Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 873: The Chinese can, and so can we...can?

"This large order from Ascendas Group proves from another aspect that the 50-seat dual-engine regional jet has a huge market potential."

After being surprised, when watching the staff of the embassies and consulates of several countries surrounding Lin Guanghua's various Serbian contract documents, Creeldo looked at the left and right and no one noticed, so he approached Edo'o and whispered. One sentence.

Edo'o nodded with deep conviction: "I didn't have much confidence in the ERJ-140's ability to continue, but now it seems that we are still more conservative and should be bolder."

"Yes, if we let Boeing buy shares earlier, maybe we wouldn't have the passivity today." Creeldor responded with some regret.

Edo'o didn't speak this time, but his melancholy expression explained everything. After a long time, Edo'o suddenly sighed a little bitterly: "It's a pity that we are too far away from the Soviet Union, but too close to the United States, otherwise the Soviet Union The disintegration will inevitably bring us an unexpected technological leap. Just like China now, I don’t believe that their TRJ-500 was made on their own."

"Didn’t we have visited several Chinese aviation and aerospace industry companies before, there are too many traces of Soviet technology, and even found Russian inscription boards in some places that are not easily detectable. Of course... Chinese Fortunately, there is nothing wrong with it, but we are not ashamed of accepting the help of the Americans. After all, the temptation of excess profits is something we cannot resist.

China used Russian technology to seize the traditional Russian market and gained 5 billion U.S. dollars, but what we have is a global regional airliner market that is broader than the traditional Russian aviation market. My dear Edo'o, you can count it. How much profit is there, even if we only account for 30% of it, it will make Embraer’s market value several times higher. "

Seeing Edo'o revealing the critical urination of Latin American leftists, Creel hurried to strike while the iron was hot, expressing what he was holding in his heart.

No way, now Brazil's ERJ-140 series of regional passenger aircraft project has come to a crossroads. If you can't handle it independently, you should admit it. Anyway, their Brazilian Aerospace Agency is making profits, not the reputation of breaking barriers.

Edo'o naturally understands the truth, but he is very angry with Boeing's move to take advantage of Bombardier's various suppression of Embraer's shares.

But I also knew that there was nothing I could do except to make myself unhappy, so he sighed and pondered again.

Creeldo looked at Edo'o's silent appearance and made himself. This old colleague started to loosen up and coughed lightly. He said in a more emphatic tone, "My dear Edo'o, since the Chinese can rely on it. With the Russians achieving this level of technology, what qualifications do we Brazilians have to give up? Are we inferior to the Chinese, or are we not as good as them?

Do not! We are much better than them in aviation and aerospace. This has been proved in our previous visits. What's more, we still have the support of Boeing from the United States. So what can we do? I still said that Chinese people can, and we Brazilians can not only do it, but also do better! "

Creeldo’s remarks are comparable to the inflammatory speeches of the Latin American leftists. They are meant to raise their spirits and mention them. Hearing Edo'o’s old face instantly resembles a big cooked crab. Don’t want the red ones. As for the others, the Brazilian Aerospace Agency’s experts also nodded one by one and agreed with Creeldo’s point of view.

Fortunately, when Creedo said these words, he could lower his voice. In addition, Director Zhao, Fang Yong and others were far away, and their attention was drawn to Lin Guanghua, who was full of contracts. He did not hear Creedo's words. The live experience of "High Building Construction".

Otherwise, Director Zhao would definitely throw it away from grandma.

There is no way that the ideas of Edo'o, Creeldo and others are too strange. They did get a $5 billion contract from Ascendas Group and were shocked, and they saw the hope of their ERJ-140 series regional passenger aircraft project.

But this is by no means the kind of positive attitude of finding gaps and mutual benefit as ordinary Chinese imagined, but thinking that the Chinese can do something, but the Brazilians can't do it without reason.

In other words, the $5 billion list is more of a stimulating incentive for the likes of Edo'o and Creeldo.

No way. In their eyes, Chinese technology will always be backward, Chinese products will always be poor, and Chinese technicians will always be ignorant. It is normal to make things that are backward in the era. Sometimes there is a bright spot, sorry. It was definitely not done by the Chinese themselves. It must be a miracle created by using other people's technology to blindly kill mice.

The TRJ-500 is the best example. According to the inferences of Edo'o, Creeldo and others, a lot of Russian technology is definitely applied on it. Otherwise, a country like China that has never produced a regional airliner would suddenly Get the TRJ-500?

Let’s take a look at the countries that bought TRJ-500, which are not North Korea and Cuba covered by the economic forces of the former Soviet Union, or countries such as Uzbekistan and Tajikistan in the former Soviet Union. They are all swallowing meat in the former Soviet Union’s economic region. This shows that China It is using the technology of the former Soviet Union to expand its economic marginal benefits.

If China can, why can't Brazil? What's more, Brazil is not without support. Boeing waited for a long time waving banknotes at the door.

Because of this, Brazil can not only do it, but it will do better than China!

Of course, even if Director Zhao knew that Edo'o and Creeldo’s thoughts were cursed in his heart, he would be cursed, because he would not be able to produce strong evidence to refute him, otherwise he would not bring Embraer. The National People’s Congress of the Space Agency came to Ascendas Group from a long distance to visit. It was not during the visits of the previous companies. It made Edo'o, Creedo and others have a good "evaluation", and Director Zhao couldn’t bear it. , This is how Tengfei Group was used as a big move.

Unexpectedly, Ascendas Group’s $5 billion big deal gave Edo'o and Creeldo and others such a "stimulus", and it was also due to Director Zhao who didn’t know, otherwise the old guy would have to go crazy. The words of Duo'ao, Creeldo and others were not made public, and Director Zhao didn't have time to take care of them.

It's not that Director Zhao deliberately neglected, but that Zhuang Jianye and others have arrived.

Several buses drove into the factory, and Zhuang Jianye and Song Changzheng got off the bus surrounded by Badia and Park Zhemin. The posture was the same as the emperor superstar's visit to the fan meeting, leaving the crowd at the scene stunned.

Xin said what kind of spell Zhuang Jianye had cast, and how did the commercial counsellors or representatives of these countries surround him like a dog?

Zhuang Jianye didn’t seem to be surprised at this. He came to Lin Guanghua, Director Zhao, Fang Yong and others in a cool manner. After a few words of greeting, he shook hands with Edo'o, Credo and others at the recommendation of Director Zhao~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then under the guidance of Zhuang Jianye, he walked towards a five-story building not far away.

When everyone went up the stairs, they heard Zhuang Jianye say: "Our Ascendas Group’s design department really doesn’t know what to say. Anyone who knows me knows that I know everything, but I don’t know design, especially aerospace. In my opinion, as long as they can be delivered to the sky, they are all good things, so...I can’t introduce them to you, so let’s see them for myself.

When he heard this, Director Zhao and Fang Yong still felt that Zhuang Jianye was very humble, but Badia, Park Zhemin and others were like little brothers. Zhuang Jianye said nothing.

Only Edo'o, Krildo and others unconsciously pouted their lips, and said that they didn't know why you brought us here? As I was thinking, the third floor was already there, and everyone was stunned by the scene in front of them, especially Edo'o and Klierdo, whose eyes suddenly widened, looking completely like a ghost. Together with the three-story room, Edo'o was stunned for a long time before murmured to the next Creeldo: "The Chinese can do it, so can we... can?"

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