Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 898: The mysterious plateau helicopter

In fact, it was not only Su Mo, but one of the New Delhi officers and soldiers present at the scene, looking at the hovering helicopter in the northeast sky, bursts of incredible exclamation.

Doesn’t it mean that a large country in the East does not have helicopters that can adapt to high altitude flight? Isn't it said that a certain big country in the East is inferior to New Delhi in this respect? But what is that helicopter in the sky?

"Is it a black hawk? Or a dolphin?"

At this time, Hashimoto also walked out of the room, holding the binoculars for a long time, but didn't see what model it was. He asked Su Mo and the others helplessly.

Su Mo and the New Delhi officers and soldiers were equally dumbfounded.

Even if they can see the helicopter on the opposite side, it is because the altitude is high, the sky is high and the clouds are wide, and the visibility is good. In fact, the distance between each other is not close. Although the telescope can help to see more carefully, it is more careful and more details. If you can't see clearly, you can't judge the specific model, and even in the eyes of some laymen, it is the same. There is no way to make the aerodynamic shape of the helicopter roughly the same.

"It should be Black Hawk!"

When everyone looked at the helicopter in the distance, Su Mo suddenly said a model, and immediately judged with a certain expression: "It is definitely a Black Hawk, because only American products can do this. A big country in the East The rescue is done with American products. This is absolutely true, and it should be the case."

"You just said that the Black Hawk of a big country in the east is 2,000 kilometers away from the Karakoram Pass, and a big country in the east does not have the ability to quickly transport Black Hawk helicopters. Then what method did they use to transport them in just 8 hours? The black eagle 2,000 kilometers away was transported to the Karakoram Pass?"

"This one……"

Su Mo’s sure words were immediately dumbed by Hashimoto’s questioning. Yes, it’s been eight hours since the earthquake occurred. With the mobility of the Black Hawk helicopter, even if it’s a flight, don’t Say 8 hours, even if you give 16 more hours, it may not be put into use immediately.

You must know that aircraft such as helicopters are not toys and can be used when they are thrown away. Instead, they require a complete logistics support system. At the very least, fuel should be available; the space should be available; the necessary maintenance spare parts should be available; at least The maintenance staff must have it.

Apart from others, the 15 SA315B Llama helicopter squadrons behind the SB airstrip have a total of facilities, equipment and personnel combined to be more than twice that of the SB airstrip, so that 15 SA315Bs can be guaranteed. The Llama helicopter is operating normally at least.

It’s okay for the Black Hawk helicopter to fly to the Karakoram Pass by itself, but it’s also a waste of work to keep up with its logistics.

This bit of common sense is naturally clear to Su Mo, who has been interviewing and reporting on the plateau frontier all the year round, and because of this, it was extremely embarrassing to be asked by Hashimoto.

Yes, that helicopter in the sky is not a Black Hawk, so what is it?


"Should it be a dolphin? It's what a big country in the east called Zhi-9!"

In fact, the person who guessed that the mysterious plateau helicopter model that flew up to the Shenxian Bay post at an altitude of more than 5,300 meters in the Karakorum Mountains was not a group of New Delhi officers and soldiers trapped in the SB airstrip, such as Sumo and Hashimoto. They were training in the eastern foot of the Karakoram The same is true of military observers from various countries who were invited to observe the live-fire exercises in the field.

Even because of the convenience of their perspective, they can see more clearly than Sumo and Hashimoto and others. After all, the temporarily opened field airport is only a few kilometers away from their exercise site, and they can be seen clearly with a telescope, but because of this, Not long after these military observers arrived, the helicopters that quickly lifted off and dropped rescue supplies to the most severely affected Shenxian Bay post had a keen interest.

No, a military observer from the United Arab Emirates held up his binoculars and watched for a long time. He suspiciously said a model. There is no way. The helicopter in the sky really thinks about the shape of the French Dolphin helicopter. Maybe it is the East. The plateau-specific model improved by a large country on the dolphin.

However, as soon as the UAE military observer's voice fell, the Pakistani military observer next to him put down his binoculars and shook his head very seriously: "It should not be a Dolphin helicopter. It is undeniable that the two are similar. But pay attention to the tail rotor of the Dolphin helicopter. A ducted layout is used.

The tail rotor in the sky uses a conventional layout. Not only that, there are two small vertical tails for balance under the tail rotor, which are simple and beautiful. More importantly, the effect is very good. From this point of view, This plateau helicopter of a large eastern country did not follow the French technical route, but was created by itself. "

"I agree with this judgment!" As soon as the Pakistani military observer's voice fell off, the Iranian military observer on the other side took over: "Although the helicopter in the sky is similar in appearance to the legal dolphin, it doesn't. I know if you have noticed just now, this mysterious plateau helicopter actually looks tougher than the rounded body of the dolphin~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Especially in the handling of the body, it is very muscular and very muscular. Have a masculine temperament.

But this is not the point. The key is that this kind of treatment just increases the space of the cabin. You must know that the side sliding door of the Navy can only accommodate one person up and down. I don’t know if you have noticed it, the side sliding door of the sky. But it is much larger than the Dolphin. I paid attention to it. It is almost the same as the UH-1 helicopter, which is the kind of general-purpose helicopter with a wide door.

There are also engine tail nozzles. Other helicopters use a natural backward emission layout. However, the tail nozzle of this helicopter from a large eastern country is vertically upward, but it uses the tail nozzle layout of a special armed helicopter. All to say, this helicopter is completely a new model. "

As soon as this statement came out, all the military observers at the scene nodded in agreement. As the so-called layman watched the excitement and the expert watched the doorway, these military observers were experts in the field of equipment. Although they could not see the details from a distance, they looked slightly. After a few glances, I can still see a lot of places that others can't notice.

However, just as many military observers focused on the mysterious plateau helicopter itself that had flown to the Shenxian Bay post, and were enthusiastically discussing how this new helicopter differs from other helicopters. At the same time, the Russian military observer Noroko The husband’s wild voice rang out at this moment: "I really don’t know what you think. I only focus on the tactical aspect of the helicopter itself, but don’t look at how this mysterious plateau helicopter is used. .

Compared with helicopters, I think it is more strategic to be able to carry a large eastern country’s Air Force — 15plus transport aircraft in less than eight hours, maneuvering thousands of kilometers, and transporting a complete helicopter support system to the plateau as a whole! "

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