hoped that several battalion-scale back-to-back multi-arms joint confrontation exercises can be held to test the results of actual combat training of the military of various countries and further deter terrorist forces outside the territory.

Back-to-back actual combat exercises were used to determine their opponents in accordance with the previous lottery.

Not surprisingly, the domestic army was naturally positioned as the target of his exercise by Lao Maozi.

This is also no alternative. Whether it is a few Stan in Central Asia, or White Russia and Moldova in Eastern Europe, encountering domestic forces and old Maozi will all be abused.

Of course, as an observer country, New Delhi was very unconvinced. It jumped and asked to do a game with the domestic forces in order to show that it was no longer New Delhi in the 1960s.

The old Maozi was not used to it. Belarus, who is also an observer country, had a "friendly match" with New Delhi. As you can imagine, the Jalalad mechanized battalion, known as the elite in New Delhi, was taken by Belarus’ 22nd motorcycle in less than an hour. The foot camp played so hard that he didn't even recognize his mother.

Now New Delhi is completely honest, honestly picking the 117th motorbike camp in Uzbekistan, preparing to abuse food, trying to retrieve the lost self-esteem.

The problem is that New Delhi has lost ground, but the domestic forces are still empty.

No way, who makes the opponent be the old man.

Although Lao Maozi's strength has declined drastically since the disintegration of the Soviet Union, and the army's combat effectiveness has been greatly reduced.

In addition, Russia has not stopped in the Caucasus, Central Asia, the Middle East and other regions for so many years. Instead of regressing in the actual combat experience of the army, it is more offensive than in the Soviet period.

Coupled with the equipment that is not weak since the Soviet era, UU reading www.uukanshu. com and Lao Maozi's unique combat system, the overall combat effectiveness is still in the leading ranks in the world.

Especially in the actual combat capability of the battalion level, thanks to the experience and lessons of the Chechen War, Lao Maozi has a good performance in the organization of battalion units, the deployment of troops, and the use of equipment.

It is no exaggeration to say that its combat effectiveness is no less than the elite Soviet army at its peak.

On the other hand, the domestic troops have not experienced wars in more than ten years since they ended operations in southern Xinjiang in the early 1990s. Coupled with the difficulty of strategic priorities, the troops have made several major adjustments in their strength and weapons, and they have not yet figured out any one. Set up an organization model that meets actual needs and responds to future modern warfare.

Because of this, even the heads of the headquarters have no idea what the overall combat effectiveness is.

But the opponent is Lao Maozi again, that is the imaginary enemy of the past few decades. If you think about the rhetoric of stepping on your own body, you will know how much pressure is on the joint command headquarters at this time...

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