Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 874: Where did you buy this thing?

Hearing what Edo'o said, a few minutes ago, Creeldo, who was still in front of his own people, squirmed his lips twice, as if he wanted to say something, but he squirmed for a long time but did not squirm a word. After coming out, an old face dissatisfied with freckles became more and more incredible.

In fact, it is not only Edo'o and Creeldo, but Director Zhao, Fang Yong, Badia, Park Zhemin and others all opened their mouths in surprise when they saw the scene in front of them, and then unanimously in their hearts. A question arises, is the aircraft design department of Ascendas Group?

This is...too...sci-fi!

Yes, the place Zhuang Jianye took them to visit gave people the feeling of just two words, science fiction.

Although the design department of an industrial enterprise has the blessing of industrial design software, it cannot be completely separated from the paper. After all, some specific components can only be solved by the computer, and many details need to be drawn manually to complete.

For example, for the multi-angle parameters of complex curved surfaces, the commonly used two-dimensional design software simply cannot cover all the information, and even the more advanced three-dimensional software cannot cover all aspects of the combined components.

In this case, manual drawing becomes an important part of detailed design.

Of course, even if there is no detailed manual drawing, it is impossible to completely rely on computer-aided design to completely separate from paper, because the craft department that is connected to the design department, the first-line workshop still needs paper drawings to determine the craft and manufacturing process, after all, in the present But not all manufacturing processes can realize numerical control of machine tools. Even if numerical control is realized, things designed by computer software do not match the control software of numerical control machine tools.

Because of this, let alone domestic, the whole world is not completely separated from the design department of drawings.

As a result, it was such a common sense foundation that existed like truth in industrial design, but it was completely overturned in this large space in the new factory of Ascendas Group.

No drawings, no... more accurately, not even a piece of paper.

What do the designers here use for design?

Use a pen, but not an ordinary drawing pen, but an electronic pen that can be touched on the forty-inch screen at will and form design ideas.

Fang Yong stared at the workbench that looked like a circular screen wall closest to him.

Where are a dozen designers wearing inch shirts and T-shirts, they are frequently tapping on the screen in front of them with the electronic pen in their hands, and with their taps, the parts on the screen sometimes dent , Sometimes convex, sometimes curved surface, and sometimes combined.

But this did not surprise Fang Yong. After all, similar design software was also available in the Northwest Plant. As early as the mid-1980s, for the development of the FB-1 fighter-bomber, the Northwest Aviation Plant introduced CATIA from the French company Dassault. V2 version of dedicated aircraft design software.

Become an electronic computer-aided design unit no less than Ascendas Group at that time. This is also one of the important reasons why Northwest Aviation Plant can outperform other domestic enterprises in terms of the improvement of FB-1 fighter-bombers and H6 and Y8. .

Therefore, Fang Yong was not surprised when he saw the designers of Ascendas Group use electronic pens to design three-dimensional images around the circular screen wall. Northwest Aviation Factory can also do the same. After all, their factory's CATIA software has been upgraded to version V3. , The function is more powerful, if it is not so, it is impossible to issue the air tanker project in the Air Force. Not long after they came up with the complete design plan of the bomber 6, relying on the powerful modeling, analysis and data processing capabilities of the new software .

The only difference is that the designers of Ascendas Group use electronic stylus pens and those of Northwest Aviation Factory use mice, but there is not much difference in essence.

What shocked Fang Yong was that his two designers turned their backs to him. Instead of using an electronic stylus, they were wearing a glove-like thing and an airplane pilot helmet on their head. Gloved hands point and point on the screen while communicating quickly.

Then an incredible scene appeared. The parts depicted by other designers on the workstation were combined one by one with the touch of their fingers on their screens. The two people were in the process of combining just like in a real production workshop. Try a variety of processes and manufacturing methods, and then find the most suitable plan, and propose a modification plan for each part according to the plan, and then return to the designer responsible for the part design to modify it again.

Fang Yong didn’t feel anything at first, just a little curious, but his face changed when he looked at and looked at it, because he found that the two men with weird helmets and gloves could not only integrate in the macro, but also in the details. Perform multi-dimensional viewing.

When Fang Yong watched carefully, he saw such a scene. After a saddle-shaped part with a complex curved surface was placed on the whole, there was a connecting rod at an extremely difficult to detect angle.

However, the designer seemed to be negligent and did not deal with the details of the connecting rod. As a result, the effect of the entire large part did not meet the requirements. It was discovered by two people wearing weird helmets and gloves. Not only did they call back and redo it, but also gave it back. A very specific process solution has been developed. No. 66 and No. 42 fixtures, material titanium alloy, chemical milling, CNC machining, EDM, electrochemical boring, vacuum electron beam welding, embedded No. 6 cables and 8 Number control line...

Fang Yong was stunned to see this scene~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In a sense, he is a domestic computer-aided design expert from aircraft design. If not, he wouldn’t stand up to the crowd. France introduced CATIA software.

However, the Northwest Aviation Plant’s CATIA software only improves efficiency in design. It can be directly converted into direct production on some French-made CNC machine tools. Most of the remaining tooling, crafts, molds, etc. are indispensable. It is still the same as decades of industrial production. According to the drawings, insides and data of the design department, I will find out what tooling, what technology to use, and what kind of molds and fixtures.

This process is sometimes more complicated than design and production. It requires repeated exploration, frequent experimentation, and careful scrutiny by technicians to come up with the best solution that meets the design standards and does not exceed the manufacturing capacity.

Because of this, the process is quite boring and lengthy, and sometimes even because of the bottleneck in the link, one card lasts for several years. Regardless, the Northwest Plant’s FB-1 fighter-bomber is due to advanced design and manufacturing. The lags are disconnected from each other, resulting in the intermediary links of tooling and craftsmanship for many years. There is no alternative but the constant compromise between design and manufacturing, and finally the final plan for mass production of the FB-1 fighter-bomber is presented.

This is also an important reason for the long cycle of high-end industrial products such as airplanes and rockets.

But now, the system of Ascendas Group seems to have opened up the intermediate link between design and manufacturing. There is no need to go to the first-line factory to do tests, do parameters, sit in front of the screen and point at the screen, and a series of manufacturing information will become the best Youjie presents the required processes one by one.

Seeing this scene, Fang Yong was shocked, only one sentence in his mind was swiped: Where did you buy this thing?

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