Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 937: I can't make drawings for you

Because of this, when Creeldo got a reply from Zhuang Jianye from the consultant, he immediately packed up, got in the car and rushed to the airport, bought a flight from Zhang Fei Xingzhou, and ran directly.

As a result, he arrived at the headquarters of the Xingzhou Tengfei Group in a hurry and learned that Zhuang Jianye was still at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center and had not returned.

This is not to say that Zhuang Jianye was unwilling to come back to preside over the work. Once there were too many celebration banquets, Lao Zhuang drank all day and couldn't leave at all. Secondly, and most importantly, Zhuang Dao Wang became completely popular.

You must know that the special live TV broadcast is not only facing Merlinz and foreign aerospace experts and meteorological experts, but the general public.

What's more, where the influence of XXTV can be placed. It is hard to say overseas, it is definitely the authority among the authorities at home.

A live broadcast run by such a media can be conceivable. Therefore, Zhuang Jianye, the head of a young high-tech enterprise with an acceptable image, sharp words, and firm performance immediately generated extremely enthusiastic responses across the country.

Especially the words of Zhuang Jianye madly attacking British Sky TV reporter Elena, and the subsequent statement that "this is China" strongly swears, not only grounded, but also very relieved, and more importantly, Zhuang Jianye is not just talking. The rocket launch was a complete success, proving that Zhuang Jianye's words on the camera were completely correct.

As a result, Zhuang Jianye's wild but rigorous and grounded image immediately gained a large number of fans.

Coupled with the 120-hour battery life of the Thunderbolt-120 long-endurance drone, it broke the so-called accurate forecasts of foreign advanced meteorological satellites, and quickly restored the morale of the country that was affected by major events more than half a year ago, which in turn made Zhuang Jianye's popularity rise. To a terrible height.

As a result, the phone calls of the enthusiastic people broke the reception of Ascendas Group on the second day after the successful launch, so that Ascendas Group had no choice but to temporarily install 20 extensions before it could operate normally.

The telephone is like this, the letter need not be said, just like snowflakes, in just three days, Ascendas Group received three enthusiastic letters from the crowd, and the steady stream of letters from all over the country has increased exponentially. , So that the postal department of Sin Chew had to dedicate two trucks and three teams to deal with the matter.

That’s not to say. Some well-informed and enthusiastic people even found Zhuang Jianye’s home in Xingzhou. It was nothing more than a general visit. The key is that some young female audience thought Zhuang Jianye was single and came to agree with him, but found Zhuang Jianye. Not only did she have a wife, but she also gave birth to two babies. When she was sad, she cried so much that one was in pain.

To be so shameless, as for the shameless, he directly took Ning Xiaohui's hand and asked to share.

Ning Xiaohui pointed at the nose and scolded him, then packed up, led the child and father, and went directly to Huancheng.

Of course, before leaving, he didn't forget to call Zhuang Jianye and told him not to come back during this time.

There is no need to remind Ning Xiaohui. Zhuang Jianye is not going to go back anymore. There are too many enthusiastic people and it’s terrifying. Besides, the media is even more scary. Even interviews and interviews are fine. Some media even invited him. Go to a cultural evening and perform on stage.

Especially for the live broadcast of XXTV, I found that Zhuang Jianye is on fire, and his energy is not normal. Not only has he reserved a lot of honors and awards hosted by XXTV, but I also hope that Zhuang Jianye can board the Spring Festival Gala performance at the end of the year. This kind of talk show that mad at foreign reporters during the live broadcast, of course, you can sing a song.

Zhuang Jianye would like to say that I am actually more suitable to talk about cross talk, just lack of support...Bah~~~ Even if I can act, I can’t go.

Random Zhuang Jianye just got up at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center. No matter what, this place is a confidential unit. If you want to get in, you need to apply for a special pass. Just one can stop many people.

How did Creel know this? After waiting for two days in Sin Chew, but not seeing Zhuang Jianye coming back, Ascendas Group’s reply was a panacea: “Mr. NB is currently handling emergency business in West Field, and Mr. CD has been authorized to handle it. Internal affairs of the group."

After dealing with the Ascendas Group so much, Creeldo naturally knows that the internal management of Ascendas Group is flat, and employees do not call each other their positions, but use different names to establish a more extensive and efficient collaboration mechanism.

NB is the name of Zhuang Jianye, and CD is the name of Lin Guanghua, the senior vice president of Ascendas Group.

From the bottom of his heart, Creeldo would like to have an interview with Zhuang Jianye. After all, his purpose is not to introduce the finished product of the Raiden-120 long-endurance drone, but the complete production of this long-endurance drone. technology.

If not, he is a dignified vice president of Embraer Aerospace Industries, who is busy with so many things every day, so why ran over here, but Zhuang Jianye froze in the west field and did not return, which made Credo a little entangled. , For fear that Lin Guanghua, whose nickname is CD, could not be the master in such a major event.

But it was a pity to leave just like this, because he left China and didn’t know if he could come again in the Year of the Monkey, he could afford it, but Brazil’s VLS carrier rocket could not.

There was no way, but at the end after thinking about it, I had to meet with Lin Guanghua, even if he didn't get to the bottom.


"Hello, Mr. Lin!"

"Hello, Mr. Creeldo!"

"This is Raiden—120 long endurance drone?"

After a brief greeting, Creedo immediately set his sights on the 1:1 scale model of the Thunderbolt-120 long-endurance drone prepared by Ascendas Group. The gray eyes showed a little disbelief.

This is still a good cover by Creeldo. As for the other executives of Embraer next to him, there are more directly, and all of them are full of doubts about how it is possible.

There is no way, because the so-called Raiden-120 in front of them is actually the TY-6 large-scale UAV platform produced by Ascendas Group~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If there is any difference between the two, it is Raiden-120 Wing. The extension is longer and the winglet transition is more natural.

The rest not only has no special improvement over the TY-6 large-scale UAV platform, but it even regresses.

After all, the TY-6 large UAV platform uses a turbofan engine, while the Thunderbolt-120 uses a turboprop engine with a rear propeller.

That is to say, in terms of speed, the Raiden-120 is far inferior to the TY-6 large-scale drone platform. Seeing this, Creedo looked at Lin Guanghua in surprise and said straightforwardly: Inferior to the UAV system of the TY-6 large UAV platform, your Ascendas Group is not willing to transfer production technology? Do you think that Brazil really cannot do it?"

Lin Guanghua is also not welcome. He tugged at his wife’s ironed suit last night, stroked the metal-framed glasses, and grinned: “I’m really not talking big, TY-6 large drone platform, Embraer may It can be done with great effort, but thunderbolt—120, haha~~"

Lin Guanghua's smile became stronger, but his expression was very awkward: "Even if I give you drawings, I can't make it!"

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