Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1552: Cruise missile

Of course it was amazing; it was shocking.

No way, people treat it as a boasting thing. Not only does a certain country take it seriously, but it also realizes it. What could be more magical than this?

So Modric wanted to shout loudly, please, why take it seriously? Take it seriously, let us jokes not embarrassed!

However, what Modric didn't know was that there were a bunch of slots on his side, and Xiao Man, who was introducing the yyds-6 modular drone, was also full of complaints in his heart.

The reason is very simple. The official name of the yyds-6 modular drone does not include the three words drone at all, but it is called the yyds-6 modular cruise missile.

Since it is a bomb, it proves that yyds-6 is not an auxiliary equipment that provides reconnaissance and guarantee communications, but an offensive weapon with strong strike capability.

It is also the attributes of offensive weapons that yyds-6 is closer to the attributes of subverting the rules of war described by American experts in their speeches.

The implementation is also true, because in the offensive system that China Ascendas created for the combined battalion of the Blue Army, the huge firepower gap between short-range ballistic missiles with a range of 300 kilometers and long-range artillery with a range of 50 kilometers is not covered by any weapons and equipment. .

Therefore, in wartime, we can only rely on air-to-ground coordination and use ground attack aircraft such as Qiang-5G or FBC-1a to carry out uninterrupted fire assaults on this blank area.

But the problem is that the current coordination between the Army and the Air Force only stays at the simple ground call, strike guidance, and target attack. It’s still far from the advanced stage of the US Army’s on-call and immediate destruction. .

The main reason for this situation is that the Army and Air Force’s equipment systems are not perfect. Secondly, the multi-service joint operations structure needs to be strengthened. The last and most critical thing is that the Army and Air Force lack a kind of interconnected intervention gap to achieve this. Barrier-free exchange of information between the two services on local battlefields.

There is no way, who made the two services have been two independent combat systems since their establishment. To break through the barriers of the two combat systems within the established framework is not only technically difficult, but also very costly.

Therefore, a medium is needed to seamlessly connect the two tactical systems on the local battlefield.

The yyds-6 cruise missile is such a medium.

According to the combat system constructed by China Ascendas for the Blue Army Synthetic Battalion, the battalion is equipped with a total of 64 cruise missiles of three types, including 16 integrated reconnaissance cruise missiles, 16 communications support cruise missiles, and 32 fire strike missiles.

Thanks to China Ascendas’ rapid progress in semiconductors, the 64 cruise missiles have integrated the communication protocols of the Army and the Air Force, and through the converter developed by China Ascendas, the information of the two services can be seamlessly connected at any time, thereby Through the platform of the cruise missile, it is transmitted to the combat platform of the Air Force or the Army.

Of course, with this point alone, the value of the cruise missile cannot be realized, so China Ascendas has applied a black technology in its navigation satellite to the cruise missile.

That is the laser communication system between satellites.

This system is designed to reduce the dependence of navigation satellites on the ground system, so as to realize the sharing of interstellar information, and then realize the purpose of global navigation.

After the actual application of the Tianlian series of tracking and data relay satellites and the first-generation navigation satellites, China Ascendas has already matured this set of technologies and successfully applied them to the second-generation navigation satellites.

As a result, in order to force the opening of several important communication frequency bands in the country, the European Space Agency banned ground stations within Europe from cooperating with the country before they were completely bankrupt.

Because the second-generation domestic navigation satellites do not need the support of foreign ground stations at all, a few navigation satellites, plus the corresponding Skylink data relay satellites, can continuously transmit global signal data back to the country.

This also caused the European Space Agency to be very injured. It thought it had caught the weakness of the second-generation domestic navigation satellites, but it turned out that its own "Galileo" navigation satellite was behind again.

And this technology is not used as a magic weapon for China's take-off. It is all invested in the aerospace field. Aviation is also actively exploring. The yyds-6 cruise missile is the most typical one.

Of course, this is also due to the rapid progress of China Ascendas in semiconductors. Without 90-nanometer manufacturing as the basis, China Ascendas would not be able to make related circuit modules so small and powerful.

Based on this, these 64 cruise missiles are not ordinary single equipment, but a space network composed of 64 nodes shrouded on the battlefield.

The Zhi-15d "Vanguard" helicopter acts as the main server, coordinating these 64 nodes for a series of campaign operations such as reconnaissance, communication, coordination, and command.

The artillery, tanks, armored vehicles, and engineering vehicles on the ground receive real-time target parameters, situation dynamics, damage effects and other information obtained from the cruise missile according to the installed terminal equipment, so as to quickly adjust combat forces and achieve dynamic battlefield flexibility.

At the same time, combat aircraft with corresponding receiving pods can also receive target information and battlefield dynamics from cruise missiles, so as to plan reasonable routes and cooperate with ground forces to carry out more favorable strikes against the enemy.

Of course, if necessary, the yyds-6 cruise missile can also go into battle on its own. After all, the 32 combat types are not vegetarian. 16 of them are equipped with anti-radiation warheads and 16 are equipped with dyssensitivity warheads, which can be far-reaching against the enemy. The deep radar system, communication system, command and control system and armored assault force carry out precision strikes.

Such air-ground coordination can guide the air force to cover the battlefield at any time within a range of 50 kilometers to 300 kilometers, or use cruise missiles to perform precise acupuncture attacks, and then cooperate with the network formed to make the battlefield transparent to oneself.

Even if the second-generation equipment is used, it can also achieve a gorgeous counterattack against troops equipped with a large number of third-generation weapons, and even rub their heads directly.

With such a killer, Xiaoman didn't fight as hard as he does now in his original plan. The artillery had to move two positions?

In two rounds of air strikes, even if the artillery of the 82nd mechanized battalion of the Guards could not be completely reimbursed, there would be nothing left.

However, the main director of Xi’s Russia cancelled air support before the battle, on the grounds that he wanted to fight a pure ground battle.

There is no air support, anyway, the cruise missile in your hand is not vegetarian, so use precise acupoint tactics to perform a precise beheading operation on the command center, radar positions, and artillery positions of the 82nd mechanized battalion of guards.

However, this revised plan was submitted and rejected by the lead director Xi’s Russia, on the grounds that the attack effect of the small drone has yet to be verified and cannot be included in the damage effect determined by the exercise.

To speak of people, we don’t recognize the cruise missile you used!

This made Xiaoman depressed. The battle that could have been solved in 30 minutes was dragged on for an hour and a half before it ended. The combat effectiveness of the synthetic battalion was not achieved at all, and Xiaoman had the heart to scold his mother!

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