Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 945: AMX trainer attack aircraft

No way, software is based on data. In other words, if you want to embed the full power digital electronic control system into the entire system of the No. 10 project, the Russians must disclose the ownership of the AL-31 high-thrust military aircraft engine. Detailed data.

This includes, but is not limited to, the maximum and minimum temperatures in front of the turbine; the normal and limit speeds of the turbine; the peak of the fan's speed; the supply of lubricating oil for the engine bearings; the minimum supply of aviation fuel and the maximum supply of afterburner thrust ……and many more.

To describe it in an unceremonious way, that is to unplug all the Russian AL-31 high-thrust military aero-engine panties. It’s not too much to look at it. He took a scalpel and put aside his belly again. The heart, liver, spleen, stomach and kidney inside looked through and then stopped.

At first, the Russians naturally disagreed. You have to know that if this is a first-class state secret in the former Soviet Union, you will lose your head if it is revealed.

The problem is that the current Russia is no longer the Soviet Union. The Russian aero-engine manufacturer, which is in a mess of economy and almost in shock, cannot be said to be spineless, but it has to bend the five buckets of rice to fill its stomach.

So in early 1993, the state leaders visited Russia and a series of big economic and trade orders were signed. The previously tough Saturn Aero Engine Design Bureau was immediately like an idiot little lady, soft as a puddle of mud.

In addition to requiring the signing of a "strictest in history" confidentiality agreement, so as to prevent the detailed data of the AL-31 high-thrust military aeroengine from being known by a third party, the hardware production rights of the full-power digital electronic control system are firmly held in hand, and then ...And...then I went from the brawny man called Project No.

As the little horse under the eldest brother of Project No. 10, Ascendas Group simply looks down on the production rights of those hardware devices, because the full power digital electronic control system is the same as other intelligent control systems. The core is data and algorithms.

What's more, is Tengfei Group poor in hardware [无名fo]?

The United States and Europe cannot compare, but they are not inferior to Russia in terms of precision small parts and sensors, especially servo control equipment and integrated circuit boards.

One is that Ascendas Group has been relying on the introduction of the mature technology of H Company since its 23rd branch period and has been developing as one of the top precision servo device manufacturers in China.

Another Ascendas Group did not involve it, but WHZB Semiconductor, which was founded by Luan Heping, who participated in the investment, is very good at this aspect, especially the recent arrival of Asmail's 193nm deep ultraviolet lithography machine. WHZB Semiconductor is in the mid-range. While achieving initial autonomy in chips, it also surpasses Russia's electronics manufacturing plants inherited from the former Soviet Union in terms of technology.

Because of this, both Zhuang Jianye and Tengfei Group strictly followed the requirements of the confidentiality agreement and the cooperation framework agreement in their cooperation with the Russians, and did not go beyond the thunder pool at all.

He even took the initiative to delete the original detailed data of the AL-31 high-thrust military aircraft engine provided by Russia in front of the Russian agreement supervisors.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is the most exquisite and authentic thing that Ascendas Group has done for so many years.

However, behind the scenes, relying on the experience in developing algorithms and software for the AL-31 high-thrust military aeroengine, as well as participating in the data analysis and debugging of the electronic control box, servo mechanism, and sensors, Zhuang Jianye used the learned experience and results in a blink of an eye. To its own aero engine.

Servo mechanism is produced by Ascendas Group itself; sensors and electronic control boxes are handed over to Luan Heping’s WHZB semiconductor foundry. The data of the aero engine is readily available. The algorithm and software are improved by the AL-31 high-thrust military aero engine. It has been coordinated by the big players in the aviation industry in China.

With such a combination, the Russians’ confidentiality agreement doesn’t say that it’s the same as farting, but it’s not much different. What’s more important is that the Russians can’t do anything at all. The Russians use a decimal point for everything. No place.

Of course, the Russians do not suffer. The AL-31 high-thrust military aeroengine relies on China to upgrade to a full-power digital electronic control system, which is equivalent to paving the way for the next improvement of the Su-27. There is no need to make too many improvements, just By upgrading the existing Su-27 from an analog-digital control system to a complete digital fly-by-wire control system, the performance of the Su-27 will be greatly improved. Together with new materials and new avionics, the perfect Su— 27 is already ready to come out.

Because of this, the Russians turned a blind eye to Ascendas Group’s "fake public for private benefit", even outsiders. Of course, the No. 10 project team did not see it in front of it.

So under the shameless leadership of Zhuang Jianye, Ascendas Group's full-power digital electronic control system soon took root.

Of course, Lin Guanghua couldn't tell all of these past events to Creeldo and others in detail. He just wanted to reflect the independent innovation of Ascendas Group, maintain a leading angle, and brag about it in a shameless manner than Zhuang Jianye.

But this introduction still made Creeldo and others very happy.

Unexpectedly, Ascendas Group not only has long-endurance drones, 3D printing technology, and even a full-power digital electronic control system. It is almost like a big gold mine where you can find kotou gold at any time. The surprises are one after another.

I knew that, why did their Embraer and a group of people spend so many days in the capital? I should have come to Tengfei Group to explore treasures long ago.

Perhaps some time earlier, they don’t have to have so many twists and turns on another important project that will make Embraer a headache up and down.

And this project is nothing else, it is the AMX coach attack aircraft project completed by Brazil and Italy in the 1980s.

Of course, entering the mid-1990s, the cooperation between the two countries has ended, and the AMX trainer's attack aircraft naturally took completely different development paths in Brazil and Italy.

Relying on the strong European aviation industry foundation, Italy has continuously improved the AMX trainer's attack aircraft. The latest development is that Italy will use the EJ-200 turbofan engine and the French Thomson company's avionics equipment for the AMX trainer. The attack aircraft made the most subversive improvement to date.

Once completed ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the coach attack aircraft will have unparalleled performance, and will surely become a strong competitor in the field of coach attack aircraft worldwide.

As another producer of the AMX trainer attack aircraft, Embraer is in the eyes and anxious to heart. If the AMX trainer attack aircraft market is all taken away by the Italians, they What about Brazil? Do you drink northwest wind?

The problem is that there is no other way. The core of the improvement of the AMX trainer attack aircraft is weight reduction. The initial version of the AMX trainer attack aircraft uses the Spey MK807 turbofan engine produced by Rolls-Royce and the huge hydraulic machinery. The control system is obviously the biggest source of weight.

The Italians replaced them with more advanced EJ-200 engines and achieved weight reduction in the overall structure. Brazil did not have this condition, so they wanted to take a shortcut with a full-power digital electronic control system. As a result, they did not have the strength. The Brazilian's request was of little interest, so the entire AMX coach's attack aircraft improvement plan came to a dead end.

I thought this matter was going to be deadlocked for a long time, but I didn't expect to encounter the full-power digital electronic control system they all dreamed of in the Ascendas Group. Quit the excitement of Creeldo and others, they almost danced samba on the spot. 1603438858

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