Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 505: Your uncle will always be your uncle

Listening to the foreigners on the opposite side yelling wildly, Master Ju's mouth twitched, and his disdainful smile grew thicker.

Seeing his master’s contempt for all sentient beings, the little apprentice next to him called admiration. He couldn’t help but admire and ask: "Master, do you understand foreigners’ bird language? Hey~ You always teach if you have time. I chant!"

"What's the use of learning that stuff? What's the use? It's serious if you have this time to raise your machine tool operation level. I have been with me for almost two years, and the surface finish of the processed parts is not qualified. Think about other things? This month the turbine disk machining is not up to standard, and the performance is deducted by half."

The little apprentice didn't expect that he was flattering and patted his horse's feet. He almost didn't cry with a frustrated face. The machining of the turbine disk, my God, I haven't mastered it well.

"Okay, let someone show you a sad face!"

At this moment, Liu Cong, the big apprentice of Master Ju, the half-hanging electrician who urinates and urinates in the workshop of the 23rd branch of the year, pulled the little junior aside, bowed his head and comforted: "What happened to our brother Ju? It’s not that I don’t know, Master and his elders now wish that all Americans would die."

The little apprentice was startled for a moment, and quickly looked at the big brother and said in a puzzled way: "How is it possible? Isn't it possible that Brother Ju is called honoring the country? The proper American girl followed all kinds of things so willingly... it was me, Deduct my performance for a year."

The brother Ju in Liu Cong and the little apprentice’s mouth is not someone else, it is Master Ju’s precious son, Ju Tao. The old couple of Master Ju have had a comfortable life these years. The only thing that worries about is that Ju Tao, a bastard, has not been able to get married. Grandson, so it is a rush to marry.

The hard work pays off. The boy Ju Tao has finally become acquainted with the unremitting efforts of the old couple. After an academic exchange in the United States, he brought back a blonde and blue-eyed original American girl.

He also told Master Ju that he was married in the United States with a blonde American girl.

This can make the old couple happy. The son is married and married to a foreigner. The grandson born in a year or two is still a mixed-race child. The face here is so good that Master Ju dreamed during that time. Can wake up with a smile, but...

"I don't know about other aspects. I know that this foreign daughter-in-law doesn't have the habit of diligence and filial piety to her in-laws. Our master doesn't know how many quarrels with that foreign daughter-in-law in the past six months, and even once he was... Alas, let’s not talk about it. Anyway, there are hard-to-read sutras in the family. After I go back, I will find a few brothers to help you, but you will seldom touch Master and his elders in this regard."

When I heard some seniors came to help me, the little apprentice's complexion finally looked better, but he still asked curiously: "Brother, does Master know foreign languages?"

"I know a few common phrases that foreigners use to curse the street, and others are about the same level as ours."

The little apprentice was suddenly stunned, and instantly made up for the chaotic daily life of Master Ju’s family, the combination of Chinese and foreign cursing on the street, could not help but fight a cold war.

"Okay, stop mumbling, those two ghosts told us to connect all the interfaces. These American ghosts who took off their pants and fart, I said that the D-25 is more broken than their original one. Good goods, just don’t listen, a bunch of stupid things with dead axles..."

Just when the little apprentice was surprised, Master Ju suddenly greeted him, and immediately mixed with two angry complaints. The little apprentice was stunned. Master Ju also felt that he was a little bit more grumbling. He glanced at the surprised little student. Apprentice: "What do you see? Go to work quickly."

The young apprentice hurriedly lowered his head and followed Master Ju and Liu Cong on the scaffolding. With the cooperation of two McDonnell Douglas technicians, they opened the hatch of the apu. The surface temperature of the d-25 that had been initially dissipated was still very high. Master Ju and Liu Cong And the little apprentice, wearing heat-insulating gloves, checked the situation of d-25 and found that there was no problem, he began to connect the various system interfaces under the guidance of the McDonnell Douglas technician.


Due to the time difference, the McDonnell Douglas engineer who had a dispute with Fox last night got up very late. Seeing that the afterglow of the setting sun has covered the ground, the McDonnell Douglas engineer whose stomach is already groaning can only get up from the suitcase. I took out the biscuits and oatmeal I had brought from the United States and took a bite, then I found my coat and put it on to go to the Shanghai Stock Exchange to find Fox.

Because he felt that since his engineer could not be reused by the supervisor of Flowserve, his opinions could not be respected, and there was no need to stay here, so he might as well go to the assembly plant in Shanghai to wait for the news.

In addition to the better environment than here, the Shanghai stock market is also more convenient to contact McDonnell Douglas. If Flowserve disregards the company’s interests, he can also appeal to the McDonnell Douglas board of directors as soon as possible to avoid being controlled by Flowserve alone. Oppress goodness.

Because of this, when McDonnell Douglas walked out of the dormitory specially provided for him by the naval airport, his dissatisfied face was particularly solemn, as if he was a defender facing power, a whistleblower exposing crime, full of indescribable justice.

Even he himself felt that every step he approached the airport runway was so heavy and fearless.

In this way, when it was just getting dark, the McDonnell Douglas engineer walked to the airport, as if to welcome him, a technical expert with a sense of justice. Not long after he stepped onto the airport runway, the surrounding lights suddenly lit up. The McDonnell Douglas engineer who walked quickly was stopped by Yaoyang's light. When his eyes adjusted to the light, the McDonnell Douglas engineer was ready to continue walking.

After just walking two steps, I suddenly stopped. I faced the person in front of me under the focus of the light, and opened my eyes suddenly. I quickly took off my glasses, wiped them carefully with the paper towel I carried, and put them on again. , Found that I did not read it wrong.

The leading edge **** are lowered, the spoiler on the rear side of the wing is raised high, the main light on the thick landing gear is particularly dazzling, and the porthole on the fuselage exudes a soft and quiet light, and the wing , The tail wing, and the constantly flashing track lights under the belly, the whole aircraft is like an ordinary airliner about to perform night flight ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ However, it is such a very ordinary large airliner night flight mode, which falls in the eyes of McDonnell Douglas engineers. But it is as incredible as the sudden resurrection of the mummy.

The reason is simple, because the three engines are turned off, because the backup power of the entire aircraft has been exhausted during the emergency landing.

"Is it using Chinese equipment to charge the aircraft battery?" McDonnell Douglas engineer suspiciously came up with a thought, but he denied it in the next second. It was very simple that he did not see the corresponding charging equipment in the huge airport. What's more, for the entire aircraft of this size, it will take at least one day for the battery to reach this level if it wants to achieve the omnidirectional mode with all the systems at hand. So there is only one possibility...

Just when the McDonnell Douglas engineer realized the crux of the problem, he once assisted in the establishment of the Shanghai General Assembly Plant, and who had learned Chinese during this period, suddenly heard an old and arrogant voice not far away:

"It is said that the d-25 auxiliary power unit is stronger than your original one, how about it? Facts speak louder than words, so you foreigners should listen to what you say, because no matter where you go, your uncle will always be your uncle."

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