Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 930: 1 big move (4000 big

Yes, even if the high-ranking aviation experts in Europe and the United States see the 18,000-ton multi-directional die forging hydraulic press, the halazi has to flow to the feet.

It is necessary to know that this 18,000-ton multi-directional die forging hydraulic press produced by Ural Heavy Machinery Factory is an improvement and development based on the current world's largest 75,000-ton hydraulic press.

Combining the advantages of die forging and extrusion, the horizontal direction is 12,000 tons of extrusion force, and the vertical direction is 18,000 tons of die forging force. Thus, a variety of mold-partition forms are used to close the mold and multi-directional pressure to make the forging blank under compressive stress. In the state, forgings with complex shapes, hollow and no flash are formed.

The forgings processed in this way have uniform structure, no exposed fiber streamlines, corrosion resistance, high mechanical properties, and long service life. The most important thing is that it can save more than 50% of metal materials while reducing the machining time by 70%.

In other words, the products processed by the 18,000-ton multi-directional die forging hydraulic press can not only save costs, but also can be applied immediately after simple machining processing.

In fact, it is true. The pinnacle of the former Soviet Union's strategic bomber-the pivot on the 160 is processed by an 18,000-ton multi-directional die forging hydraulic press.

It should be understood that this kind of pivot is not the kind of fixed pivot of ordinary civilian customers, but a movable pivot that controls the wing to make variable sweep wing adjustments, whether it is high in strength, life, or structure.

Not to mention it was in the 1970s and 1980s, even in the next 20 to 30 years, few countries in the world can do it.

The Soviets also thought of many ways, and finally used all-titanium alloys to solve this problem by using a heavy-duty multi-directional die forging hydraulic press. It can be said that without a 18,000-ton multi-directional die forging hydraulic press, there would be no "white swan" elegant and elegant. Flexible wings.

Such a piece of heavy production equipment that allows the world's largest strategic bomber to soar into the blue sky, as long as it is knowledgeable and not drooling.

In fact, not only the 18,000-ton multi-directional die forging hydraulic press, but also heavy production equipment such as ЗЛУ-24 vacuum electron beam welding machine, УВН-4500 large heat treatment furnace, ЛВ-60 large X-ray irradiator, etc.

Regardless of other things, the ЗЛУ-24 vacuum electron beam welding machine is now used by the Kazan Aircraft Factory to produce the welding of the central wing box and the fuselage structure of the Tu-204 passenger plane. Ten years ago, this heavy equipment But the production of Tu-160 strategic bomber's central wing box.

That is a big guy with a length of 12.4 meters and a width of 2.1 meters. The Soviet Union did not have such a large titanium alloy special mold at the time. The super-large central wing box can only be manufactured in two layers, and then used together to use the ЗЛУ-24 type. Vacuum electron beam welding machine for welding connection.

It can be said that one of these heavy equipment is considered to be one of the world's top, domestically blank good things. If they all land in China, it will directly bring the domestic aviation industry to a higher level.

The issue is……

"Let's not always say something nice here, Lao Zhuang, I have heard that Lao Maozi has also learned fine in the past two years, one face to face, one set behind the back, just in case..."

At this time, Huang Feng frowned and spoke, and a single sentence made the atmosphere in the room dignified. Although the words were not finished, the meaning he wanted to express was self-evident.

When not used for just disintegrating, the old Maozi is still pretty and cute. Facing the turbulent outside world, everything is fresh and believes everything, which really makes outsiders take a lot of advantage.

The problem is that after a few years of Tie Hanhan, no matter how awkward his head is, he has become acquainted. Not to mention other things. When the Su-27 production line was introduced a few days ago, Lao Maozi still asked what to look for in intellectual property rights. Find a place.

There are even voices in Russia calling for the recovery of patent fees for imitating Soviet-made weapons and equipment such as AK, MiG, and T series tanks from all over the world.

Tie Hanhan’s little bears are all starting to play with intellectual property rights. As for false contracts, forced buying and selling, it’s not surprising that people do not recognize the account in person.

Therefore, Huang Feng’s concern is not unreasonable. Even Fang Yong is somewhat worried after hearing this. After all, the heavy equipment imported is not ordinary. Large aircraft can be built for civilian use, and large transport aircraft and bombers for military use. No longer in the aviation industry, nuclear power, petroleum equipment, gas and other fields also have a wide range of applications.

Precisely because of this, the Russians must also be very aware of the importance of these equipment. If you don't give it back, it is not impossible, but very possible.

Regarding Huang Feng and Fang Yong’s concerns, Zhuang Jianye smiled: “If the Russians want to let them have a way to survive, they will implement it obediently; if they want to defeat all the civil aviation industry left behind by the Soviet Union, then I don’t know anything about it. It’s going to rain and my mother is going to marry, so I can only let him go."

"Lao Zhuang, what do you mean..." Fang Yong didn't understand what Zhuang Jianye meant for a while. Huang Feng seemed to have some understanding, but he was a little unsure, so he frowned and looked at Zhuang Jianye.

Zhuang Jianye had no choice but to break apart and said, "Why are we here today?"

"Didn't they discuss how to expand the new factories so that the heavy equipment bought from Russia can be installed?" Fang Yong replied.

After Fang Yong finished speaking, Zhuang Jianye waited for a long time. Seeing that there was no movement, he looked at Huang Feng again. Huang Feng shook his head and said that this is the only thing that happened today?

Upon seeing this, Zhuang Jianye couldn't help but sighed: "Don't you remember the three joint establishment of the new company?"

"Hey, what a big deal, it's not just a sentence!" Fang Yong didn't care.

Huang Feng also nodded: "That's right, let alone building a company, it's not a problem to build ten or eight. The country is liberalized. Is this still a problem?"

"Then I said, this newly established joint venture company is going to undertake the production of some parts of Boeing's full range of models?" Zhuang Jianye asked the two people as soon as they had finished speaking. Where were Fang Yong and Huang Feng immediately stunned. When the two of them wanted to understand what was going on, Zhuang Jianye took out a document from the document bag beside him and handed it to the two of them: "A few days ago, didn’t the capital convene an economic work conference? Several leaders asked me to talk. I have been thinking about the development of the aviation industry for more than half a month and wrote this document. You two can help me see if there is anything to add."

At this time, Fang Yong and Huang Feng were holding the document titled "Several Recommendations for Promoting the Healthy Development of my country's Aviation Industry." To be honest, they were a little confused because they really didn't know what medicine Zhuang Jianye sold in the gourd.

However, after they opened the document and read it carefully, they became more surprised as they looked at their faces, and their eyes opened wider as they looked at them.

After reading it, Huang Feng patted the document on the coffee table: "Lao Zhuang, you are not damaged, but pitted."

"Lao Huang is right!" Fang Yong put down the file, and sighed with a smile: "This kind of bad idea is only Lao Zhuang you can think of."

"Don't say it is so ugly, I used international rules and conformed to international law." Zhuang Jianye was upright, like a hero for the country and the people. Seeing Fang Yong and Huang Feng both secretly sipped, pretend, continue to pretend!

It's no wonder that these two people will be like this. It is really insidious enough that Zhuang Jianye's proposal, over ten pages of eloquent suggestions, can be summed up in one sentence: Do Boeing and Airbus want to sell planes? No problem, we will pay 300% tariff first.

Why are there so many?

Do you know if you have a monopoly!

Don't want to pay so much? It’s easy to do, think of a way, and see if the production lines of your Boeing and Airbus aircraft can be brought to the country, so that the country can not only exempt tariffs, but also even have high subsidies in accordance with relevant policies.

Of course, even if the whole machine cannot be settled, part of the parts and components can be placed in the country, but the tax exemption rate and subsidy can be set on a pro rata basis.

Judging from the documents, Zhuang Jianye’s approach is quite satisfactory. After all, this is the prevailing international practice. The use of high tax rates to increase the localization rate of a certain high-tech product can not only improve the level of the country’s manufacturing industry, but also stimulate the upstream and downstream industrial chains. It can also drive employment and improve the economic level.

Therefore, some capable countries have adopted this method to keep product manufacturing, even low-end OEMs.

The problem is that before submitting this proposal, Zhuang Jianye also contacted the Russians and showed great interest in their Tu-204. At this time, what did Zhuang Jianye want to do when introducing Boeing and Airbus?

Obviously it is putting pressure on the Russians.

Playing tricks? Don't admit it? No problem, where does your picture 204 come from? Where do you go, think it's rare in China? The one from Boeing and Airbus is no better than your picture-204.

Similarly, relying on the expectation of the introduction and localization of the Tu-204 production line, Zhuang Jianye can backhand down Boeing and Airbus, so that they don’t think that they are giants. The poorest Tu-204 is a big airplane, even if it is economical. The safety is not as good as your Boeing and Airbus, but it is sufficient.

If you want to cooperate, cooperate obediently. I really want to make Lao Tzu anxious. After taking the Airbus old road, follow the picture-204 and try to change it all the way.

The world aviation market has such a big plate. Airbus and Boeing are not divided enough. How can they be able to accommodate other people? Let’s just look at McDonnell Douglas' half-dead appearance. The latest news is , McDonnell Douglas will be merged by Boeing.

The aviation giants at the beginning were all down, let alone other emerging aviation powers. Boeing and Airbus met each other, especially the Russian aviation industry. They wanted to rush into the production equipment that tore the old hair. The fire burned to ashes.

This is the case for McDonnell Douglas and Russia. Naturally, the attitude towards domestically wanting to build large airplanes is conceivable. I also changed the map-204. Don't bother with that. Boeing various 7, Airbus various A, which is not enchanting, People from all over the world will say good about which ones are not romantic, thin and watery.

Based on this, it is impossible for Boeing and Airbus production lines to land, but Zhuang Jianye will tear down a large part of the supply ratio of parts.

what is this?

The proper scheme of two peaches to kill three men!

I don't want to have a large domestic aircraft industry, and I want to swallow the huge domestic aviation market as fat in one bite, which is easy to handle. It depends on which of the three of you has a higher price, I will listen to whoever.

As for the three households, this method can stop domestic ambitions in aviation?

Don't look at who the trader is, that's Zhuang Jianye, who eats people not only does not spit out bones, but also gnaws down the dirt where people are standing.

You let him extinguish his ambition? It's not as easy as letting the sun explode directly.

"How about it, two? I didn't want to be so radical, but what we lack is just time!" Just as Fang Yong and Huang Feng were thinking about it, Zhuang Jianye slowly spoke, Fang Yong and Huang Feng Looking at each other, they understood what Zhuang Jianye meant.

The impact caused by the big event more than half a year ago is also not small in their industrial production field, although most people, including Zhuang Jianye, think that giving them another ten or twenty years of development will inevitably be different. Some scenes, after all, the time advantage is on the domestic side.

However, the severe situation still makes the headquarters feel the importance of accelerating the development of some areas, especially key areas. Aerospace, as the core of the key areas, naturally receives high attention. The problem is that the domestic aerospace field has made a lot of progress, but there are also shortcomings. very obvious.

It’s not impossible to go step by step on your own. However, the long R&D cycle makes the headquarters that don’t wait for time to be discouraged. If you want to quickly make up for the shortcomings, you naturally need to use some extraordinary methods and methods.

Because of this, Zhuang Jianye almost moved the assets of the Ascendas Group, bluffing the Russians, holding the Russian pictures in his backhand—204 asked Airbus and Boeing to talk about cooperation, introducing advanced technology and management, even if only part of it. also.

Then, the production of these parts will be delivered to several key factories in the aviation industry to promote industrial upgrading with products, train talent teams, and improve technical capabilities.

After all, after the big incident, Zhuang Jianye also realized that it is impossible to rely on Ascendas Group to do it alone. Only the entire domestic industry can be upgraded and the upgrade can be sufficiently competitive for the market and have a strong support effect for certain major events.

Needless to say, there are still several factories cooperating to produce each ERJ-140 series of regional airliners. In the future, 80, 90, 100, or even -2000 will be put into production, and the number of supporting manufacturers will increase exponentially. At that time, a large number of domestic manufacturers can’t keep up with their technical strength~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can’t make a complete set. Of course, we can count on foreign products, but what if someone gets stuck someday?

Are all the hard-worked airplanes used as scrap?

Therefore, whether it is from the strategic considerations of the headquarters or the improvement of the domestic supply chain level, Zhuang Jianye is in the next big game, that is, to adjust the structure of the aviation industry in a short period of time to improve the technical level of the entire industry.

Based on this consideration, whether Russia provides the Tu-204 production line or Airbus or Boeing put part of the supply chain in the country, it is only a small profit for Zhuang Jianye, and the improvement of the industry level is a big profit.

Fang Yong and Huang Feng are not fools, so they naturally thought of this, so the two of them praised Zhuang Jianye for a while, especially Fang Yong, a bad old man who is about to retire, and also studied the fat translation in "Tunnel War". Zhuang Jianye gave a thumbs up: "Lao Zhuang, your trick is high~~It's really high~~~"

Zhuang Jianye always refuses to praise those who come. He laughed, and when he was about to take all the orders, the phone next to him suddenly rang, and Zhuang Jianye raised his hand to pick it up. He couldn't laugh after only half of listening: "You said What? Motorola is going to postpone the satellite launch?"

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