Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 931: No window period

The call was made by Liang Xiaoping, general manager of the Ascendas Space Exploration Company, from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center. However, a simple sentence made Zhuang Jianye's good mood disappear without a trace.

"What is going on?" Zhuang Jianye asked while holding the phone.

"I don't know the specific situation, but I suddenly received a notice from a Motorola representative asking us to postpone the launch. I asked, but the other party rudely hung up the phone without giving me a reason."

Liang Xiaoping was aggrieved in his words. Ascendas Group is able to achieve its current achievements in the commercial aerospace field. Liang Xiaoping is indispensable. You must know that the first batch of publicly funded international students after the reform was sent to Princeton University to study aerospace engineering.

In the late 1980s, he obtained a master's degree in this subject. According to the plan for normal international students at the time, Liang Xiaoping should stay in the United States. After all, the United States is much higher in terms of salary and benefits than in China. More importantly, the United States has good scientific research conditions. Easy to produce results, the attractiveness is naturally strong.

Liang Xiaoping is not a saint. He can earn US$3,000 a month in the United States. Who wants to go back and get a salary of RMB 60?

What's more, at that time, the Lockheed Rocket Thrust Research Center had offered him an offer with an annual salary of 100,000 US dollars, and Liang Xiaoping naturally joined Lockheed.

If this is someone else, I guess they can’t wait to go to the ancestral grave to burn a lot of incense, with an annual salary of $10, and a green card. The benefits are top-notch. It is absolutely the ancestral grave.

It's a pity that Liang Xiaoping didn't vote well after reincarnation, so he found a stubborn father named Liang Guodong.

Yes, it was Liang Guodong, the office director of the Yonghong factory, and then Liang Guodong, the director of the sixth branch. This old man couldn't do business, but the education of his children was the first in the entire Yonghong factory.

The eldest son Liang Xiaoping went to study abroad at public expense and received a master's degree in aerospace engineering from Princeton University.

The second daughter, Liang Xiaohong, graduated from Jingcheng University of Foreign Languages ​​and has joined the diplomatic system as a Spanish translator.

The youngest daughter Liang Xiaoqiu was admitted to Fudan University and is now in her junior year with excellent grades. It is rumored that she is likely to be admitted to study abroad at public expense.

In the 1980s and 1990s, it was great to have a college student at home. The old Liang’s family had three college students.

All of them are among the best universities in China, and there is even one of the top publicly funded international students.

In contrast, the Lao Ning family that Zhuang Jianye counts on is a bit under-read. He is also a son and two daughters, and none of them has more serious education than high school.

So after retiring, Liang Guodong was not young. He ran on Old Man Ning with anger every time. Then he went back to gather his grandchildren, vowed to train a doctor, and show him to Liang Guodong, old man. The Ning family is also a scholar!

However, no matter how you compare and run, Liang Guodong is very persistent, that is, you have to take back what you have learned to build your own country. Otherwise, the country finally cultivates you, but you go outside to help others. Don't become a white-eyed wolf?

So when he learned that Liang Xiaoping was staying abroad and was not going to come back, Liang Guodong was furious. Regardless of the expensive cost of international phone calls, he hung up Liang Xiaoping when he was okay, first persuaded, then yelled, and finally scolded, so the father and son were deadlocked It took a year and a half, and finally Father Liang threatened to die before he was forced to return Liang Xiaoping.

To be honest, Liang Xiaoping was desperate at the time. It was not that there was no suitable position in China. On the contrary, when he learned that he was going to return to China, several key domestic aerospace research institutes and dozens of large aerospace companies all told him. In addition to the olive branch, even a certain organization offered the favorable conditions for Liang Xiaoping to build a laboratory for him to lead.

However, Liang Xiaoping still didn't bother to talk about it. There was no other reason. He just felt that these conditions in the country were really incapable of accomplishment, and he could see the ceiling when he flipped his eyes.

What is the goal of spaceflight? The sea of ​​stars! What is the sea of ​​stars? Nature is boundless, boundless!

There is a ceiling, also called the sea of ​​stars?

Until he met Zhuang Jianye.

"Do you want to find out about the space exploration company?"

"What exactly did you do?"

"The short-term goal is commercial space launch, and the medium-term is to build a space-to-earth cargo transportation system, and to land on the moon and Mars in the long-term..." Zhuang Jianye smiled slightly and told Liang Xiaoping about the space exploration company Hongda’s interstellar conquest plan. .

If other people listened to this, they would definitely think that Zhuang Jianye was talking nonsense, and science fiction would not dare to write it like that, but these things attracted Liang Xiaoping.

I was even very surprised. I didn't expect that someone in China, where the overall technology was backward, was holding such a huge space exploration program, and even more so that this person was already silently paying and starting phased project implementation.

Suffocating for dreams!

Done it!

Zhuang Jianye also didn't expect that the master's degree from Princeton University was so good, and he would pull it over after a meal of dream chicken soup. He thought it would take a lot of effort, and finally he had to say to Mr. Liang: "Your son is too axis, or ask Gao Ming! "

As a result... There is no one who knows how to take the lead in the aerospace field. Liang Xiaoping suddenly arrived.

What else to say?

Roll up your sleeves and do it!

As a result, the shell-like space exploration company immediately received great investment from Ascendas Group and got on track within a short period of time. Later, the technology introduction of Long March 4 carrier rocket and supporting production Liang Xiaoping played a vital role.

If it weren't for this ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Ascendas Group would not be able to have a full set of commercial space launch service capabilities for rocket production, satellite launch, and on-orbit delivery in just a few years.

After working hard for so long, I finally took the first step to conquer the sea of ​​stars. As a result, the rockets have been assembled and the satellites and rockets have been integrated. Motorola actually said that it would postpone the launch without giving reasons. Who can feel better. ?

"Okay, I'll rush to the launch center to see if I can contact Motorola's management." Seeing that Zhuang Jianye could not tell on the phone, he got up and went to the launch center.

Of course, Huang Feng and Fang Yong knew that they couldn't get in at this time, so they took the "Suggestion" and said goodbye to Zhuang Jianye. Zhuang Jianye was not polite. They left the door in a hurry, went downstairs and drove all the way to the launch center. .

After getting out of the car and seeing Liang Xiaoping, he realized that this aerospace expert, who was a few years older than himself, had an ugly face and tremblingly handed over a new notice from Motorola.

Zhuang Jianye took a look, and his brows suddenly twisted into a knot: "There is no launch window period. We are required to postpone the launch indefinitely!"

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