Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 936: Brazilians just need

Seeing Zhuang Jianye smiling so happily, the boy considered it and said softly again: "However, the Brazilians seem to be more interested in our Thunderbolt-120 long-endurance technology. They came to China a few days ago to deliver the next year's ERJ-140 series. Criardo, Vice President of Embraer, who is involved in the production of regional passenger aircraft, just called me through his consultant and asked how much does it cost to introduce the full set of production technology for the Raiden-120 long-endurance drone?"

After hearing this, Zhuang Jianye was not surprised for a moment. While smiling undiminished, he congratulated each other with the staff at the launch center, and nodded: "It's easy to say, it's easy to say, everything will be easy to say when Creeldo arrives!"

With Zhuang Jianye’s approval, the boy naturally went down to inform Brazil, and Zhuang Jianye, along with Liang Xiaoping, was invited to the stage by the launch center leader to give a speech on the success of the launch.

Ascendas Group is old enough to understand the king, people are crazy in front of the camera, and naturally there is a lot of talk. After finishing speaking, the podium is removed and the signing table is replaced. Please go to the representative of Motorola and start the satellite on-orbit delivery ceremony. .

The total price is 160 million U.S. dollars. After so much effort, even Zhuang Jianye's old face was thrown out in the live broadcast, so it was natural to be safe.

As for the celebration banquet, relaxing karaoke, and a midnight snack to regain his senses... In short, Zhuang Jianye is busy from start to finish.


Compared with the busy state of Zhuang Jianye, which is located in Beijing, it has just confirmed with the domestic aviation industry group the production share allocation plan for the ERJ-140 series of regional passenger aircraft next year, as well as the domestic supply of core parts of the model Creeldo, although not as much as Zhuang Jianye. Busy, but no less excited than Zhuang Jianye, who sent satellites into space at this moment.

In this regard, the ERJ-140 series of regional airliners have indeed sold well in the past two years. Not only has it broken the Canadian Bombardier CRJ’s monopoly in the jet regional airliner market, it has also occupied a considerable market in Asia, America and Europe. Share.

As a result, the regional passenger aircraft market has changed from being a dominant one to the current duopoly.

To achieve such achievements, the behind-the-scenes assistance of Ascendas Group is indispensable. After all, the ERJ-140 series regional airliner is a mature TRJ-500 vest product, and its performance is no less than Bombardier’s CRJ-200, even in a certain In these respects, it is stronger than Bombardier's CRJ-200.

Not to mention other things, Ascendas Group has almost mastered the complete industrial chain of ERJ-140 series of regional airliners from R&D to production, and the cost can be compressed infinitely. In this regard, Canada’s Bombardier cannot keep up.

This also gives the ERJ-140 series of regional airliners an unparalleled price/performance ratio. Even if they do not fight for performance and a broad price war, the Brazilians can also push Bombardier.

Based on this, it is expected that next year Embraer will deliver 260 ERJ-140 series regional airliners. This number has greatly exceeded the production capacity of Embraer. Although the Brazilian government has invested in the construction of new aircraft production plants, it will take 3 to 3 It takes 5 years to build.

No way, at this stage, only 120 of the production capacity can be transferred to other places for production, 40 of which are arranged to be produced by Embraer's branch in Spain, and the remaining 80 are given to China.

One of the purposes of Creeldo's visit to China this time is to implement the production plan for these 80 ERJ-140 series regional airliners.

Originally, Creeldo wanted to transfer this part of the production plan to the production alliance headed by the Ascendas Group. The problem is that next year, the production alliance headed by the Ascendas Group will deliver 280 domestic ERJ-140 series regional airliners, which is faster than the Brazilian order. Even more, plus the need to deal with the supply of core spare parts for almost all ERJ-140 series regional airliners at home and abroad.

Ascendas Group's production capacity is fully occupied, and there is no energy to deal with the remaining production orders.

However, Zhuang Jianye pointed out a direction for Creeldo and asked him to find the leader of the aviation department. The industrial alliance headed by Ascendas Group is concentrated in the southwest and northwest. However, there are still many domestic aviation companies in the central, eastern, and northeast. Let's get together, digesting 80 orders shouldn't be a problem.

According to what Zhuang Jianye said, after visiting Northeast, East and other places, Credo felt that the foundation of other domestic aviation companies was pretty good, and he could forge 80 plates so that the leaders of the aviation industry could formally sign an agreement and set up A joint venture company to start production of export-oriented ERJ-140 series regional passenger aircraft.

Creedo was very comfortable with such a major event. He didn't expect that an extraordinary live broadcast of aerospace launch would surprise him by surprise.

Raiden—120 long endurance drone.

According to Zhuang Jianye, it can last 120 hours in the sky, so as to continuously detect the meteorological conditions of an area like a satellite.

This may be amazing for others, but it is a rare and rigid demand for Brazil.

We must know that Brazil is the most powerful country in Latin America. In the early years, it was very ambitious and proposed the Brazilian version of the two bombs and one star plan. Although it failed for various reasons in the end, it did not lose its foundation.

It is also in the field of aerospace. The original long-range missile program was slightly changed and it has become the other leading product VLS carrier rocket in the hands of Embraer.

If this is not the case, Embraer’s full name does not need to specifically mark the word space, because they have the ability to develop, manufacture and independently launch VLS carrier rockets.

Although the quality of the carrier is not high and it can only carry out low-Earth orbit launch missions, it is one of the few solid fuel launch vehicles in the world that can be launched quickly.

Because of this, once it was launched, it immediately attracted the attention of the international launch market.

However, attention is paid to attention, but none actually came to the door. One of the reasons is that Brazil’s own launch guarantee level is too poor, especially weather guarantee. So far, Brazilians don’t even have a weather satellite of their own, plus the Brazilian rainforest climate. ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The gust of wind and rain come just by the way, God doesn’t play cards according to common sense at all, and there is no high-altitude aircraft for long voyages.

Therefore, the launch window of Brazil's spaceflight is so unpredictable that the VLS carrier rocket failed several test launches due to weather. In this case, who would dare to call you for a satellite? What if I become a large-sized sky monkey?

Of course, it’s not that the Brazilians have never thought of getting a weather satellite to improve the success rate of the VLS launch vehicle. The problem is that Brazil does not have the development capability in this respect, while the expensive foreign satellites of the same kind can silence men and cry women. .

Take the quotation from Hughes Company of the United States. The cost of a 500 kg low-profile weather satellite can reach 350 million U.S. dollars. When coupled with the U.S. launch cost and commissioning cost, the total cost is almost 1 billion U.S. dollars.

So it's not that Brazilians don't want it, but they are scared and dare not want it.

Just when they almost gave up because of the terrible price, Zhuang Jianye suddenly took out the Raiden-120 long-endurance drone. Creeldo immediately lit up and almost shouted directly with the TV: I want, I want, I want……

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