Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1551: Change the rules of the game

No wonder Modric has such an attitude.

As a professional military officer from the Soviet era, Modric's knowledge is not comparable to those of foreign military observers on the scene.

In the early 1980s, Marshal Olgakov, then Chief of the General Staff of the Soviet Armed Forces, promoted a Soviet military reform, aiming to strengthen information construction on the basis of mechanization, so as to realize the single item of the Soviet army. The battlefield is transparent, so that the Soviet army can triumph in the offensive effortlessly.

So from then on, modular equipment and weaves that could be spliced ​​freely like building blocks were put on the agenda of the Soviet army and became the mainstream in the late 1970s and early 1980s.

However, Marshal Olgakov’s views were too novel and super strong, which led to many ideas that were impossible to realize with the technical conditions at the time. In addition, the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan resulted in tight funding and unable to afford huge research and development expenses.

After Marshal Olgakov was removed from the post of Chief of Staff of the Soviet Army in 1984, this forward-looking military reform came to an abrupt end.

However, the reforms terminated by the Soviet Union did not die out. Instead, they took root in the United States on the other side of the Atlantic, and eventually formed the 1986 version of the U.S. military planning outline.

Then through a series of local military conflicts such as the invasion of Grenada and the "Golden Canyon" operation in Libya, this set of military reforms was refined and strengthened again; in the 1991 Gulf War, the U.S. military was finally shown to the world the fighting power of the times.

One of the most eye-catching is the flexible and changeable combat organization of the US Army. Two infantry brigades and one armored brigade are a mechanized infantry division; two armored brigades and one infantry brigade are armored divisions or armored cavalry divisions.

That's all, the key is that these brigade-level combat teams and their subordinate battalion-level combat teams can adjust their organization at any time according to the battlefield situation. This is the modular organization that the US military is proud of.

This extends to weapons and equipment. The US military also hopes to be able to achieve multiple functions in one vehicle, multiple functions in one aircraft, multiple types in one ship, and multiple effects in one bomb.

So there are Shrek wheeled combat vehicles running on the ground. Using this as a platform, different modules can be added to form infantry fighting vehicles, anti-tank assault vehicles, support howitzers, battlefield ambulances and even engineering maintenance vehicles.

There is an F-35 flying in the sky, the Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps has one aircraft and three models. It is definitely an unprecedented masterpiece among the aircraft.

With the Littoral Combat Ship in the upper reaches of the water, more vertical modules can be installed to incarnate air-to-ground attack combat ships; strengthening sonar and anti-submarine weapons is a proper anti-submarine master; putting on demining devices can be worry-free Concentrate on mine clearance.

As for the bombing, it is a variety of precision-guided weapons or over-the-horizon attack weapons derived from the MK82 aerial bomb...

All in all, Americans have studied modularity to their bones.

That being the case, Americans in the field of drones can't let go, so as early as the mid-1990s, relevant scholars in the United States put forward several ideas for modular drones.

That scene is just like changing the blade of a multi-function screwdriver, giving the drone a larger and broader mission boundary and tactical possibilities.

An American expert even suggested that Lockheed Martin is developing a system that enables multiple batches of drones to have their own independent operating capabilities, just like a flock of birds, which can be freely dispersed, combined, and discovered. After the target, the rear command can be notified, and it can also attack independently or in clusters according to instructions.

And such UAVs can be replaced with different photoelectric probes, communication systems, anti-personnel warheads, etc. according to different sites, different tasks, and different environments, forming a multi-level and multiple-type modular combat method, thereby making future wars richer While being offensive, it further reduces one's own casualties.

That's not even counted. The American expert even pre-researched at that small-scale forum. In the next ten to fifteen years, the United States will be able to apply this seemingly sci-fi combat model to actual combat.

At that time, the American expert's speech touched everyone present. Among them was Modric, who was then a deputy of the Russian military attaché's office to the United States.

What Modric didn't know at the time was that there was also an anonymous heavyweight at the scene, and that was Lin Guanghua, the chief engineer of China's take-off.

How other people reacted don't know, anyway, Lin Guanghua was so shocked that the chief engineer who started from drones was a little embarrassed after listening to the American expert's speech.

I have been working on drones for more than ten years, and more than a dozen models have been launched. There is such a big gap between the concept and the industry in the United States.

Is that kind of multi-batch, multi-task modular drone difficult?

It may be difficult for others, but it is just a little trouble for Lin Guanghua.

We must know that China Ascendas has been committed to the research of drone swarm technology in the past ten years, and is also exploring the practical application of drone multi-mission methods.

For example, the attack series of UAVs and the "Habi" anti-radiation UAVs to prevent Israel, China Ascendas has developed different types of warheads and strike combinations based on them.

At the same time, different optoelectronic pods, radar pods and communication pods are specially used on the TY series UAVs to deal with different types of tasks.

Combining these three together, isn't it a so-called modular drone!

Therefore, for Lin Guanghua, who was studying in the United States as a visiting scholar at the time, the key was not the realization of applied technology, but the advanced ideas and concepts.

Coincidentally, the American expert gave Lin Guanghua a brainstorming and ideological PUA, which made Lin Guanghua feel a sense of urgency while he was relieved.

No way, two words of the American expert have really taken root in his heart.

One sentence is: "This kind of epoch-making equipment system will definitely change the rules of the game in future wars!"

The second sentence is: "The United States will equip this type of system in ten to fifteen years and apply it to actual combat!"

Time does not wait for me!

At that time, Lin Guanghua had these five words in his mind, and then he hurriedly ended the visit of visiting scholars and returned to China with this set of ideas that might change the rules of the game.

After discussing with Zhuang Jianye, he then carried out research on related technologies in the UAV business section of China Ascendas.

However, what Lin Guanghua didn't know was that Modric did not report this matter to the top after returning to China. UU Reading www. The reason for uukanshu.com is very simple, because Russia has already grasped the exact information, and Lockheed Martin has not made much effort in modular drones. The reason is also very simple. Compared with complicated aviation such as F-35 Project, the profit in the simple drone project is too low, making Lockheed that it is not worth investing a large amount of resources.

But whether to do it or not is one thing, and whether or not to blow it is another thing.

Although modular drones have low profits, they are forced to be high. As far as the outside world is concerned, Lockheed Martin will soon master a new type of equipment that can change the rules of the game, and Lockheed’s image in the field of military equipment immediately rises. Whether it's external sales or internal lobbying on Capitol Hill, you can get twice the result with half the effort.

Since the master doesn't bother, why should an outsider like Modric be anxious? Not only is this, but he also laughs at his shocked expression when listening to the speech. He is still too young to understand the depth of old beauty's routines.

As a result, just as Modric was about to forget this memory of seven or eight years ago, Xiao Man showed him what the American expert had imagined. You said he was not surprised or shocked?

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