Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 897: How did they fly up?

"I just received the latest news from the Seismic Network that a magnitude 7.1 earthquake occurred in the Karakorum Mountains in the border region. The epicenter is located at the Karakoram Pass at 35.2 degrees north latitude and 78 degrees east longitude. There is no news of casualties."

While Su Mo and Hashimoto personally felt the shock brought about by the earthquake, the earthquake monitoring systems around the world have calculated the magnitude and epicenter coordinates of this strong earthquake at the Karakoram Pass and announced them through the news media.

The geographical names and coordinates above are very unfamiliar to most people, but they are familiar to international observers and media reporters who are concerned about the movements of the Karakoram Mountains, because there are only border posts in China and New Delhi around that coordinate center.

Moreover, the three outposts of Shenxianwan, Observatory and Sanliying in China seem to be closer to the epicenter, and the damage should be more severe.

The SB airstrip in New Delhi is also in the affected area, but because it is 400 kilometers away from the epicenter, the loss should not be serious.

But this is not the most important thing. The key issue is that around the strategic point of the Karakoram Pass, the game between the two sides on the border was broken because of this sudden earthquake.

It is precisely because of this that observers and media reporters from various countries immediately changed their previous attitudes and began to be generally optimistic about New Delhi. The reason is simple. It is also a developing country that does not have the ability to rescue plateaus. Naturally, whoever suffers the least has the greater advantage. .

what? Military exercise?

Come on, the artillery fire is fierce, is there a natural earthquake? Are soldiers brave enough to withstand the collision between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific?

Therefore, many international observers predict that this earthquake is essentially fatal to a certain East Asian country’s strategic strike on the northwest border, because it means that the advantage of a certain East Asian country in the Karakoram Pass will disappear overnight. , There is no possibility of reconstruction even in a short time.

On the other hand, New Delhi can use this opportunity to gain an absolute advantage on the northwest border, and even in the conflict with neighboring Pakistan, it can easily cut off the China-Pakistan Highway, a strategic channel that is vital to Pakistan, thereby making it strategic Live in the throat of Pakistan.

Some Western media even used "The Earthquake That Changed the Geographical Structure" as the title to exaggerate the luck of New Delhi and the bad luck of a major eastern country.

In fact, the situation of the SB airstrip within the actual line of control in New Delhi is almost the same as expected by international observers and media reporters, except that a few simple wooden houses collapsed, the gravel-paved airport pavement was somewhat cracked, and some communication antennas erected collapsed. Some people were injured, but no one was killed.

Communication with the outside world was restored less than an hour after the earthquake.

In contrast, the three Chinese outposts of Shenxian Bay, the Observatory and Sanliying, which were closer to the epicenter, were completely disconnected from the outside world.

But does this mean that SB airstrip is really worry-free?

Of course not. Although the airport itself suffered little loss, the road to the outside was completely blocked due to landslides induced by the earthquake and frequent aftershocks.

If this is another country, facing this kind of situation, you may have to catch your blinds. A blocked road is tantamount to cutting off an important lifeline. If you encounter this kind of thing in a high altitude area, you will just watch your own death.

But on the New Delhi side, including Sumo and Hashimoto, almost no one was worried about the nearly 300 people going up and down the SB airstrip. The reason is simple. New Delhi established a dedicated plateau as early as the 1970s. Helicopter units used in the area.

The legal SA315B "Llama" helicopter is equipped with a world-famous plateau helicopter, and it holds many world records.

Among them is the record of the highest ceiling of a helicopter with a ceiling of over 12,400 meters in 1972, which has not been broken by other models so far.

Not only that, the SA315B Llama helicopter is also very powerful in practical applications. It played a key role in the rescue of mountaineers who climbed Mount Everest in the 1980s.

The altitude of one of the rescue operations reached 7000 meters. The SA315B "Llama" helicopter still reached the rescue site easily, successfully rescuing the mountaineering enthusiasts trapped there.

With such a glorious record, Sumo and Hashimoto, who were trapped in the SB airstrip, have no worries at all, because the plateau helicopter unit in New Delhi is not only professional but also excellent in performance.

On the other hand, what can a certain big country in the east have? Black Hawk? It is a good plateau helicopter with a practical ceiling of nearly 7000 meters. It can theoretically be used for rescue at the Shenxian Bay post.

The question is that the black hawk's station is in the southwest, full-time on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, which is more than two thousand kilometers away from the border region. Will it fly here slowly?

It is estimated that when the Black Hawk arrives in the air, the officers and soldiers in the outposts such as Shenxianwan will be frozen into ice sculptures.

What is left? dolphin?

Please, this thing theoretically has a ceiling of 6000 meters, but in fact, it can fly to 4000 meters and the power of the engine can't keep up. When it reaches 5000 meters, it is basically empty. Can't transport rescue supplies to use?

In addition to these two helicopters, it is the Russian Mi-17. This New Delhi knows better than a large eastern country that it does not have the ability to take off and land on plateaus. The corresponding special version is still on the drawings of the Russian Mili Design Bureau.

In the end, what about a certain big congress in the East?

"I believe that they will use the human sea tactics to break through the blocked road a little bit." Su Mo touched the gauze wrapped around his arm, his face flushed, and excitedly told his views.

It is no wonder that this person is so excited. The sudden earthquake not only changed the situation on the border, but also reversed the fate of Su Mo, a senior journalist at the Press Trust.

You must know that Su Mo was able to make such a big noise this time. The reason why he was so innocent was to pave the way for the future political arena. This kind of use of the border situation to incite nationalism is the simplest and most effective way.

It's a pity that Sumo thought well, but underestimated the determination of all parties. As Pakistan and a certain major power in the east held successive exercises, they instantly tore the lies made by Sumo to pieces.

If this continues, once the window paper is pierced, it doesn't matter that his reputation is ruined, but the trousers behind him who are expecting him to stir up emotions and get rich will not have any rompers left. It is strange that he will not be pinched to death.

So when VOA reporter Hashimoto was about to publish the real situation, Su Mo begged.

It seems that Master Shen Niu really took care of him. Just when there was nothing to do, an earthquake changed everything~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Now it’s good, not only did Hashimoto ruin the previous manuscript, He also sent some polish to the Voice of America about the collapse of a certain major power in the East that he concocted a few days ago.

The news just received, the Voice of America has published the full text, and specially called to express his gratitude to him. As for the media in New Delhi, it was reprinted in large quantities. Su Mo’s reputation rose against the trend for a while, and some people even called for Su Mo to run for the next term. New Delhi leader.

Su Mo, who learned the news, instantly drifted away. Regardless of his injury, he pulled Hashimoto and talked. Hashimoto didn’t like it in his heart. When did Nai make a hero, and Su Mo’s point of view is still there. It made sense, so he nodded: "I've been to the border region, where the roads are worse than here, this time the earthquake is estimated to have caused them more damage than expected."

"It should be much larger, not to mention anything else. Does a large eastern country have special helicopters in the border region that can transport and supply places up to five kilometers high? No! But we have 15 SA315B Llama helicopters Secure transportation lines."

Speaking of Sumomez and drank a sip of black tea, he said proudly: "Although it is both a developing country, it is an indisputable fact that New Delhi is better than a certain eastern country, just like the Shanghai stock market is less than Mumbai. There is also a huge difference..."

"Look, what is that?"

Su Mo is still beautiful here, ready to talk, let the little Japan on the opposite side have a long experience, but before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the New Delhi soldiers screaming outside, and Su Mo opened the door dissatisfied. I wanted to reprimand him, but before he could speak, the scene before him completely stunned him. The words that wanted to reprimand instantly changed the tone in his throat: "They...they...how did they fly up? "

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