Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 935: Low burst

No wonder Merlinz is like this.

For so many years, he has made a lot of money by underwriting the high-end aviation materials and satellite parts produced by Ascendas Group, but in the eyes of some giants, he has always been a gadget.

However, after Merlinz still assumes the space launch business, he is tantamount to touching the cake of domestic interest groups in the United States.

And this interest group is nothing else, it is the cake of the Space Launch Alliance composed of giants such as Lockheed, Boeing, and Northrop.

You must know that in the commercial launch market, this space launch alliance has had an absolute monopoly since the 1970s. The only one that can compete with it is the European Ariane Aerospace Company. The problem is that Europeans have to count on the United States in many ways. Otherwise, it would be a problem for their Ariane launch vehicle to take off.

As long as the U.S. is a little bit sloppy about the parameters, the European rocket launching pads will have to bombard them.

Under such circumstances, Europe cannot compete with the Americans at all, and can only barely maintain it by picking up the soup that the Americans do not want.

After the end of the Cold War, Russia rushed into the commercial space launch market. As the direct successor of the Soviet Union, Russia's space launch technology is beyond doubt.

It stands to reason that a large piece of meat can be torn off under the monopoly of the United States.

However, Russia is top-notch in other aspects. It is only economical. It is the foundation of all other economic advantages. As a result, the aerospace business that loses economic support is like sand sculptures, and it is a mess.

As a result, various failures, various explosions of fireworks, and various mistakes can be described as endless. As a result, Russia’s reputation has collapsed after only a few years after entering the space launch market, so that most people dare not come to the door, no way, no one wants to spend hundreds of millions of dollars. The satellite produced is a large firework that is pleasing to the eye.

Europe is a puppet, Russia has given itself to play, and what is left is China's commercial aerospace.

To be honest, the United States’ Space Launch Alliance really didn’t put China’s commercial space launch field in its eyes at the beginning. It felt that a backward developing country could hit the launch vehicle with a suffocated breath. What about entering the commercial aerospace field? A few bombs will let the whole world know which one is good and which one is on the street.

At the end of the 1980s, China Aerospace, which had just entered the international commercial space launch market, did make many mistakes and discomforts. However, China Aerospace has been quick to follow the foundation laid by the two bombs and one satellite in the past and the simple and hard-working style of the aerospace field over the years. Overcoming these difficulties, soon established a foothold in the national commercial space launch market.

Of course, what is more important is that China's commercial launch is too cost-effective. It is also a double star in low-Earth orbit. The US offer is 550 million U.S. dollars and does not include in-orbit debugging.

China only needs 160 million U.S. dollars, and according to customer needs, based on its three-day on-orbit commissioning service, and then delivery.

The price is one-fifth that of the United States, and the service attitude is much better than that of the Americans. The most important thing is that the success rate is not low, at least 90% or more. Although slightly worse than the United States, it is more critical than Russia. I don’t know where the parts are. It’s super unreliable and much better.

As a result, a large number of countries, regions, and organizations that are interested in launching satellites but are slightly tight on hand are also attracted because of this, and China's space launches have begun to explode since 1993.

At this time, an aerospace manufacturer of Ascendas Group announced its entry into the international commercial space launch field, and soon obtained the launch vehicle production license and the first commercial launch order.

From the perspective of the US Space Launch Alliance, good guys, China is going to build a more efficient commercial space launch industry cluster. If this is done by them, with the success rate of China’s aerospace today, low launch costs and efficient space Operational technology, the monopoly of the US Space Launch Alliance may be GG.

Is this okay?

Forget it, you, China, don't play with such high-end aerospace launches, and go back to make shirts and slippers with peace of mind? It doesn't hurt your mind, you don't have to work hard, let us leave it to our hard-working Americans!

So he came forward to coordinate the international space launch business, hoping to limit China's space launch share, and at the same time throw out an olive branch to purchase the space exploration company under the Ascendas Group.

Neither the leader of the aerospace department nor Zhuang Jianye could agree to this matter, and directly sent the US Space Launch Alliance back.

After that, the US Space Launch Alliance did not say anything. It seemed that China was allowed to develop at will, but in fact it found Merlinz, the intermediary of Ascendas Group to undertake the Motorola Iridium launch mission, and asked the professional international broker to find a way.

Merlinz is a figure calling for rain in the underground market of high-end aviation materials. He is also a guest in some small and medium-sized countries. But in the top interest group in the United States, the Space Launch Alliance, he is no different from an ant. People raise their hands. Can run him to death.

Let him find a way, dare to refuse?

Maybe the powerful department in the United States will be able to copy his house the next day, and then reveal a lot of unclean things, and spend a lifetime with bars in this life.

Therefore, Merlinz had no choice but to bite the bullet and ruin the money-making channel he had worked so hard to establish. So he worked **** the weather and prepared to rely on the powerful weather forecasting capabilities of the United States to inflict heavy losses on China’s aerospace industry, thereby hitting China’s aerospace industry. At the same time of word of mouth, it also gave myself the opportunity to retreat.

I thought that the US Meteorological Agency’s advanced technology could be foolproof, but I didn’t want to take off the group’s Thunderbolt—120 long-endurance drones are even more powerful, so I found a 50-minute window in the full charged cumulonimbus cloud. period.

That's all, the key is that Zhuang Jianye used live television to explain this fact to the world, and at the same time he strongly proved his strength.

Innocent, brave and tough.

This is the image of Zhuang Jianye on the screen. In contrast, both his Merlinz and the US Space Launch Alliance behind him are extremely low.

Of course, this is not the most important thing. What is more important is that he has deceived another giant Motorola. You must know that he told Motorola about weather problems and encouraged him to postpone the launch indefinitely, but now the live broadcast is there. Put it on, what did Motorola executives think after seeing it?

Merlinz couldn't even think about it ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ could only stand still, his expression changed and he didn't know what to do.

I don’t know how long it took. The TV screen showed a “boom~~” sound, and then I heard the narrator excitedly saying: “The Chang 4 launch vehicle carried two Motorola Iridium communication satellites into the sky... "

Only then did Merlinz woke up, and immediately realized something. He quickly picked up the phone on the ground and dialed a number: "Liszt, I can only count on you now..."


At the same time, at the West Field Satellite Launch Center, when the screen in the control hall showed that the two satellites had successfully separated from the rocket and entered the predetermined orbit, the boy immediately stuck to Zhuang Jianye’s ear and said: "Just received the Brazilian Aerospace Industry Company News, they are very interested in our Raiden-120 long endurance drone."

"Oh, really?"

Hearing this, Zhuang Jianye smiled brightly, but his smile became more kind!

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