Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 504: D—Twenty-five auxiliary power unit

Before the voice fell, Foss bounced from his seat, and he held the driver's seat with his hand, and moved his body close to the instrument display. Beckman quickly turned his body to let go, and at the same time pointed his finger at the display. The "223kw" number on the screen keeps flashing. The first reaction is whether the instrument display is wrong.

But before he could ask a question, Hugh Wood, who was in the main pilot's position, said: "We did another in-depth inspection of the plane this morning, and everything else was normal except for the damage to the tail."

Before he finished speaking, Hugh Wood also leaned over, looked at the constantly flashing degree, frowned, and then turned his head to look at Foss: "Sir, this is the apu provided by Ascendas Aviation Corporation? It looks better. We imagined better."

Hugh Wood's words are sincere. As a pilot, he really wants to make the dc-10 he piloted fly again. Because of this, he has stronger requirements for apu performance than everyone else.

Because a powerful and reliable apu is not only the energy source for the supply system of large aircraft such as ventilation, air conditioning, electricity, pressurization, hydraulic pressure, and engine starting, but also the main source of emergency power for large aircraft in emergency situations.

Apu has played a vital role in more than one airliner's dangerous situation, allowing the plane to land smoothly and creating several miraculous landing records.

As a senior large passenger plane pilot, Hugh Wood certainly hopes that the apu performance on the plane he pilots is as strong as possible, because this thing can not only improve the environment and service quality of the passenger plane, but it is also a magic weapon to save life when it is critical.

But what kind of apu has strong performance? The most intuitive is of course the greater the power, the stronger the performance.

After all, the apu power compartment at the rear of the aircraft is so big. The apus produced by Honeywell can only provide a maximum of 218 kilowatts of power, and cannot last for too long. Under normal circumstances, they can only achieve a continuous power output of 196 kilowatts.

Although it is enough for dc-10, compared with Boeing's ace Boeing 747, the apu's efficiency is still a lot weaker. After all, the apu equipped with the Boeing 747 can do the secondary backup of the entire aircraft control system, but DC-10 can't connect all backups to apu completely.

The key reason for this is that the power of the apu is insufficient. As a result, the dc-10 can only connect the backup of the hydraulic system, rudder surface control system, life support system and other main systems to the apu. As for the backup of other systems, connect the battery carried by the aircraft.

As a result, the design of the dc-10 is not only complicated. Once the main engine fails, the aircraft cannot quickly switch the backup control. Instead, several control switches need to be adjusted to complete the startup of all the backup systems.

This is fine in normal times, but in a terrible air accident, one-key start and three-key and four-key start are really not a matter of time, but a matter of death.

Because of this, it is impossible to say that Hugh Wood does not envy the Boeing 747. For this reason, he has also given advice to McDonnell Douglas. McDonnell Douglas also feels that this aspect needs to be improved in order to reverse the public’s disagreement on the safety of the McDonnell Douglas airliner. Good image.

The problem is that McDonnell Douglas intends to improve, but apu manufacturers such as Honeywell, GM, and Rolls-Royce are sitting on the floor. If you want an apu, McDonnell Douglas is no problem. The premium is 15%.

So before Hugh Wood and others drove this improved dc-10 to China, McDonnell Douglas was still arguing with an apu supplier, and no one knew when an agreement could be reached.

Therefore, when Hugh Wood saw the number on the display instrument, he was still very happy, because he found that the number on the instrument display could be mentioned up again, because the control valve in the hands of the co-pilot Beckman who controlled the apu did not push. In the end, this shows that the apu that has just been replaced still has a lot of power.

The fact that the question was not spoken did not make Foss upset, because at this moment he also noticed the connection between the valve on Beckman's hand and the degree on the meter display, and immediately asked in surprise: "Isn't the maximum power reached yet? ?"

Beckman did not answer, but looked at Hugh Wood with a questioning gaze. Hugh Wood pondered for a moment, and then nodded: "Push to the end!"

Hearing that Beckman pushed down the valve as a whole, the number on the instrument display immediately jumped up, and it was quickly fixed at 252 kilowatts.


"Oh, my god, does Hugh Wood want the tail to blow up completely?"

After assisting Master Ju and others to complete the installation, the two McDonnell Douglas technicians who retreated to the distance to watch the test situation heard the continuous harsh apu running sound, and couldn't help but burst into their hearts.

Just now the old mechanic who looked like a farmer in the vicinity told them that it was not the low-power apu that was used on the md-82 aircraft from the Shanghai General Assembly Plant. It was installed by Ascendas Aviation. The d-25 auxiliary power unit produced by the company.

The two McDonnell Douglas technicians who heard this almost didn't scold their mother directly. They were about to turn around and go back to take it down, but found that it was too late and Hugh Wood had started, so the two quickly picked up the walkie-talkie to tell Hugh Wood to stop. Because no one can guarantee that Chinese products will explode in the next moment.

But before they could speak, a sound of increased power came from the tail of the aircraft, and the two of them were so scared that they were completely defaced. They hurriedly hid behind for a long time before they stopped, and they were about to catch their breath. Wood stopped and saw the mechanic surnamed Ju smile at them disdainfully.

This made them both injured and mad.

"Let Hugh Wood stop first, and then settle accounts with the old guy later, and see if he can laugh later." The fat technician said angrily.

The technician with toad eyes quickly echoed: "Yes, I didn't tell us until such a big thing was installed. I don't think they are at ease."

As I said, I picked up the walkie-talkie and was about to press the switch to speak, and listened to the indisputable voice from the walkie-talkie: "Is the apu just installed just the start interface of the Unicom engine?"

Upon hearing this~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The two McDonnell Douglas technicians felt a little bit of a sigh. They said that there was no problem in the cabin, right? The fat technician quickly explained: "Yes, Mr. Foss, but you listen to me explain..."

"I don't want to listen to your nonsense. Now I will find the technicians of Ascendas Aviation Corporation. Half an hour after the cabin is closed the apu, install all the apu interfaces of all the planes!"

The two of them who were still thinking about the words immediately straightened their eyes when they heard this, and immediately looked at each other, both of them saw a line of words in each other's eyes, whether my ears were broken.

Just for a few seconds, the two people reacted, grabbing the walkie-talkie to figure out what is going on, and then they heard the walkie-talkie ringing again: "Oh, yes, the interface of the backup system is also connected, um, that’s it. That's too much, do it now, go, go, go!"

When the two of them heard that they were all go, go, and go, what do you mean, do as Mr. Foss said. At this moment, the old mechanic surnamed Ju cast a proud look here again, but this The two McDonnell Douglas technicians were not uneasy. The technicians wearing toad mirrors responded with bright smiles for the first time, then waved their hands at Master Ju and eagerly shouted: "Mr. Ju, the test results just now are good, Mr. Fox I hope to make some adjustments to connect all the interfaces of the whole system and test the whole system."

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