Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 944: Sino-Russian cooperation

If you want to be a big brother, you have to be willing to invest.

The problem is that the Tengfei Group in the late 1980s and early 1990s was just in a critical transition period. Many important projects were tightened belts and gritted teeth.

There is no energy at all to engage in full power digital electronic control systems.

If this is another unit, it is estimated that it will be well, and after the other projects are almost done, the funds will be returned to the full power digital electronic control system.

But who is Zhuang Jianye, that is a cruel role that must go to the dark when looking for one way. What's more, he wants to fight for the position of the Ascendas collective in the field of international aeroengines. To be on the throne of the big brother, naturally every second must be determined. Time does not wait for me.

But what should I do if I have insufficient resources and energy?

It's easy to handle. Just put such a difficult task on the key models supported by the state.

The No. 10 project is the most suitable when viewed vertically. As an advanced third-generation fighter, the No. 10 project was determined to use a fly-by-wire control system from the very beginning.

For this reason, the electromechanical department of Ascendas Group has also become an important supporting manufacturer of servo motors for the No. 10 project. This is not to mention. In order to complete the coordination problem of the telex control system and the airborne electronic system of the No. 10 project, the Ascendas Group does not hesitate to use the pants. Compensation of the strong perseverance, provided 3 "Science Fiction Star" test and verification aircraft to the National Flight Test Center.

With such a large cost, the advanced combat aircraft made, without the full power digital electronic control system of the aero engine, is almost like the goddess-level beauty who is bubbling with Midea, and there are two white and tender small acne on her face. , How not perfect.

In fact it is true.

As domestically produced high-thrust military aero-engines have repeatedly bounced tickets, the installation of domestically-made engines into service on the No. 10 Project has become a miraculous small probability event.

In order to ensure that it was put into production in the late 1990s and the goal of combat capability in the early 21st century, the No. 10 project team had no choice but to use the AL-31 high-thrust military aircraft engine equipped on the Su-27.

However, the thrust of this Russian-made aero engine meets the requirements of the No. 10 project, but the engine control system is somewhat unsatisfactory.

Because it uses a set of hydraulic machinery-analog-digital aero-engine control system that was finalized by the former Soviet Union in the mid-1980s.

On the whole, it is not as complicated and anti-human as the traditional hydraulic and mechanical control system, and many electronic components have been added to simplify the control mechanism.

But as far as performance is concerned, there is still a big difference compared to the full power digital electronic control system.

This is like a mobile phone. If it is a smart phone with advanced digital electronic control system, the hydraulic machinery used by the Russians-the analog-digital aero-engine control system is like a big brick.

It can only be said to be slightly better than the traditional hydraulic mechanical control system.

This can be seen from the flight control system of the Su-27. The cool-looking Su-27 uses a digital and analog operating system, which is not a pure digital redundant fly-by-wire control system at all.

It was not that the Soviet Union did not want to use a digital fly-by-wire control system at the time, but because the control system of the AL-31 high-thrust military aero engine could not be connected to the digital control system at all, unless two sets of control components were installed in the Su-27. , One set is used to control the body, the other set is used to control the engine, but in this way the Su-27 is an elegant man, but a scum man who makes pilots crazy.

In order to maintain the flight performance of the Su-27 at a certain level and reduce the burden on the pilots, the Soviet designers had no choice but to adopt digital analog control and dock the hydraulic mechanical-digital analog control system on the engine.

At that time, the Soviet engineers thought to solve the problems of advanced heavy fighters first. As for the more advanced full-power digital electronic control system and the digital fly-by-wire control system of the whole machine, the future Su-27 deep-reliance model will be the same. Kind of make up.

After all, the newly produced Su-27 is not only an imperfect flight control system and engine control system. Almost the entire aircraft has such and other small defects. It is not a perfect aircraft.

As a result, the Soviet aeronautical engineers, who are expecting continuous improvement in the future, waited until the disintegration of the Soviet Union. These Soviet aeronautical engineers instantly became Russian aeronautical engineers. As for the planned fly-by-wire control and full-power digital electronic control system, they were completely Become a mirror image.

Under such circumstances, the AL-31 high-thrust military aero engine obtained by the No. 10 project actually faces the same dilemma as the Su-27.

I want to use a digital fly-by-wire control system, but there is no way to match the hydraulic mechanical-digital analog control system on the AL-31 high-thrust military aero engine.

Instead of using a digital fly-by-wire control system, choosing the Su-27 and making compromises based on the actual conditions of the aero engine is tantamount to abolishing martial arts for the No. 10 project.

Because this single-engine combat aircraft with aerodynamic configuration of canard wing and tailless delta wing, if there is no fly-by-wire control for blessing, the close coupling of the canard cannot be controlled at all, and it is easy to cause a stall and crash in the air.

Therefore, at that time, Zhuang Jianye raised this question not just for arrogance, but for it has strong practical significance.

The problem is that it is proposed, and the No. 10 project team has no way to solve it. For this reason, I have no experience in the development of full-power digital electronic control systems. The most important thing is the Russian-made AL-31 high-thrust military aviation. The engine is not its own.

You must know that the full power digital electronic control system is not a single electronic control box and a dozen servo devices and sensors.

Instead, it is necessary to accurately grasp the various data of the entire aero engine, operating conditions, temperature changes, speed, power, etc., and on the basis of advanced algorithms and computer control systems to achieve aviation Precise control of the engine.

Without detailed data, it means there is no foundation. How the No. 10 project team is, it is impossible to build castles in the sky.

Just when the No. 10 project team was depressed, the manufacturer of the AL-31 high-thrust military aero engine, the Russian Saturn Aero Engine Design Bureau suddenly came to the door and told the No. 10 project team bluntly that if they wanted to be equipped with full authority The customized version of the AL-31 high-thrust military aero engine of the digital electronic control system, the Russian Saturn Aero Engine Design Bureau has no shortage of technology, talents, and equipment ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The only thing missing is money.

As long as the money for the No. 10 project team is in place, the AL-31 high-thrust military aero-engine, not to mention changing the control accessories to several positions, is no problem with installing two Russian girls.

The No. 10 project team saw that the time is tight and the tasks are heavy. If it can speed up the progress through international cooperation, it would be a good way. So after a visit to the Saturn Design Bureau, it was immediately convenient for it to sign a technical cooperation framework agreement, and then All kinds of money.

But the money is the money. The No. 10 project team is not stupid. Knowing that just spending money to fish is the big head, so in the cooperation, the No. 10 project is confidential, and the AL-31 high-thrust military aviation engine is used. The software programming of the full power digital electronic control system and the integration of the full power digital electronic control system of the engine and the digital fly-by-wire control system of the No. 10 project are handed over to the technical expertise in industrial software, industrial design software, aviation flight control software, etc. Ascendas Group.

Ascendas Group has never been a loser. How could such a good opportunity be let go? So starting with the software, the operation is as fierce as a tiger, and then the core technology of the full power digital electronic control system is available! 1603355474

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